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All In

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Everything posted by All In

  1. I am familiar with those directions, but was just assuming the South ramp there was closed as well. Someone told me to take 471 North and find 275 that way, is that a bad option? Trust me, what ever is the easiest is best for me, not familiar when have to go off the beaten path:thumb:
  2. Always park in Bellevue and shuttle to Reds games, then hit 471 South to go home(Northern Ky.), have been told that t 471 South ramp is closed from Newport so what is the best directions to get back to 275 E or W. to get back to the Double A? Will be going to Reds games first week of August, will 471 South still be closed then? Thanks for any help.
  3. Did the old gym burn to the ground as well or damaged in any way?
  4. What do you think of the show so far?, Caught a little of episode 4 and wondered if worth going back and recording and watching the first 3 eps.
  5. From The Fieldhouse to humongous buckets, popcorn seems to be the food of choose in MC, washed down with a gallon of Famous Recipe sweet tea:lol2:
  6. What I find funny is that have been in line to go in and people will come in and have their bucket filled up with popcorn and leave.
  7. That's funny because I go to that cinema by Florence Mall all the time, it makes for an easier excuse to eat at Five Guys or Cheddars's up the road:thumb:
  8. Have always known about the New Richmond exit(who hasn't?) and that idea is brilliant IF you could park at River Downs like last year or IF you could enter thru gates 4 or 5 or IF you want to park a mile away and tailgate(those days are over), but since you can only enter this year( and probably for the next 5 years considering how slow construction is) thru gate 2 to get to the other gates at Riverbend, why would you not just take Kellogg? My only option to beat trafic for my old arse is to do what I do at Reds games and leave early
  9. Never been called a liar on this board and felt like had to respond and am not saying anymore on this subject after this post, but sat right behind their bench in the second half only with some fans or parents? from Fleming County and not only was their new coach over the top vocal for a summer game(just my opinion mind you), but the clipboard slam and pen toss all happened in the closing minutes as Fleming County started to pull away. I could care less about Montgomery County or Fleming County just a basketball fan taking in a summer game and commenting. No reason to lie. The only reason even posting in the first place was just wondering if that was Montgomery County's new Coach or just an Assistant from last season filling in, SumoRoyal says it is their new Coach. It seemed like he had coached those guys forever by the way he was constantly on them and for the record I liked the way he coached the team(in a regular season game), just a summer game in a 200 degree gym seemed a little attention drawing. Didn't catch the first half of the game or the Mason/Montgomery game, so don't know how things went there. They will be a force along with the Panthers next season.
  10. Wow, that is just so hard for me to believe, went to Aldean last year and was 2 hours early and backed up on the Kellogg exit to just get into the concert and then a super fiasco getting out. Some people just seem to have extremely good luck when it comes to these things, I never ever have good luck when comes to parking or traffic
  11. Are you still able to park where gates 4 and 5 are?
  12. So is turning right still the fastest and best way out or not?
  13. So absolutely no parking at River Downs? Only parking is in the Riverbend/Sunlite parking lots?. If I was driving was going to park at River Downs because everyone on here has said that is the way to go if you want to get out and hit 275 West and come back around instead of trying to head back into KY. Has anyone on here been to a concert down there recently and what did you do?
  14. Does he even know the players well enough to be that vocal in summer? I don't know how things were at The Fieldhouse, but he was slamming and throwing clipboards etc, in that downtown game against Fleming Co.
  15. Does anyone know if Montgomery Co. was with their new Coach at this camp or was it someone filling in?
  16. I don't believe PC has even one player this season that played a minute of varsity last season, at least not any that showed at this Mason County Camp
  17. Going to concert there soon and not looking forward to the parking/ traffic/road construction issues, is hotel and taxi an affordable option? What's close and what would I be looking at cost-wise if decide to go this way? Thanks.
  18. I thought Montgomery was without Bryan Wallace and Chase Hall from last year's team. Also, was that their new head coach? Very vocal and in your face guy from what I saw downtown against Fleming, didn't look like players were responding well to that in that sauna(gym)
  19. Just don't see either of these two helping out much at a Calipari-coached UK. Hawkins would have been a better fit at UofL, could have seen him getting considerable minutes there this season. Did they even recruit him? Lots of difference in competing with 3-4 year players than 1 and done'ers
  20. Who coached Perry Central for this? Did Beverley participate? Is this Cordia's team(starter's-wise)when the season actually starts?
  21. So this begs this question, how good is Harlan this season and is this Harlan or Harlan County,aren't there two different schools? Thanks for any updates
  22. Aftet watching Grant County some last year, noticed that their Freshman And JV played the exact same style on offense and defense as Hicks' Varsity squad did. Will that change this season?
  23. Interested in knowing how Grant County and Campbell County do at this camp
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