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Everything posted by ESPNdeux

  1. I guess my question was more... Is "he was falling early" a reasonable explanation for a call being a block rather than charge
  2. How is that any different than a player rolling with possession of the ball
  3. If true, I don't understand this... Movement without dribbling = travel
  4. If a defender is falling early and thus the contact is minimal (to the lower body/legs)... Block/Charge?
  5. Kid dives on the floor, possesses the ball, continues to slide an addition 3-4 feet before passing the ball. Legal?
  6. And to add to the conversation, personally, I feel like a common call that gets missed is a dragged pivot foot/shuffling of the feet. Especially in two places: 1. When a player is trapped/about to get trapped on the perimeter 2. When a post player is doubled and/or making a post move.
  7. This. There is far too much inconsistency with the euro.
  8. To be quite honest, this isn't good.... This is why some other states have quarter limits. Which I'm not advocating. I'm really just advocating that kids shouldn't play that many games in a day.
  9. Did Kuntz not play for SG? Don't see him in the box score. He does a lot for them.
  10. Why are you getting so offensive Jack? These are mostly legitimate questions when HHS loses to a small school like Bellevue.
  11. The Trains really hurt Villa when they sped up the tempo. Miller is quite a shot blocker in the middle for them as well.
  12. What directory? Silver Groves seating is certainly more convenient... Majority of St Pats seats are behind the one endline.
  13. And I'll go ahead and throw it out there for the 10th. I have not been to all of the 10th region gyms, but I would guess that St. Patricks has to be the smallest don't they?
  14. In the 9th, I don't know the capacity, but it would have to be Heritage Academy... they recently did an expansion that got them from 2 row of bleachers to 5 rows of bleachers!
  15. If I'm counting right, that's at least 18 freshman that can obviously play... That's kinda a shame, because I'm going to go ahead and guess CCH won't keep 18 kids from one class.
  16. They built them that big because the biggest gym held their sectional tournaments! So it was always a race to the biggest gym!
  17. Just throwing this out there, but shouldn't the kid from Boyle County be on this list? I mean he's going D1 right?...
  18. I'm sorry, but if you give the coach no credit for wins and all blame for losses, you lose credibility with me. Just my opinion. You may have some points to what you are saying, but you lose credibility and become bias when you make that statement. Sorry.
  19. So far, I've not commented, just read. But c'mon man. You just said that when they won (last year regional upset) it was because they kids played great. Coaching had nothing to do with it. But when they lost (the many games you've mentioned this year) it's been all about the coaching, none about the kids.
  20. What it sounds like he's saying is that the tournament should not be based on the 'smallest 125 schools' but rather an arbitrary number of male enrollment. Everyone knows that when it was first started it was meant for the truly small schools to see who was the best of the small schools. Because they were all comparable in enrollment size and therefore all competitive, etc. Now it's become something where the money is more important. If not, why do they have to stay at 125 schools? Pick a male enrollment number... Say 150. All schools with a male enrollment of that or less should be eligible for the tournament. If you have to 're-region' to make it work geographically, then do it just for this tournament. But is a school with two hundred and twenty some odd boys (NCC, in this instance) really a small school comparative to a school with sixty or seventy boys? (Villa, in this instance). It's just not in the spirit of what the tournament was created for. But this is probably all debate for another thread... Congrats to NC. They are big and can really shoot it. Congrats to Villa for fighting to the end.
  21. My guess would be because HC was initially scheduled to play at Bellevue when they are hosting games on their site.
  22. Call me crazy, but I think going to UA will help a lot with recruiting
  23. To build on that...Reineke... Pouncey...
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