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Jack of all Trades

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Everything posted by Jack of all Trades

  1. Blue Colonels won 7th grade game. 8th grade rolled over Twenhofel
  2. That really did not answer the question of who and how was it determined this was a record?
  3. Guess you and I are different. Not the first time I have questioned personnel choices and will not be the last.
  4. Not to diminish the accomplishment, but I am curious how this was determined. Honestly did not know Highlands football program kept these kind of statistics. I actually got a phone call last night asking if it was my son’s record that was broken and I honestly did not have an answer. A quick check of KHSAA website does show a season of 11, but honestly had no clue. Anyways congrats to Davis Burleigh and may he keep adding to the total over the next 6 weeks.
  5. So the kid that carried them last week got a total of 4 carries? I will have further comments later.
  6. I just watched this over and over. Play on kickoff is exactly why the rules have been changed over the years. Launch without question and in my opinion in the back. Second play is questionable as well on a crack back block which has also been relived from the game. No flexing and I repeat no flexing. Hit was with forearms mainly and force of block carried him over defender. Looked like he was not trying to fall directly on him after knocking him down. Second hit was not nearly as violent as first. Kid in first hit also knew it was questionable as he immediately threw his hands up like most due when they know it is a borderline hit.
  7. This game should be more than competitive. If Highlands shows up hungry they win imo. If hangover from last week they can get beat. Cooper seems to be a team that might be a year away, but 8 or 9 games makes frosh qb that much more experienced. Good luck to both teams and hopefully each come out healthy with the playoffs right around the corner.
  8. Nothing to do with depth. Didn’t meet league restrictions. Kids playing qb have been solid. From all accounts Lorenzen is just a good football player and will only get better. Plenty of other kids on this team that are very good football players and if they stick with it and accept coaching the future is bright.
  9. Make it stop!!!!!! Highlands beats CovCath for first time since 2015 and this is what we get?
  10. Well I attended this slobberknocker and saw a lot of good and definitely some things that need work. Number 1 thing for me was the heart, attitude and hustle shown by the kids last night. That has been missing for several years and was nice to see. Keep working boys, this is just one game and next week is just as important if not more. Noon as I have said all year is special and he showed out big time. Kudos to Burleigh on kickoffs last night, well placed in corner and helped stifle the return game as well. Seems special teams are starting to become special again. Hosea is my number 1 back before and after the game. Runs hard and with a purpose, okay gaining 4 rather than trying to hit a home run on every carry. O and D lines, kudos to the guys for bringing it last night. Well done. Lastly, the defense for bringing the wood, really like the way Robinson and Dunn carry themselves on the field, they are the leaders. Now for work, still not keen on the play calling. Some nice plays called and some leave you scratching your head. Benke is a big kid and needs to be coached up to stand tall in the pocket and deliver the pass. Confidence is a big thing for a QB at any level and I think this would help in that process. I like many am concerned about cornerback play. Cushion was way too much on the late CCH touchdown drive. Now on to the most important game of the year. Keep working, hustling and believing and good things will come your way.
  11. Agree 100% except for a few things. Let’s not forget Abner, Dierig, Cottingham, Spritzky, Barth, Beagle and Herrmann. Nastiest group to ever walk on the field IMO. Took points, first downs and yards gained personally like I have never seen since. Skip Hicks was mastermind of the defense and Bill Herrmann just let guys play.
  12. Nobody has mentioned the 1982 Birds. Now that team might have been the best defense ever at Highlands.
  13. I have not seen CovCath at all this year. Highlands offensive line can hold up imo. Defensive line, not so sure. Question for defense to me is if you are willing to gamble a little and create pressure. Charlie Noon will be the most dynamic player on the field and if Birds can get him enough touches it good be a good night. Without question Highlands has a good chance to win this game but to me the biggest question of all is the offensive coordinator.
  14. East Carter Bryan Station Lou Holy Cross Bracken County St. Xavier
  15. No need to get to 60 unless JV guys do it. Use game to work on things and once comfortable get some other guys in the game.
  16. Hopkinsville Perry County Central Scott County Bowling Green Trinity
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