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Everything posted by TTS_JF

  1. It's ridiculous and the bird will do this at the front door forever and then move around back. I read online about hanging up cd's or tin plates also heard to hang up wind chimes.
  2. I'm having a problem with birds on my front deck that are constantly flying up and down my glass sliding doors. I bought a fake owl that makes noise but they've gotten used to it and are still around making a mess on my deck. Any Ideas the rubber snake thing might work but its a large deck with 2 big sliding doors?
  3. This week; I've put it off as long as I can. The tall spots are starting to out number the short ones.
  4. If the price is right maybe; if he wants big money move on
  5. While I dont watch this normally; I saw the immunity challenge last night and that was a doozy
  6. Thats awesome. Can you imagine the thought process that went thru his head before doing this. It's a slow Wednesday think I'll run my delorean up to 90 and hang my junk out the window.
  7. Kenny Rogers thats good. I thought he looked bad as well, but all those 45 second romps in an italian restaraunt can't be good for ya.
  8. I constantly wear hats. I have on a Tarheels fitted hat right now backwards. My favorite is either an older Reds hate that was black now kinda gray or brown or a Cal Golden Bears hate that just fits perfect. Theres nothing worse than putting on a hat that doesnt fit right.
  9. Thats a good idea colonels. We had a theme song picked out for each person in the wedding party and played it as we introduced them similar to a starting lineup or walk up music at the Reds games.
  10. who do you got in the game tonite? line i saw was -4 and o/u 138
  11. Behanan is an explosive player, but I think he needs to develop more on the offensive end. He can get to the rim and dunk, but he needs to work on a jump shot. Dieng has good size, but I dont see him being a good pro player. I've watched alot of L'villes games this season and it seems as someone is constantly going right around him. I think this might be the best move for Archie, with the weak draft class and recruits coming in next season.
  12. Dieng maybe scoring a basket could help L'ville. Ticky tack fouls could spell trouble for L'ville, but I see them pulling it out. One other thought I feel like Burke does a whole lot of work on the offensive end and alot of times his team is standing and watching.
  13. Thats pretty cool, hate to be without Grippo's
  14. I've never used the mobile site, but will probably have to look into it as off track in Maysville is closing up toward the end of the year.
  15. Going to play for the first time this week; Feel sorry for whoever is playing with me and behind me. That being said I love the game.
  16. Pimping first graders and selling pixie stix at a 15% markup.
  17. Good question. I think Rose/Bench is a toss-up
  18. No date has been set, but I thought he had mentioned mid-May.
  19. Russ will do fine at the next level, his speed and athleticism will get him paid.
  20. Wonder if she posted on another message board about a strange guy checking her out in the gym parking lot... j/k Sounds like abuse to me.
  21. Always have to leave Benjamins and turn in early that night; or go back to the room and nap then go out.
  22. Matt Kemp Mike Trout Bryce Harper Aroldis Chapman Oil Can Boyd
  23. Hard to watch for sure; Gordon is much like Blake Griffin.
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