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All In

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Everything posted by All In

  1. Just a word of advice to fans coming to the ALL A, make sure you keep your speed at 55 on the Double A entering Campbell County. They've made enough money off writing speeding tickets to more than cover free parking for a lifetime in all of the school systems for all events,lol.
  2. Does anyone know more about the altercation between both teams towards the end of the game? The local paper said things got really ugly
  3. A couple of observations: Did anyone else think Daryl and Beth were about to start making out? Thought there was a definite vibe there. Wasn't impressed with Gimple on Talking Dead, I guess we will see what he's got as the season moves forward.
  4. I trust you and The Professor only when it comes to any and everything about 14th Region Basketball, keep posting updates,transfer information and anything related to the 14th as soon as you hear things, enjoy your guys posts greatly, thanks
  5. This was the best series finale ever, have had my doubts about Gilligan over the last few weeks and have said as much here, but what a way to end what has to be one the best 5 series in the history of TV. Wish anyone that hasn't seen this series here at BGP would give it a chance, what a show
  6. I can't see Rapaport doing redneck, hasn't he always played the rapper, New York street type in movies and TV?
  7. This is must see TV, one of the best 90 minutes you will spend. I could watch documentaries like this every night. Very emotional.
  8. Last night's episode was as bad as the previous one was good. I hate movies and or tv shows that add on stupid villians like the Nazi's or whatever you want to call Jack and that bunch. Here's hoping the finale is better, I still think Gilligan has gotten in a little over his head after this last episode, we will see
  9. Has Nicholas lost any starters to Bourbon County? Had heard some things
  10. You could add Joe Flacco to the "I don't get it", but they eventually get their teams where they need to be and then usually always perform well in the playoffs. Would almost bet with all of the "I don't get it " QB's winning Super Bowls, Matt Schaub will win it this year
  11. MC Farmer you have heard all the things I have except heard Cameron Jones was going to Augusta, With Officer O'Neal now the Police Chief of Augusta, does he have any kids that would be taking their talents to Augusta?
  12. I guess I'm in the minority here but thought last night's shoot out ending was laughable, the tension was perfect in those final 10 minutes or so, except for that shoot-out. My thinking at the time when Gomey, Hank and Jesse show up was that a sniper from the gang or whatever was going to take out Gomey first by head shot, then Hank by same way, leaving Jesse and Walt together, fade to black. Now that would have had people talking. Right now this show seems to be taking on a CBS feel in look and every way instead of AMC, it doesn't even look like it did in its earlier days. And Walt Jr. is getting on my last nerve, he's acting more and more like Arnie Grape every episode this season. Gilligan has 3 episodes to make this classic, am giving him the benefit of the doubt
  13. I just have a bad feeling that Gilligan doesn't know how to end a series, if nothing but talk happens tonight, we have our answer. Walt Jr. and the wives have got to go
  14. Have heard they have lost 2+, but don't know for sure. Several on here would surely know
  15. THROW the ball BC, you have a 6'5 QB, throw the ball to your running backs, your tight ends,your wide receivers, your water boys. Run a Hal Mumme offense. Sounds like they did in the second half. Spread that field for every inch sideline to sideline
  16. The Bracken County News will publish a special Monday edition
  17. Bears defense and surprising offense gets the victory by the same score as the Ludlow game last week
  18. I thought that was AC/DC, lock up daughter,lock up your wife, cause he's TNT. Happy BD RP, didn't you just have one of these like a year or so ago?
  19. Thank you CWB, subs are COLD, plus Penn Station has those fries. Chips only.
  20. That's laughable about Jimmy John's, you must get a discount there. Subway is disgusting, but forgive me for liking my cheese to be orange, but Quizno's is the only one I've eaten at that uses cheddar cheese, therefore making it number 1.
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