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Everything posted by TRENCHMASTER

  1. I think you always have to prepare for the future while at the same time putting your best team on the field. CC should use there JV to develope their up and coming kids and have their coaching staff spend a little more time developing the tactical and fundamental skills of the younger players. You play now and for the future.
  2. coaches are scape goats so many times. Players have some responsibility too.
  3. Good win for Knox. Looks like they continue to go the direction Coach Mills was leading them.
  4. I am going with the BJ's in a tightly contested game 21-14.
  5. I agree with you. He has time to grow. His hieght does not bother me look at Darin Sproles and others. His wieght will have to come up and not sure if that would affect his speed I don't think it would. He reminds of a Warrick Dunn type. UK or U of L should give the kid a serious look. Plus I hear he is a good humble kid.
  6. Lol. I believe you. I hope is size doesn't keep major programs from taking a serious look at him. What do you think? I am not sure his size but I have heard he anywhere between 155-165 5'6'', maybe even smaller. Do you know his size for sure. I guess I could look it up on KHSAA.
  7. Huh? NL needs to man up and stop feasting on medicore teams from lower classes. Rock needs to do the same thing if they are doing what you say they are. Stop being scared to play teams equal to you. "I will ask you to answer this" how good has McCreary ever been. You crack me up ref "Come play the little old Rock and see what happens to you" Really? c'mon get some thicker skin.
  8. Your right. I think Coach Lucas has done a fantastic job. He has not lost a regular season game there has he? Good luck to you guys hope you take state I really do. I won't predict it though
  9. Calm down ref I can't wait for the WC game. Again congratulations on preparing for district play by feasting on two 1a schools and two 3A schools. You guys won't make the playoffs. Nice hard win against an undermanned team. NL are real beasts. Good luck against Russell. You guys won't catch Britt. RC 55-22.
  10. Yeah he his. We just to work on a few things. We knew the first half of the schedule would be a tall order. Looks like Bell has not missed a beat with Coach Mills. Hope you guys win state!
  11. Nick Britt bandwagon? I have been on it since he was a freshman L:) Absolutley incredible speed and vision. He is small but tough and durable. we played him a few weeks ago and I can't tell you how impressive he is.
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