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Big sale

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Everything posted by Big sale

  1. No less than 2 weeks and 1 day ago, post after post from the "blue" sections of the internet breathlessly proclaimed that the HHS vs CCH game was without question the defacto 4A State Championship, the greatest game ever played, that the universe had undoubtedly witnessed the #1 and #2 4A teams in the state, and that CCH would be state champs if they were only on the other side of the bracket. Enjoy your crow!
  2. Points are over a 2 year period. What it does is end or limit running-clock/lopsided blowouts in all sports. It also lessens the chance that the State Tournament becomes a joke. Of course, KHSAA would have to add classes in other sports for it to work.
  3. Get smart KHSAA . . do what Indiana does . . . move teams up in class. One sheet on Indiana HS Football
  4. 2012 DATA ALL STUDENTS 9-11 (3 GRADES) 1. Mason 2,559 2. Fairfield 2,452 3. Lakota East 2,330 4. Lakota West 2,166 5. Cincinnati Oak Hills 2,087 6. Centerville 2,063 7. Mentor 2,059 8. Brunswick 2,041 9. Hamilton 2,011 10. Lorain 1,871 SAME DATA - BOYS ONLY ENROLLMENT 1. Mason (1,266) 2. Fairfield (1,229) 3. St. Xavier (1,181) 4. Lakota East (1,165) 5. St. Ignatius (1,086) 6. Oak Hills (1,068) 7. Lakota West (1,046) 8. Centerville (1,043) 9. Mentor (1,031) 10. Brunswick (1,021)
  5. And it doesn't take 5 hours to get to BG, so thanks for proving my point. Funny how people are complaining they have to drive to the state championship. Oh the problems you must have.
  6. Was this a moral victory for Lex Cath? Isn't it required to ask that after every HHS win?
  7. What a great claim to make after a quarter final loss. Stop the playoffs - we have our winner and runner-up already. Take that Collins, Lex Cath, and Owensboro. What will you say if Highlands loses next week to Lex Cath?
  8. You forgot the after steamrolled. But it's still a rivalry, right? That's the important thing.
  9. I meant across the board as in all sports combined. Take every girls' sport offered for a given school, plot where the team finished in Region and State, and find the average. Think of it like the Capital One Cup. I'm guessing ND would be at the top in NKY.
  10. "Reality is" Highlands has a system in place. From feeder programs, to the coaching staff, to community support, to their style of play, it's a system - a plan - that's sustainable and flexible depending on the available talent. You either have to beat them at their own system our come up with a better one.
  11. Rivalrys are exactly about the results. The Steelers rivalry only got going recently when Bengals got more competitive and were actually able to beat Steelers. Browns used to be Bengals' biggest rival - but Browns' being mostly terrible over the last 15 years killed that. People with no vested interest talk on here about going to see Moeller/Colerain because it will be a good game, a must see rivalry. Also talk of finding a bigger venue. I don't see anything like that happening between HHS/CCH. Anyone "neutral" planning to go to game because it's a must see rivalry?
  12. Does that seriously make any difference? Home . . away - same results for years. It doesn't appear to be lopsided, it is. I'm not saying players aren't focused and this is a playoff game so there is a lot riding on it. But for Highlands, this is just another game on the march to a State Championship. For CCH, if they win this weekend, but lose next weekend, people are dancing in the streets. If CCH beats Highlands in regular season, but doesn't qualify for playoffs, it's a successful year.
  13. Oh yea - forgot about the endless posts on the 1970's Steelers, aka the Freshman team. Grasping at anything.
  14. How would things change if Highlands loses the regular season game? They both still meet this weekend. Exactly. CCH is nowhere near Highlands level (who is?) Nothing indicates CCH will be approaching that level anytime soon. You don't have a rivalry when one team dominates year after year after year.
  15. The state of the state is all-girls Catholic schools are dominating girls sports across the board in Kentucky. The state of NKY is Notre Dame is dominating girls sports across the board.
  16. The complete history makes it sound less harsh if you are a CCH fan, but recent history is a very different reality - over the last 16 years, CCH is a paltry 3-20 in all games vs Highlands. Many point to this game as the end all be all rivalry in NKY. The truth is it's become completely lopsided and it's just another game for Highlands.
  17. KHSAA reverses again, bans handshakes, but allows fist pumps, chest bumps, selfies, and photo bombs after athletic contests.
  18. Some would say the better team won. If you can hold the other team to 0 in soccer, the worst you can do is tie. ND was one shootout loss away from a 3-peat.
  19. That's really, really bad advice. Please give an example of someone who never played club ball and got a scholarship. I would bet 1% of all the volleyball players getting scholarships yearly play only HS. It's actually the complete opposite. You need to play club but not HS to get seen by coaches. If u are a top recruit or already on someone's radar, then maybe, maybe a coach will come see you in HS. But they would have already seen you in club first.
  20. No different than AAU basketball, club soccer, travel softball, club swimming, I can go on and on.
  21. I think you have to look at the club leadership and the coaches. Stability, track record, and the players they are producing. Just playing club doesn't make you better. It has to be the right club, the right fit for your daughters' talent level and her goals, and the right fit for what u are willing to commit to. And if you are thinking about the upcoming season, you have probably missed all of the tryouts already.
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