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Everything posted by eccheer

  1. CONGRATS ELLIOTT!!! You made it a clean sweep tonight!! We'll be at EKU cheerin you on!!!! :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa
  2. must have been the pancakes, eggs . . . or it could have been the syrup!!!:ylsuper: Physician heal thyself!!
  3. Whoever gets to me first LOVES me . . . I buy LOTS!! My favs are the peanut butter patties and thin mints, but I've got to buy the peanut butter sandwiches for dh and the caramel delights for dd!!:clap:
  4. You can take the girl out of cheerleading but you can't that the cheerleading out of the girl!!!:jump:
  5. Keep us posted!! I hope your thanking your parents for sneaking the food in! I have never regretted my decision. I didn't realize I felt so badly until those germs didn't have a port to ride out the antibiotic storm !!:ylsuper:
  6. I must have grown up just as the transition was happening. I was 20 years old (summer before my senior year in college) when I had my tonsils out. I'd had a HORRIBLE spring semester with tonsilitis, 2 viral throat infections and strep throat. I was PROUD of the 1.4 I got that semester let me tell ya!!!! After that, I had a convo with my doc about surgery and he tried every way possible to convince me not to do it. After surgery, my doctor told me that I had quarter sized holes in the back of each tonsil!!!! But anyway . . . after I got my tonsils out it was AMAZING how much better I felt. Needless to say . . . the following spring, this same doctor was calling me (at college) asking me to have a conversation with my younger brother as his tonsils were as bad as mine! I hope things are going well for you. Hold your ground!! Doctors can only advise you but ultimately your medical care is your decision. Only you know how you feel! :ylsuper: Was the applesause good?? :thumb:
  7. I would be there no later than 5:30 anyway. Since Elliott girls and boys are both playing, we should have an entire side of the court with Bath and Rose Hill sharing the other side. The Menifee County gym is smaller than Elliott's and by gametime there's not a seat left on our side.
  8. I knew you were . . . just giving you a hard time since it really didn't indicate a specific statement.:thumb:
  9. Hey Duck . . . I think your prediction on this game will end your streak/curse!
  10. I'm always thrilled to see young people do well in their chosen sport, but we're talking about THIS YEAR. Next year will be a different topic and team as will all teams in the region. As individuals graduate, there are others that will be maturing and able to step into those leadership roles for any team.
  11. Elliott LOVES the run and gun type of play, but I believe they've also shown that they are just as lethal in a slower pace game because that just gives them more opportunities to steal the ball and make a run for the basket.
  12. If anything the attendance at Elliott County games has increased.:ylsuper: Even at regular season away games!! I can remember 2 years ago (and even last year) probably 1/3 of the people now traveling with those Lions were in attendance then. It was nothing to walk into an away game close to tip off and find plenty of seating available but now it's a whole different story. If you don't arrive a couple of hours ahead of time, the seating becomes an issue.
  13. Congrats WC. I look for another game in the district finals.
  14. I believe East Carter is hosting this year for our district tourny.
  15. Maybe they're bulking up at the prospect of playing Elliott!!
  16. I agree!! Chris was a powerhouse last night! I believe that most teams double up on one of the other 4 but seem to forget that Chris is a threat (both offensively and defensively) as well. He put up the shots and scored on numerous occasions last night and played the "D" with the fierceness of a true lion!! Another one that requires mention is Jarrod Flannery! He's truly developed into a strong player this year. He came off the bench throughout the game and was able to score, steal and defend the Elliott position on the court. GREAT GAME BOYS!!!! :ylsuper:
  17. LOVE IT!!!!!! The marathans are the BEST!!!!!:ylsuper:
  18. Congrats to the Royals . . . we'll see you on Friday!!!!!:banana:
  19. CONGRATS TO THE LIONS!!!! These boys get out there and play! See everyone on Friday!!! :popcorn: :clap: :popcorn: :clap: :popcorn:
  20. Does it give an address in Lexington? I'm there quite often and would LOVE to find it!!
  21. Elliott County's got T. Knipp, C. Nichols in the soph. class who are doing well now, but I also believe that J. Ison (also a soph) will be factor as he gains experience and confidence in the next year or two.
  22. Thanks for posting this but . . . as many have said before . . . rankings are subjective. Personally I wait to see who makes it to Rupp and who leaves early.
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