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Everything posted by justsayin

  1. That's why I was pulling for Venezuela. Mex-Arg would have been epic.
  2. ... that goal by Corona .... smh amazing
  3. Each of the "skillet" items are outstanding. Bb is a hidden gem.
  4. Cmon people. Give it a rest. RCC has been privy to EVERY conversation ever made, is in the know with everyone, is an expert on everything (just ask him!), knows what every kid and every parent is up to (except, of course, why Ms Martin chose HHS), has never been wrong (again, just ask him), and if he told us so, we should believe it!!! When are you going to learn?!! Got it?! And the Emporer isn't wearing any clothes. Okay? justsayin
  5. Totally agree. I've always said, whoever came up with the term "Terrible 2's" never met a 3-year-old.
  6. Thats a great photo! You can see a lot of personality there. Congratulations!!
  7. CF for Scott made two outstanding catches deep in the right field gap to save at least two runs. Both were made when the score was 4-1, keeping the Eagles in the game. Impressive speed and glove.
  8. I could be wrong, but I believe 2-3 of the eleven runs were earned. Both teams kicked it around a few times.
  9. Embs was not the losing pitcher. He entered with two on and no out, issued an international BB, and induced a bases-loaded grounder to third. The winning run beat the throw to the plate. Gebauer was the pitcher of record, tho victimized by a bad hop and an untimely error.
  10. I've always said that UK has the resources to be a top-20 football school. The athletic department revenue is top-25 nationally; the facilities are on par with any school in the SEC; the fan support would be through the roof if they had sustained success. However, it continues to be a Sisyphean task. A few years back (Stoops' first year?), they had a top-20 recruiting class....but it was ninth in the conference. The only argument I've ever heard that holds water is "it's difficult to recruit at the northernmost school in a southern conference". If they ever truly competed for a conference championship, it would be epic.
  11. Can anyone share details about the Ryle runner who went down? I'm getting conflicting stories, but it sounds like the male athlete collapsed during the 4x800, but later returned to win the 1600. If so, nothing short of miraculous. I understand if there are privacy issues. But if there is public information about what really happened, I would love to hear. Thanks.
  12. I totally love and support the program. However, I find it disingenuous to say "there isn't a known problem". Kids are smoking dope at EVERY high school. Have been since the '60s. And the amount of "other" drug use (including alcohol) is probably higher than most suspect. I guess folks can argue the severity of the "problem". 1%? 5%? 20%? It doesn't really matter. There are zero legal "drugs", and none are good for a developing adolescent, regardless of how "recreational". Bravo to Mr Rowe.
  13. Julia said it best during Final Tribal, noting that Michele “just got to slide through without strategizing” for more than half the game, and was nothing more than a number in the votes. She didn't go to Tribal Council until day 22. It it seems that every season there is a player (usually female..not trying to be sexist..just factual) that slides to the final, and then jury members, bitter at the player(s) who ousted them, reward the person that is left. Every season I yell at the jury "get over it..you were outplayed!". Aubry played the best game..should have won. JMO
  14. Bugliosi debunks every major conspiracy theory (and a few minor ones to boot). As stated, definitive.
  15. Please read "Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy", by Vincent Bugliosi, and you will never consider anyone but Lee Harvey Oswald. It is definitive. Long and detailed, but definitive. I found it fascinating.
  16. Never been a Pink Floyd fan, but love Wish You Were Here
  17. Not sure if anyone caught the first 15 minutes of Steve Gorman Sports! yesterday, but it was fantastic. He waxed poetic about the artistic greatness of Prince, and what an impact Prince had on him as a budding musician. As a professional musician, he said he has seen thousands of shows, but there was one performance by Prince, and then the rest. He was in Minneapolis in '94 for the NBA All Star game, and word had spread that Prince was playing a show at Paisley Park. He and three others scored some tix and took a limo to PP at midnight. There were NBA past and present all-star players there (he mentioned Isaiah, Magic, Clifford Robinson, Dominique Wilkins, among many), and a 1am "fashion show". Prince came on stage at 2am and played every instrument in the band (including drums) for two hours, Gorman front and center six feet from Prince. When the show was over, they waited in the valet line for 45 minutes, when they heard music coming from the soundstage. They go back in, and Prince is on stage with six women, 3 on each side, singing acapella gospel hymns, just for themselves. They hung around another hour listening to them sing. He gets back to his hotel at 6:30am as the sun is coming up, eyes wide open from a magical evening of music.
  18. Ok... not gonna lie ... that was pretty special.
  19. Talk about dichotomy..English Premier League teams are sponsored by legal gambling operations (Stoke City, Sunderland).
  20. I like Lee, but Dakari was so much better. Johnson is what was missing this year..a back to the basket scorer.
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