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Everything posted by hoops5

  1. This was my first HC book. Hooked ever since.
  2. Not trying to thread jack....but this is something that has been bothering me. If you are a middle school ref, you need to understand some stuff. 1. If an 8th grade player is struggling to tie his shoe, it is not your place to say, "You are 14 years old. Why can't you tie your shoe?" 2. The act of tying shoes is a fine motor skill that not all children/students master. 3. AND--There are students who are high functioning, yet on the spectrum who have no other outward signs. 4. The tying of shoes, while others are impatiently waiting, is stressful enough without a ref making comments. 5. And a coach jumping in to tie the shoes sets the child up for more embarrassment. 5. Coaches/parents can try to prepare with double knots and velcro, etc. But no guarantees. 6. Bottom line: Just be nice. Don't judge. Find a way to encourage a kid, instead of putting him/her down. Check yourself at the door. Be the adult. BE THE DIFFERENCE.
  3. Love all of the above. Also enjoy figure skating.
  4. We are big fans. Our household gathers around the TV when Beetle is playing.
  5. Congrats to the Cru! St Henry was up 22-10 at the half. NDA fought back and got within 3. St Henry kept working and pulled ahead. Chisholm, Ives, and Benson played well. But it really was a fantastic team effort with some great contributions by Cline, Evans, Kosco, Beetem, Rice, and Handorf. And the student section contributed their enthusiasm as well. Fun team to watch!
  6. Happy Belated, TB&G! Just an overall fantastic person. Your students and coworkers are lucky to have you.
  7. Negative teachers are the worst. They should do their students a favor and find a different line of work.
  8. Regarding workplace complainers.... My momma always said, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”
  9. Update thread. http://bluegrasspreps.com/ky-boys-basketball/cooper-vs-boone-361066.html
  10. Snow days never get old! UK classes also cancelled. My daughter had a big med school exam today. She is so happy for the extra day to study.
  11. It's a beautiful Winter Wonderland outside in NKY.
  12. I'm jealous! Last year's trip was our best family vacation ever! Even though it was crowded, everyone was happy, most of the time. Part of what made it great was that my kids' age range is 9-22, so I also got to truly enjoy the experience as well. It's fun when they are little, but still pretty awesome when they are older.
  13. No doubt! I love the pictures, and the explanations.
  14. It is funny. Couple thoughts on this.... 1. Why would you wear a toupee if your job involves so much physical activity and physical contact? 2. I feel bad for the guy. He had a mishap...and now the whole world knows, and it will never go away.
  15. Funny! (Small private K-12 school that opened just a few years ago.)
  16. That was a great ride. We were there last Christmas, so glad we fit in that attraction.
  17. Congrats to Cooper! Looks like it was a good game and a nice showing by the Rebels!
  18. I also don't know yet what my goals are. I want to move more and eat healthier.
  19. I love the glow of the lights! Enjoy it for as long as you can. I’m going to do the same.
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