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Everything posted by kystraydog

  1. Congrats to Belfry. They say to be the best you have to beat the best. Russell tried tonight but it more like David and Goliath. You truly deserve this win and good luck in the playoffs. Make Eastern KY proud.
  2. Isnt Boo Williams an uncle or some type of relative to Trey? Wasn't it Boo that shattered the glass at Greenup back in the 80's? Give Trey time. :dancingpa
  3. I say Russell by only 7. I think this game will be won in the 4th quarter, but then again I have been wrong alot this year.
  4. I was at the Russell game and I know alot of friends of mine left after halftime to drive down to watch the end of the Raceland game. This area of Ky is starting to make me proud once more. Raceland is dominating...Ashland is pounding....Russell is back running on all cylinders. Great job Russell for the win last night. (oh and Boyd,Fairview, and Greenup are doing great also....just ran out of funny quips)
  5. When I heared the fireworks go off last night I knew something good had happened. Great Job Greenup.
  6. It is cancer awareness night at Russell tonight. If you happen to attend the game wear pink if possible. Hopefully there will be a sea of pink in the stands. Russell has even painted the "R" midfield pink for this night and will be honoring Ivans wife.
  7. Congrats to Ashland.....Way to bounce back...I hope I will be saying the same thing to Russell next week.
  8. Maybe it should split into 2 schools....."the two Musketeers" and "South Shore High"....Just kidding
  9. I think coach Fraley will do a great job at Greenup County no matter what came into play in the schools decision to hire him as the new head coach but I think the school system at Greenup as a whole needs to stand behind the coaches decisions and not let politics interfere.
  10. I thought it was a good play. I have seen them put worse on. I especially hate it when they have the top 10 plays and 5 of them are hockey plays. I get it...you slapped the puck and it went in....Yippeee! (it sounded more bitter in my head) haha
  11. Just a funny story I wanted to share. For some of you old timers Russell Red Devils and Fort Thomas use to play a few games back in the 70's. My family and I stopped at a gas station to get directions to the stadium. I remember my dad asking "Which way to the stadium?" and the old man looked at him and said "sir...just listen for the cannon boom and head that direction". haha It was a good game....I was young...dont know who won...I was in the top of the stands and the cold wind was cutting right thru me. All I wanted to do is go home. haha
  12. As stated above someplace "South Shore vs rest of the county issues". I also believe it is an issue at Greenup County. Not a major issue but still an issue. (whew...thats alot of issues) It always has been since the early 80's. I think Greenup will do good this year then hit the floor running in 2 years. Greenup has alot of young talent coming up from Trey williams(who can score from anywhere) The Justice boy and 2 freshmen who should see a lil playing time Dustin Linthicum and Tanner Willis(back from Raceland). I see these young kids playing alot of tournament play in their careers. Left a couple other kids out only because I dont remember their names off hand.
  13. My grandpa plyed on the 1930,31,and 1932 teams and used to tell me countless tales of how Ashland dominted everyone they played.
  14. I think the Newspaper had it pretty good but then again....it's hard to go by the first week. Not much to compare to.
  15. I know sometimes McGlone will grind out the clock when ahead but other times he will use the rest of the game as a practice. Trying plays and testing recievers. I did see alot of clean jersey in also.
  16. When I was a sophmore in school I had to listen to a certain song before every football game. By the time I was a senior I was sick of the song but had to listen to it still before every game. Felt it threw things off balance if I didn't.
  17. Didn't hear anything about the game other than the score but to get down on yourself for letting Raceland beat you is silly in my book. A..AA...AAA...etc Doesnt matter in Racelands eyes and thats how it should be. Throw all the classes out the window and just play good hard football. Raceland has a good team and they are gonna let you know it no matter what class you are in. Congrats to Raceland and for the Tomcats...hold your head up and go hard next friday.
  18. Way to go Russell. Awesome crowd for this game also on both sides. I think when the community comes out and watches games like this...everybody wins. Kudos for all the great food also. Greenup grilled hamburgers and the cooks looked like they were working very hard.
  19. I think Russell will start off slow. Never seen a Russel 1st game without alot of cramping. I think the Red Devils will put Greenup away in the second half. I say Russell by 10. Ivan would never run up a scored even if he could.
  20. Not to disrespect Ashland, but I say Raceland by 2 TD's.
  21. My wife is a teacher in the school system and that is what she has heard. She said it was a new state law, but I couldnt find anything about it when I googled it. I cannot see how they can police a thing like that.
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