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My predictions:


Best Actor: Mickey Rourke - The Wrestler


Best Actress: Kate Winslet - The Reader


Best Supporting Actor - Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight


Best Supporting Actress - Marisa Tomei - The Wrestler


Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire

Who's watching?


I've missed maybe two Oscar nights since 1962.


I'd like to see Benjamin Button win, but Slumdog Millionaire will probably take home the big prize.

Slumdog is very good. I believe it deserves to win. Though the lead actor should have at least got a nomination as well.
Slumdog is very good. I believe it deserves to win. Though the lead actor should have at least got a nomination as well.

I haven't seen it, but the buzz it has created means I soon will.


If anyone is on the bluegrasspreps facebook group I'm keeping a running commentary on the Oscars on my profile. Its kind of tounge in cheek but should be pretty entertaining. I'm on the roll call page if you haven't added me as a friend.


It will be interesting to see what happens if Heath Ledger win for Best Supporting Actor. His 3 year old daughter will be the owner of the Oscar when she becomes 18. I just wonder if she will be on stage with the person who accepts the Oscar for Ledger.

I just got out of a meeting. I heard that Ben Stiller made fun of Joquain Phoneix lol.


Did Heath Ledger win the Supporting actor award?


Yes, and his mother, father, and sister accepted the award for him. It was very emotional. It seemed like everyone they showed was in tears.


Oh, and yes Ben Stiller did, and it was hilarious! :lol:. He nailed it!

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