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Big sale

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Everything posted by Big sale

  1. I would also add Frosh and JV teams to that list. I recall an Enquirer interview with Ron Dawn when he took over the NCC girls team and he said one of the biggest adjustments he had to make was how girls, after the game was over, were able to put it behind them - win or lose. He said after a tough loss, the boys would be crying their eyes out on the bus, but the girls - you couldn't tell from the bus ride home whether they had won or lost, because they were always the same. The girls played hard, they cared, and they wanted to win - but as soon as the game ended, win or lose, they let it go.
  2. Has there been a highly touted group of Freshman that have ever met "expectations" - at any school? In any sport?
  3. Yes, should have been 3 seconds or foul on #12 white. #20 and #14 both have feet firmly planted. #20 is "straight-up" on D. #14 with a clean strip of ball while #12 white shooting, #12 white hooks arm of #14 on follow through of shot, creates unfair advantage preventing #14 from getting ball. Contact does not mean a foul. It's only a foul if someone gains an advantage due to the contact.
  4. Waiting to hear from bballguy, HardWoodFan, and others how the weather and lack of practice cost Boone Co this game.
  5. Wouldn't Bellevue (1949) be the longest drought for 9?
  6. What does "best match-up" mean? And why 2 years? What happens after 2 years?
  7. SK is 3rd in the local NKY coaches poll, but you have them 4th in the state. But hey, what do the coaches know?
  8. Awfully quiet over there in southern Campbell County. 27pts with the talent they have? Huh.
  9. We're talking spring training, right? I'm up for a trip to AZ right about now. Need to hit the links.
  10. Yes, tonight is the night where it's CCH vs "the World" as they take on Cooper. Funny (or sad) that Conner and Ryle fandom won't turn out like that for their OWN teams, but will turn out in the hopes of seeing CCH lose (not Cooper win)
  11. FYI - the criteria for NOT being forced to do it is . . . Team- a)has a new head coach b)made the playoffs in one of the previous two seasons c)already appeared on the show in the last 10 years. Bears Bills Cardinals Giants Jaguars Raiders Rams Steelers
  12. Per new NFL rules passed in October by the owners, if no team volunteers to do HK, the NFL can force one of the following teams to appear, ie the team could not say no.... Bears Bills Cardinals Giants Jaguars Raiders Rams Steelers all other teams may still appear, but they cannot be forced into it.
  13. I guess it all depends on what your female athlete is looking for, but no one else offers the "total package" for female athletes like NDA. The highest combination of athletics and academics. Being the only all-female school around is a huge advantage for their teams. NDA competes across the board in every sport at a high level. There's really no "weak spot" in their line-up of girls' sports. Academics/test scores, etc are at the highest standard. Love them or hate them, you cannot deny their record in the classroom and in athletic competition - year in and year out, across all sports.
  14. Wow - 28 wins! And to do it throughout the years against a stead diet of Heritage Academy, Beechwood, Villa, Ludlow, and Dayton no less. Defeating Heritage Academy by 47 was certainly a key win on the road to the Championship.
  15. Can anyone produce a document showing that this tournament is sanctioned? The whole state seems to operate on a handshake and wink of the eye. Also, who's keeping the All-A profits (if there are any)
  16. Good questions, especially for the public schools. Early dismissals, late starts, etc. to attend a non-sanctioned event? This could be viewed as no different than a Club Soccer, AAU Hoops, or travel softball tournament. I imagine the Private schools have more leeway and flexibility.
  17. A win is happiness. Why does everyone assume athletes are miserable playing just 1 sport? Like somehow that's not letting them be kids? Every kid I know that focuses on 1 sport does it because they love it, they can't get enough of it, and they don't miss the other sports at all. Specialization is a good thing for that 60% majority of kids.
  18. Completely disagree. Choosing 1 sport is not BS at all. Think of it like a bell curve - at the top - 20% are exceptional athletes who are great no matter what they play, so no need to specialize. At the bottom - 20% will never be exceptional, so might as well play multiple sports and have fun. But in the middle stands 60% of kids - with the potential to become exceptional in 1 sport if they focus and play just that sport. They are not part of the top gifted 20% so they are going to have to work for it. For them, it's better to excel at one thing, than to be average at many. Check every HS in NKY and you will find examples of this being a win for the athlete.
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