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Everything posted by Dr.Feelgood

  1. I really think Tilghman could be a surprise team in the playoffs. They seem to be getting better every week.
  2. It looks like a shotgun wing t. Lots of misdirection and linemen pulling. Often they are in a pistol wing t inverted wishbone (if that makes any sense!) I think it is really neat scheme!
  3. Just thought I would say this, if you call 3rd in the state with 313 yds per game limited, then I would like to see what you call really good! I do agree that they have issues though, maybe just not in the passing game.
  4. I don't know how good the teams Henry County has played, but giving up 14 yds passing in 7 games is ridiculous!
  5. Makes me proud to be a part of the Mayfield program. Go Big Red!
  6. I think the problem with this and the other theories is logistics. There would probably be a massive amount of travel required for that type of system. I would be willing to bet that these small schools would not be able to afford that kind of expense. Heck, some of the larger schools might not be able to either.
  7. ^ I pretty much agree with you Ram. I also think if this close game did happen it might speak more to Russelville being better than people thought than Mayfield not being as strong as people thought. Also, if this is a tight game it doesn't necessarily mean Mayfield can't beat Beechwood IMO. I like your thinking on this though! :thumb:
  8. If Russelville plays Mayfield within 7 or so, does that move Mayfield down or Russelville up or neither? I asked this a couple weeks ago and never got any input. Just curious on some of your thoughts.
  9. The way I look at it, the question says this week, so I would give BW the edge. I think they are on a high right now and would play extremely confident. We are in the lull part of our schedule and might not have the fire that it would take to win. The thing is, this game will only happen deep in the playoffs where the season is on the line, and that's when the mental aspect would play a huge role. That is when I give the edge to the red helmets!
  10. My silence should tell you I've been watching football and mowing the yard today. I thought the game thread was for updates, hmmm. Once again, congrats BW. Very good win!
  11. Mine's not, this is just another big win for a 1A team this year. Pretty impressive what the top teams in the class are doing this season. Congrats BW!
  12. Hopefully the trip was beneficial for the team. Have a safe trip home!
  13. Holy crapola! Never would have guessed that. Congrats Eagles, big win.
  14. Dang dude, just posting updates. .............
  15. In my opinion it's pretty even all around. All the regions have a couple consistently great teams, a couple of consistently good teams, and a bunch of average or below teams. I don't think an argument could be made for top to bottom for any certain area of the state. When I think of NKY I think of a few really good programs, but not much after that. I'm sure when y'all think of WKY, there's the same thought. In my eyes, as a state we can say its consistently even when you say top to bottom.
  16. I guess I should've worded that a little different. We don't look at them as scrimmages at all. It's more of looking at it as 2 separate seasons. The 2nd season being the most important. Sorry if I gave off any indication otherwise! :thumb:
  17. My gut is sayin CCH, but I would love for the Beechies to pull one off for 1A! I do think it might be closer than most expect though.
  18. Mayfield does that also. Like you said of course we want to win em all, but fixing the problem spots is more important. I think it's very important to schedule tough competition in these games. If you don't, you will find yourself unprepared for a battle in the playoffs. I would also like to say that it does appear that the East is very strong this year. That half of the playoffs should be really interesting to see how it unfolds.
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