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Big sale

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Everything posted by Big sale

  1. and I don't see anyone else in the 10th beating either of them. Hello rematch.
  2. I think ND is already doing that with NCC being the glaring omission. KHSAA site shows ND played.. St. Henry Ryle Cooper Simon Kenton Campbell County Beechwood That's easily the top 6 teams in NKY - minus NCC. Plus ND played some Ohio schools as well. NCC not on there sticks out, which makes me think somebody out there doesn't want this to happen. I know as of a few years ago, they were no longer scrimmaging each other - don't know if that's still true today. It may be as simple as school size - ND doesn't need to be playing any more small schools than it has to. Or maybe NCC doesn't want to play another big school. ???
  3. Looks like these 2 haven't played each other in the regular season in years. Did something happen? Is there a grudge? NCC is a small school, but they both are usually 2 of the top volleyball programs in NKY each year. One would think they could find it in their schedule to play each other and drop some of the weaker teams on the schedule that they both beat easily.
  4. I saw some info here. NDA Pandas Volleyball Home Page
  5. Any interest in tonight's District match ups? Boone Co, Highlands, NCC, Campbell Co, Brossart, Cooper, Conner, and Ryle all playing tonight.
  6. I've seen this strategy in other sports. Kids who aren't good enough to start/play at school A go to school B for a chance to start/play. Problem is, they still aren't better players than kids at school A. I don't know how you build a winning program that way.
  7. NCC called timeout leading 34-0, with the ball, with :30 before halftime?? Did that actually happen?
  8. I understand all that - but Scott still has 2 losses to them. It's not like those losses didn't count, they still played volleyball - even though it wasn't the official district game. Should be a battle. I think Camels take it.
  9. Scott 1-2 vs CC with only win going the distance to 5 sets. I would think CC could make a case for top seed. But, Scott does have some nice wins too - SK and Beechwood come to mind. But here's the thing - Scott's schedule got really soft it's last 7 games - Ludlow, Calvary, and Silver Grove for example vs CC playing ND, Cooper, Beechwood, and Ryle all in a row. Sure CC lost all 4, but who's better prepared come tourney time? Records can fool you.
  10. I guess they must have, but Camp Co has a better District record than Scott if that matters.
  11. Case for always having seeded Districts - Bross/Camp Co play each other first round, loser out. Both should have faced off for District title and both would have contended for Regional title. Whoever wins showdown will likely be Region 10 winner, too bad it's coming this early.
  12. So it's the fault of the sport and out of the coaches' hands? And your post game speech to the team that lost would be "well, you chose to play a dumb sport with stupid rules, and this is what happens".
  13. Those 2 statements would appear to be in conflict with each other. In soccer 1 goal is like a TD in football. 18-0 in soccer is like winning a football game 126-0. Nobody would allow that to happen in a football game, and it shouldn't' have happened here.
  14. RIP sportsmanship. I'm sure Sacred Heart did "everything they could" to avoid running up the score...
  15. Mercy is actually 29-1. They lost to Assumption.
  16. The current government is not worth having either, but I still get a vote!
  17. I saw on ND volleyball website district schedule is already posted.
  18. Seriously? was this game really worth having a "who will win poll" ? Brossart is in way over their heads on this one and everyone knows it. Nobody is going to put up 100, nobody is getting the plague. Play the game, run the clock, go home.
  19. I was referring to the depth of the NCC/Highlands rivalry, that regardless of the records, those 2 schools savor each win against each other. I don't know what ND has to do with that, or this thread.
  20. And yet you keep quoting numbers. The NFL wants sustained winning and someone who has a high potential ceiling, not someone who can't throw the ball and "won" for half a year on a team that excelled at rushing. You keep saying that. He also LOST a playoff game the very next week.
  21. Orton went 10-5 with the Bears in '05 (better than TT's 8-8) and his team went to the playoffs. He was then ousted as a starter. I would say that's a like thing. He is 9-7 lifetime as a starter including playoffs. Not exactly Tom Brady like numbers, or even Rex Grossman, who is 25-22 as a starter lifetime, or Matt Hasselbeck who is 80-72 lifetime. I'm still waiting for those so many TT defenders out there to show me, to prove to me, why he deserves to be a starting QB, why he deserves another shot, and not one of these other journeyman QB's. Show me the evidence and track record. What are you basing your overwhelming love affair on?
  22. I don't get it either. It's always "give him a chance" "he's a winner" "he's a gamer". Where is the same outcry for Kyle Orton, Ryan Fitzpatrick, or Brady Quinn, all at least who are still in the NFL? Chris Leak lead the Florida Gators to the BCS national championship in 2007. He's a gamer... He's a winner. And he's also not in the NFL. It happens, get over it.
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