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Everything posted by NobizLikeShowbiz

  1. Louisville was due to play a bad game. Just bad that it came against the BEST team in the country.
  2. My friend that went to USC saw him at "many" parties on campus. But, I agree with you.
  3. I agree, but you are not going to win that argument here or in the public eye.
  4. Somewhere you got totally lost in the argument. OR is trying to point out that you said Ben was an average quarterback after their loss to the Titans. You said he was "average at best." Now, after he wins the Super Bowl you are saying there is only 2 quarterbacks you would take over him. I am late to this argument, but looks like you are now going back on your word.
  5. One of my friends went to South Carolina and saw him at a few parties. Wonder if this was that weekend.
  6. I will say it again, Arizona State overrated. :lol:
  7. Best- Jeff Teague Favorite- Steph Curry (if we are saying he is a PG)
  8. This is almost comical. Not the loss, the reaction from some people.
  9. Must have been playing some clowns. Good thing Habib was not there! :lol:
  10. :lol: The middle of the A.C.C is so good. Wait, I thought this was a Big East thread.
  11. One of my buddies plays beer pong with Wild Turkey in his cups. It gets ugly for him most nights.
  12. I have a Blackberry Pearl and I love it. It doesn't have a full keyboard, there are 2 letters per number, but it is much smaller than the Curve which is nice, IMO. It does the same thing and it is easy to browse the internet. I have never really had an issue with the battery life, but I do have a car/wall/usb charger so I charge it daily. The Blackberry messenger is really neat if you know other people with BB's.
  13. I agree. But ANY win this year for U.C. in the Big East is a good win.
  14. Two weeks ago Syracuse and Georgetown were in the top 4. And I admit that 4-12 it is not close, which I can do. Most Big East supporters can't admit that the A.C.C is better at the top. That's the point.
  15. It's called sports. Things change every night. And who plays in Jackson?
  16. I don't envy the Big East, I am a Xavier fan. It would be stupid of me to envy the Big East for being better than the A-10. I just think that the A.C.C is better at the top. The top 3 in the A.C.C. are Wake, Duke and UNC. It will be like that throughout the year. The top 3-4 in the Big East change weekly, and it depends on whatever teams are playign well and helps the Big East argument.
  17. How many people were at the game, GT? I was listening to 700 before the game and they were predicting only 5,000.
  18. Because the argument from the Big East supporters is that the Big East is great at the top and great throughout. It is one or the other, since these top tier teams are losing to the teams in the middle of the Big East. Personally, the Big East is unreal from top to bottom, but they are not better then the top of the A.C.C.
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