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Everything posted by hoops5

  1. No potties in the Starbucks? That's why I don't "GO" there!
  2. I don’t think it was foul play. I also think the poor kid did not have a lot of breaths left to be able to give vivid descriptions about the car and the location.
  3. Wife and mother of a president. What a legacy.
  4. @plantmanky—-something that I see occur daily in high school parking lots is that at the end of the school day, in schools where cell phones are verboten, students go to their cars, sit inside, and get on their phones. I have witnessed students bring their backpack to their car, then sit inside their car for a bit, texting or whatever, then grab their gear and go to their sports practice. So perhaps this young man was already in his minivan retrieving other items, then just turned around inside the van, and walked to the back of the van to grab the stuff in the cargo area. Who really knows, @plantmanky? And why is that relevant?
  5. He was not able to reach his phone. He used the voice activated Siri.
  6. When Plush became trapped, he voice-activated the Siri function of his iPhone, which was out of his reach, to make two 911 calls asking for help, predicting his death and expressing love for his mother. :cry:
  7. The lower latch secures the rear bench seat to the floor of the car -- but if the seat is not locked down into place, it can roll backward into the rear well of the minivan.
  8. The teenager died while trying to retrieve tennis equipment from the 2004 Odyssey's rear. Parked at Seven Hills for tennis practice, he put a knee on the third-row bench seat and reached over the bench seat into the rear well. The bench seat then flipped backward. The force of that motion and the weight of the seat trapped him upside down, head in the rear well and legs in the air against the minivan’s rear door.
  9. This story is haunting. As a parent, how do you move on, knowing your child suffered alone after trying to get help?
  10. They can pretty much play hockey year round outside in Duluth, donchaknow. Spittin’ distance from Canada, ya dere hey.
  11. @Wireman, thanks for sharing. And I believe that Negan's murder of Glenn and the other guy--Abram (?) was really the beginning of the end for me. There are no positive or hopeful moments anymore. It is now 100% gloom and doom with no bright spots.
  12. First Bolded: The egomaniacs were already there before facebook. FB just gives them a platform to feed their need.
  13. Snow shovels>garden shovels
  14. That makes sense. I was a huge fan of SNL at that time. Rarely missed it. Would see these grunge bands perform on the show. Did not see the talent at all. But if tone and voice were not important in the performance, then it makes sense why I did not understand the talent.
  15. The word 'grunge' just sounds depressing, IMO.
  16. I started this thread, because my premise is different from singing at a sporting event. As far as I know, this is the first time we have discussed the Pledge of Allegiance that happens at most schools, every day around the country. As a high school teacher, I am interested in other people’s opinions. I am very appreciative of the sharing by all, especially my fellow BGP teachers, both active and retired.
  17. That is awesome. If it is an understood classroom procedure, and students choose to not stand because of there beliefs, are they breaking said procedure?
  18. Taking a class that focuses on classroom management. Clearly identified classroom procedures is key. Is Standing for the Pledge part of the classroom procedure?
  19. It’s an all school assembly, and a group of students take a knee during the Pledge. Just ignore?
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