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Everything posted by ESPNdeux

  1. Just a guess, I would say both's enrollment to be around 200...
  2. Personally I don't care how he got here, just that he's here now and he's already blossoming into a stud! :thumb: Shaq didn't have a game offensively at all, but seems like he's doing a ton defensive wise and hustle wise.... Won a big time momentum 50/50 I believe with about 5 minutes to go, and has been using his length and athleticism to contest a ton of shots. Between Shaq, Ellis, and Gary Clark, that's a solid line of rim protectors. Not even counting Deberry, who isn't the most athletic in the world but I sure wouldn't want to run into that wall on a drive to the hole.
  3. While I understand your point and agree, one would have to think there would be a certain number of byes in the first round for top seeds.
  4. Gary Clark should touch the ball on nearly every possession. Play of the game was him dribbling out of the post double team and finding Cobb on the skip for wide open 3. Dagger. Ball game.
  5. Beginning of the 4th they turned it over a few times unnecessarily. Last couple minutes got okay looks. Just didn't get any to fall.
  6. How bout 3 games? Futures, derby, all star.
  7. I took this to mean the cheapest ticket was $700... $350 for everything you get ain't bad at all for getting you in the door.
  8. Why are there 12 players on the D3 team with only 5 teams? Why are there 14 on the d2?
  9. Um... Doesn't Ludlow lose their best player also?
  10. It's a fair question. There are regulations apparently on when the band is allowed to play in a football contest.
  11. I would agree with that. The Riley kid is a solid player.
  12. I've had multiple relatives in the military, overseas, in wars, but I never sat down and talked about it until my good buddy came back about a year ago... Sitting around a fire one night in the summer as everyone else slowly left for home or turned in for the night and it came up about some of the fiercest and quite honestly scariest experiences he had in his time overseas... I don't want to get into it because it's not my story to tell, but when someone you've known your whole life says "... and that's when I thought I was going to die right there..." it puts things in perspective for you. Anyways, to get back on topic, we got to talking about this, and he said something similar. He doesn't like when people tell him thank you. He respects it. But doesn't want it really. I asked why and he said, paraphrasing, ".... don't thank me. I came home. I knew some number of guys that didn't come home. I did my job and got to come back here. Save the thanks for those guys that didn't come home."
  13. Final. In what appears to be the only game in the state last night, the Lightning came out on top. Career high points and rebounds for sophomore Will Martin (17/14) and 8th grader Ben Zalla also hit double digits with 12. Kid has a bright future. Lightning will go for win #10 against SG. Double digits would be a great accomplishment for a team that has no seniors and one junior.
  14. In your eyes they are different. From where I'm sitting, advantage gained by moving without dribbling. Same thing. Unfortunate, maybe. But there's a lot of calls where players have good intentions and it doesn't turn out the right way. But if you didn't listen before, you probably aren't going to. I guess.
  15. Why not? There was an advantage gained. It's called all the time when a player on the floor that got on the ground first slides his butt or rolls because he was trying to get the ball away from defenders trying to tie him up. Doesn't mean it wasn't great hustle, but that's the rules of the game.
  16. Many cases where a player gets on the floor for a loose ball and doesn't slide across the floor.
  17. Come on man... I have no problem with the fact that you take up for the official first because judging by your vast knowledge of the rulebook, you probably are/were one and it's human nature to take up for your kind. But to say that you don't give the benefit of the doubt to the official, well, that's quite honestly simply not true. Again, not that I blame you, but it's not. If you don't know which side is the officials side, you get kinda wishy washy on it. Look at my question on the block/charge/falling early incident. It was 'probably'/'i'd have to see it' until Sandman fully answered the question. Let me be clear in that I applaud you on your willingness to respond to questions like these and value your responses as I can see you have an understanding of the rule book from your many post. That was part of why I posted the questions in this thread to begin with. But you do give the officials the benefit of the doubt. Nothing wrong with that. Most people understand it. Just own it.
  18. Pardon me for momentarily doubting your knowledge. Very simple. I would say that just like in 95% of other cases, movement without dribbling is a travel. Slide on the floor with the ball should be ruled a travel. No different that rolling, standing, going to/from a knee, etc. Consistency.
  19. To make that distinction to be quite honest, is crazy. So again, if that's the case, it's a bad rule.
  20. What's the difference in sliding and scooting? Whether the momentum comes from a fall or if they were already stationary on the ground?
  21. It's about as ridiculous as the fact that a player lying on the floor can essentially 'scoot' themselves if they so please without it being a travel. I'm not saying Clyde is wrong on the rule. I'm saying that if that's the case, it's a bad rule. We need to use some common sense here...
  22. Thank you. For being a pretty straightforward call, this one is called incorrectly too much.
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