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HoopJunkie last won the day on June 14 2021

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  1. It’s a shame any coach has to work in those conditions.
  2. Yesterday it was 2.99 in Owensboro. 2 hours down the road in Louisville, it was 3.69
  3. We watched this when it first came out. Incredibly sick dude.
  4. “You mean I’m not getting the job that I applied for? Fine. I don’t want the job I applied for!! I’m taking myself out of contention.” -Probably how it went 🤣
  5. I would still take Hooker over him, but nobody is asking me. I do think they’ll both go in the first 10 picks of the 2nd. Barring trades, Titans, Raiders, Seahawks, Rams, and Saints are all there. 2nd round is a lot less risk. Shorter contract, way less money. And for the player, a lot less pressure.
  6. Does he just keep a suitcase full of clothes in his trunk?
  7. I don’t know if he applied or not. But generally, a coach of his level doesn’t apply. They have the conversation, and then once the job is offered, they apply so the Ts are crossed.
  8. I’m not so sure he’s never been selected. Bardstown has been great to him, and for him. Some pretty credible people told me that turned down Male before Haworth got it.
  9. He’s been the assistant HC at IUS the last 2 seasons.
  10. And apparently there’s mutual interest. Pitino is about legacy. Imagine if he can make St Johns relevant. I’d say this is locked up in the next week after Iona is finished with the tourney.
  11. The difference was, they actually threw the ball down the field then. Not like now where a QB might complete 20 balls for 170 yards. Couch was an absolutely elite athlete. The state of Kentucky had Chris Redman, and then a year later, Tim Couch. Mid 90s we’re a fun time.
  12. Actually, it’s doesn’t. And they can’t work that angle even if they want to. They’re stuck. Andrew Brandt was on McAfee yesterday talking about it. He said the contract reads like it was written by Watson’s agent. They have to pay him fully the first years, regardless of he plays or not. They can then void the last two. But the damage is done. No morals clause. No safety net. They traded their draft assets. The Browns will always figure out a way to be the Browns…
  13. Am I the only one that thinks it’s odd they recorded the phone call? There’s definitely going to be more gossip juice to this story.
  14. Has a real chance now to go from a top 50 player, to top 25, and a burger boy.
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