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Church Meals

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Believe it or not there's a lady in my Baptist Church that takes a Pork Loin, cooks it up and then crock pots it with Jack Daniel's BBQ sauce. :banana:



We don't believe in drinking mind you, but it's okay as a sauce. :walk:

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Believe it or not there's a lady in my Baptist Church that takes a Pork Loin, cooks it up and then crock pots it with Jack Daniel's BBQ sauce. :banana:



We don't believe in drinking mind you, but it's okay as a sauce. :walk:

So in your church, its ok to hit the sauce. :lol:

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The sickest I ever felt was a few hours after eating several chicken salad sandwiches at a church picnic in early June, quite a few years back. The next day was the last day of school. My best friend had to pick up my perfect attendance award because I was home with dysentery.


I guess I haven't answered the question, but I know my least favorite thing at a church meal, and have known for nearly 40 years.

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The sickest I ever felt was a few hours after eating several chicken salad sandwiches at a church picnic in early June, quite a few years back. The next day was the last day of school. My best friend had to pick up my perfect attendance award because I was home with dysentery.


I guess I haven't answered the question, but I know my least favorite thing at a church meal, and have known for nearly 40 years.



Hot Day, mayonase, church = receipe for yucky! :eek:

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Fried Chicken


Soup Beans (this one is risky and not reccommended for one of those all day events where you eat and then go back into the church for services)

Corn Bread

Potato Salad


Mashed Potatos


And best of all, the deserts. :ylsuper:

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