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Everything posted by eccheer

  1. CONGRATS KELSEY!!! You're maintaining the Ferguson tradition!! :ylsuper: :banana: :thumb:
  2. Who were the other members of the all tourny team?
  3. Elliott will have played 4 games in 4 days before this one so I'll go with a 20 point win!
  4. I COMPLETELY AGREE but . . . I wanted to stay "on topic" . . . didn't want this shut down!:eek:
  5. Glad to see that your son doesn't appear to have any effects from the incident last week!! :ylsuper:
  6. Thanks Wireman . . . it was nice meeting you, your wife and beautiful kids!! Hope you'll get to come to a few more games in about a month!!:ylsuper:
  7. CONGRATS FERG!!! Your jersey should be retired after this year and remain encased in the gym to inspire future ball players in Elliott County. :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa
  8. I just got home from the game (Richmond to Sandy Hook is about a 2 hr drive) and I wanted to congratulate SV on a hard fought win today. I hope they win it all!! EC: live by the 3 . . . die by the 3. They just weren't dropping. It happens! We're still proud of our boys and will support and defend them until the last game of the season is played. Several people came up to various EC individuals in support of us (not to mention the tourny promoters that LOVED the numbers of tickets they sold to the EC fans :thumb:) EC came out in the first half looking kinda sluggish, but showed their heart and motivation in the 2nd half. Many times in the first half, I thought their hands must have had butter on them with the number of loose balls. That just isn't their normal ball handling. :idunno: Any team can win/lose on any given day . . . this was just ours. I can garantee you that they will take this lose and turn it on during Districts/Regionals/ (and if they make it) Rupp. Whomever plays against us will know that they've played one of the top teams in the state. Elliott has a limited bench. We've all know that for the last 4 years. We've got what we've got and that's who we play on the court. CONGRATS SV . . . GOOD LUCK IN THE FINALS!
  9. We do that too but rumor has it that utilizing those extra minutes is no longer accepted.
  10. It seems that every school system across the state misses at least a couple of days each year due to illnesses (flu) so when bad weather hits (and yes it has been awful this year and we aren't through winter yet), school systems have numerous days off each year. I know around here, school starts earlier each year (we used to start around Aug 20th, then it was Aug 15th, and this year was around the first part of Aug) and appears to remain in school until the end of May/beginning of June. If summer breaks have been shortened to two months each year, I find it hard to believe that school systems are not "building in" additional time in anticipation of illness and/or weather related closings. Therefore, everyone is doing all that they can do to institute preventive measures within their schedules. A state of emergency has been declared in the state of Kentucky! Business have closed down, it has been recommended that individuals not travel unless it is an emergency. If the situation/roads are that dangerous (AND THEY ARE) then school systems should receive the same consideration! The state should impliment the calamity plan and the school systems should accept them!
  11. I figured that you'd lost power!! Glad to hear you and yours are OK. Our power went out at 3am this morning so dd and I made a hasty retreat to town to stay warm.
  12. Lost power at 3am! DD and I have relocated to stay warm and connected to the outside world!!:thumb:
  13. The schedules have changed again!! No boys game for Elliott tomorrow. It's been moved to Friday with Semis and finals girls and boys all on Sunday!
  14. Colleges don't cancel classes very often but they have become much more cautious since the fatal accident occurred a couple of years ago at MSU.
  15. They probably just want to see what the weathers really going to do before they make that decision since people would be missing an entire week for an evening class. More than likely . . . it'll be cancelled too!!
  16. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
  17. That should be just about enough time to send notifications to everyone before you're left in the dark. I'm starting to think there are several posters that are in this same boat because they haven't been on since this morning.
  18. Dear husband . . . darling husband . . . dumb husband . . . whichever you choose!!!! j/k :sssh: Same goes for dd (dear/darling daughter) and ds (dear son)!!:thumb:
  19. My dh left at 5am this morning and got home about 6:30 this evening. He said the trip home was MUCH WORSE than his trip into work this morning. He said that they slid twice on I64 between Ashland and Grayson. The second time, they almost went over the hill!!:scared:
  20. OMG . . . the snowplow just came down the road for the first time!!:jump: I might be able to get my taxes filed today afterall!!
  21. I've not seen a single vehicle coming down Rt 7. DD and I will just stay home . . . snug as a bug in a rug!! Just hope the electric doesn't go out!:eek:
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