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Everything posted by broadcaster240

  1. I thought this was an excellent article about the firing of Coach Gillespie...and a little of his background for those of you who haven't followed his story. Kudos to Chris Jung for his thoughts expressed in the Kentucky New Era (Hopkinsville.) COLUMN: How do we measure success of high school coaches? | Web | Kentucky New Era
  2. If one of you guys has a whole britches leg full of money, go for it. I'm sure Mr. Bridgeman would be tickled pink.
  3. This one has been available at Amazon for about $40. I just now looked it up and prices are over $200. Not sure what that's all about.
  4. Jeff Bridgeman's "Kentucky High School Basketball Encyclopedia."
  5. For years, the media around press row all had a vote for the all-tournament team. Turned in the ballots at halftime of the championship game. Not sure who votes or when the "turning in" deadline is now. The "so many players from each team...depending on when they are eliminated"...is relatively new. It looked like: one player from each losing team through the first two rounds. Two players from each semi-final loser. Three from the runner-up. And ____ from the champion.
  6. Whew! Boiler Up! Thankful, for the coach's sake, that Purdue didn't lose. The criticism he would have gotten for leaving his star player on the bench for so long in the second half would have been merciless.
  7. When we were broadcasting, we were always told, "You will know when we know." In other words, when they walk out of the locker room onto the floor at game time.
  8. The KHSAA website says "Lamont" Taylor was coach at Fleming in 2015 and 2016. This year the coach's name is listed as "Matthew" Taylor. Same guy? If so, what name does he go by? If not, are they related?
  9. Good stuff HB; thanks for posting. Glad you have something really enjoyable to concentrate on...all the while mourning the passing of your sister. May God bless you lots!
  10. KHSAA website lists him as coach "Richard" Butcher. Does he go by that...or Dick? On another note...from the 25th District...how times have changed. Central was 13-16 this year and Shawnee 1-25. 'Twas a time when putting both Shawnee and Central in the same region seemed almost criminal...let alone the same district. Madisonville played them home-and-home in the 1970's--what a treat to broadcast. Don Parson's team would usually give them a battle...and come up on the short end of the stick. But what a treat.
  11. Have ridden since I was 16, but have never liked touring. Just go here and there...and to work occasionally. Have averaged about 1,000 miles a year over the life of my 1983 Honda NightHawk 550.
  12. You've got to think things will at least get more interesting. 7 of the 8 first-round games decided by double figures 5. Ugh. A broadcaster's nightmare.
  13. Just now got an interesting email from Curtis Crye, an incredible historian from Eastern Kentucky. His query: "Would you know who was the youngest guy to coach in the Kentucky high school basketball tournament. Phil Pratt coached Knott County Central in 1980. He was 24 years, 8 months, 3 week and 2 days. Just 7 years out of high school." My answer to him included: "During World War II...when so many coaches, principals and even players went into the military...some high school players were designated as "coaches" during the season. There was a school in Webster County that had a student play, coach and "play in the band at halftime" according to the Madisonville sportswriter at the time. Unfortunately, I didn't write down which school nor the name of the "all-around" student." Can anybody beat Phil Pratt's "record" during peace time?
  14. I still see Hardy at the State Tournament every year. When we were all broadcasting, he and Dale frequently sat near us on press row. Being from the other end of the state, we never heard them on-the-air, but enjoyed their company at the Sweet 16. Good guys. Is Dale still living?
  15. If my memory is any good (or even close,) out entire school of 12 grades was 600. And the big boy school had 2,700 in the upper four grades.
  16. Thanks for starting this thread, Smalls. Went to a tiny high school in the same "district" with one of the largest and most powerful basketball schools in that state. The opening tournaments frequently had 7-10 teams and we always were tickled to death when we could win a single game before bowing out. Probably one of the reasons I'm a Cubs fan...always cheering for the underdog.
  17. I was curious myself, so I Googled it. wy·vern /ˈwīvərn/ noun a winged two-legged dragon with a barbed tail.
  18. Central had all its players. Their coach told me before the game that the teams had been nearly tied at half-time of both regular season games...and that Dawson's guards could shoot the lights out. It seemed the Panthers could do no wrong, and Hopkins County Central could just not get untracked. Interestingly, the Storm's head coach...Lee James...played high school ball at Dawson Springs. The last time Dawson Springs won a game in the district tournament was, indeed, twenty years ago when they beat Madisonville on a last second shot...and were winners in (what was) a three-team district. Now they will play the Maroons again for the title.
  19. So thankful I don't have a job where antagonizing people is how you are deemed "successful."
  20. "Odie" A Western Kentucky boy from Farmington (Graves County.) I couldn't find how many years he played high school ball, but his senior year was the only time the school had a winning record (15-13) and made the region tournament (losing a first round game to Paducah Tilghman) while he was in high school. That is a neat story; thanks for posting Frank!
  21. During that time period: District titles: Taylor County 18 Campbellsville 13 Adair County 8 Marion County 7 5th Region titles: Taylor County 6 Adair County 3 Marion County 3 Campbellsville 1
  22. Just came across an interesting side note: I believe the 20th is the longest current running district without a change in make-up. In 1970-71 Marion County was formed...to join Campbellsville, Taylor County and Adair County. One would think that should make for some great rivalries.
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