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All In

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Everything posted by All In

  1. Did Nicholas lose a transfer to Bourbon? If it is who I heard he is still on their roster at KHSAA.
  2. Didn't a Jones kid from Mason County transfer to West Jess or was it East Jess?
  3. Always good to schedule Paris and Bourbon County early in the season
  4. Seasons 1-5 will be arriving from Amazon by drone tomorrow, paid 9.99 for each season,Black Friday special
  5. If this show doesn't take out 2-3 main characters tonight and have some shocks it needs to fire this years show runner. As Sons of Anarchy, Game of Thrones,Breaking Bad,etc. have shown over the past season's you have got to take out main characters no matter how popular for the shock value. Walking Dead(Merle) and Justified(Mags) are two shows that have dipped over the past year or so because of their lack of shock. I say everyone goes tonight except Rick and Daryl and Shane comes back,lol
  6. I always thought he had an awful agent because thought he was a way better actor than just doing those stupid Fast and Furious movies. With his looks and talent thought he could have done many more movies of all genres or been cast in an HBO series,etc. Untapped potential lost.
  7. It's still football season, college basketball like Nascar, doesn't matter till the end. Who's on a run.
  8. Now that's more like it, I would be able to see my breath if my house was 62 degrees when the wind chill is 5-10 outside
  9. I thought Greenhill and the Mason kid had transferred, know Johnson, but have never heard of Caudill or Williams. Are they just playing now because the football players have yet to practice or will they be contributing minutes this season?
  10. Do these 4 play for Mason County? Have never heard these names from last years team?
  11. Since my heating doesn't use a normal electric thermostat, does that mean that your house temp is 62 degrees when it is in the teens outside? Seems awfully cold to sleep in. Anything below freezing and I have to have the house at 70 degrees at least, maybe I need a hell of lot more insulation,lol
  12. Have never cared for 9th region teams and they are slipping more and more every year into the 10th's schedules, wish the 10th and 16th would hook up more, as those are the two I follow along with the 14th, love the history and rivalry's down there.
  13. Does anyone heat with gas anymore? I have a Fujitsu heating/air unit, but have my gas floor furnace in case of power outages during the winter. I would assume people with all electric have a generator just in case. My aunt stayed with me the year we had the ice outage because she refuses to invest in a generator. A lot of people stayed in hotels around here that year for a few days
  14. Am out of the college basketball loop until football is over, but wasn't Chase Behanan suspended for the first semester or something along those lines?
  15. Have always been told people that raise and lower their thermostat constantly have higher bills, put it on one temp in the winter and leave it, one temp in the summer and leave it
  16. I'll stick with my Bunn, cannot imagine anyone settling for one small cup of coffee in the morning or anytime for that matter. I want a quick large pot to fill the thermos up with and out the door
  17. A friend of mine said seasons 2 and 4 were heads and shoulders above the rest, he actually listed Season 1 as the weakest.
  18. How would you rate the season's from best to worst? This is the question should have asked, forget that I will ever get caught up or know what really is going on from this season moving forward
  19. In all of you guys opinions what are the best 2 seasons of SOA, not including this season. I obviously don't have near the time to get caught up watching the previous 5 seasons, what 1 or 2 should I spend my time on?
  20. Can someone update me over the past season's as to why Clay was so hated by Jax, Gemma,etc.? Have just stated watching again this season, had thought Clay was a good guy in Season 1. Thanks
  21. McPapa, if work allows am going to try and make the Bourbon County game next week, how's the parking? any recommendations? Is it best to park a good distance away and walk? Thanks
  22. Per the Ledger Independent Online, a Powell County player tackled a Mason County player into and beyond the sidelines into a fence on the Mason County sideline,probably accounting for the 30ish Mason County players because it was their sideline. Evidently very little or no Mason County fans presently reside on BGP because they have not commented. Sumo, where are you at when we need you?
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