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Big sale

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Everything posted by Big sale

  1. If you have a girl who is a good athlete, why wouldn't you send her to NDA? In Volleyball or any sport? Can any other school honestly say their girls' teams are their top priority. I didn't say unimportant, or unequal, I said top priority. From the weight room to scheduling court or field time, there's no boys' teams to compete with. While most schools are hoping to make it to the Regional Final in Volleyball, NDA is in the State picture every year. And the same with a bunch of other sports. Want proof? Look at the Kentucky Enquirer Fall All-Stars from this past Sunday and count all the NDA players from all the sports. NDA's quality of education is beyond question. There may be 1 or 2 more "Academic" schools than NDA in NKY, but not at the same athletic level. Kind of the best of both worlds if you are a good female student-athlete. If you are an impact volleyball player, you can roll the dice somewhere else, or go for the sure thing at NDA and be surrounded by players who are equal or better than you. If you are just looking to play Volleyball in High School, you have many options.
  2. The roads are always fine, it's the drivers who aren't
  3. Even LeBron James lost a State Championship. It can happen. He also won it 3 other times, so there's that.
  4. Yes. Highlands High School. Natrona Heights. Pittsburgh. Home of the RAMS! Here we go STEELERS... here we GO!
  5. Tell me again why I don't like the latest poll? I always enjoy reading posts from anonymous strangers about what I like and don't like.
  6. Add Villa to that list too. I'm sure SG is pulling up middle schoolers for Varsity as usual.
  7. Your right . . . I don't like it when posters misspell "neither". Villa should totally be on this list, but then again, the fact that Silver Grove is even listed cheapens the entire process.
  8. Between Twitter and the internet u can get every score instantly. If you're looking for the "teams whole story", I wonder if the parent of a player posting on BGP is the best source, it will inherently be biased, proven by the often differing opinions and accounts from the same game.
  9. Does it have a front door, windows, closed on Sunday, and supported by my taxes? Sure sounds like every other school.
  10. The thread is titled "Is the girls game dying? Where are the posters?" I don't think the OP was referring to game attendance, but to BGP. As far as BGP, it's the same 7 people posting about the same 4 schools in both this and the softball thread over and over and over. Dying isn't the right description, but maybe stale is? It was suggested that we should post in here more to get the girls the recognition they deserve. To what end? Do the girls need motivation from BGP posters to play? The line between promoting and bragging is tricky - maybe there's a silent BGP majority that's comfortable just reading.
  11. How about sending out an email and posting on the web site - just like every other new coach hire at a High School.
  12. So if NCC beats Brossart, who's the best team in the county? Everyone would be 1-1 vs each other. A chance for Mustangs to be top dog coming up.
  13. NCC is just better. Better players. Better team. Inside, outside, anyway HHS wants to play it, NCC will have an answer. NCC will dictate how the game is played, not HHS.
  14. Game still not sold out as of now - Kroger bought tickets, but not all of them. Other companies ponied up, or will.
  15. If all that is true, and you want change, then someone is gonna have to name names. Seems like most "in the know" know who it is anyway. And exactly how does 1 family control a public school for 25 years? I could see that happening at a private school where money is changing hands, but a public one? I will say there is nothing on this earth that surprises me anymore when it comes the extremes parents will go to because they believe dear little precious isn't getting enough playing time.
  16. And while NCC is playing 1A schools, HHS is playing Elder and state champs from Florida.
  17. NCC will be 1A again soon. Whether it's an official "feeder school" or not, all Catholic grade schools are shrinking fast.
  18. You are touting a 3-2 record over a 1A team that on paper you should clearly beat every year? And over the last 23 years, Beechwood has 10 titles and NCC has 4, so please, you continue.
  19. With 6 classes, other places can make that claim. Trinity and St.X aren't exactly chumps. And Beechwood is more like 15 minutes from Highlands in good traffic, and it's not in Campbell County, but yes, they are still close.
  20. Oh I see . . . We lost too, but your loss is worse because, well, we are good at basketball and you are not.
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