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Everything posted by barrel

  1. I have no clue if he would ever leave and I don't think he would do it for the reason I'm going to state. Let's say he wins this year. That is 3 in a row and 4 in 5 years. Dynasty would fit in most peoples' point of view. He won 1 at LSU. So go to Texas and then he would have 6 titles and would of won 1 at 3 different schools. At that point it would be hard to say he wasn't the best ever. I'm sure he wouldn't do it for those reasons but it is fun to kick the idea around.
  2. Sorry I hit post before I finished so that didn't come across with the rest of the post. He also had a book which contained the offense he ran at Highlands which is pretty interesting. A movable back that would add gaps to the OL and could be used to trap and wham along with go out for the pass. Very creative stuff. The air option book you mentioned has some great stuff on how to isolate defenders
  3. I understand where or why people think there is the same numbers of gaps. Take a 44 defense for example against 2 TEs and then against 2x2 look. ....E.T.G.C.G.T.E...... ...E.....T.....T.....E... .....B....B....B.....B There are 4 gaps to each side of the center. You have 8 defenders for 8 gaps and 4 of those defenders have to cover a zone or a receiver. Your OLB or your DE have contain which in this case is D gap. ............W...............................W ..E....................T.G.C.G.T......................E .............B.........E.T.....T.E..........B............ ..C.......................B.....B........................C In the two TE look there is a bubble over the C and T. In the 2x2 there is only a bubble over the C. The defense has been compressed due to the lack of a TE. To a defensive coordinator in the 2x2 look there really isn't a D gap. The DE still has contain so he is still responsible for the widest gap which in this case is C gap The LB has flat or man so by pass coverage responsibility takes away anything that goes beyond. The end of the line of scrimmage helps determine where your contain or force player plays. It is most common to count the number of gaps from contain in.
  4. He published that in 1985 and Homer Rice on the Triple Option is 1973.
  5. There is plenty of room for Collins' district to expand with new housing but I think it is going to be awhile before the two schools get closer in enrollment
  6. For those that don't know Collins is the school that was created after Shelby Co split into two schools. While down over the years compared to the 70-90s Shelby Co has very good talent. Now most of that talent came from the West Middle School district which is what feeds Collins. Through the years before the split a majority of the Shelby Co team was from the West Middle School District. So what has pretty much happened is Shelby Co playing in a lower class than 6A. People from the county knew what Collins could and more than likely would become.
  7. Leach has said before that the Air Raid is like the option. Between packaged plays, the read game and things like key screens teams have more and more options post snap. Just like the old options teams it means that those teams honestly carry fewer plays into a game because they have built in answers. It is also harder to time up things like Stick/Draw or the like. I mean if we are going to call any team that has choices post snap an option team then any team with a passing game is. It also would mean the run and shoot was an option offense.
  8. That D1 DT is going to get double teamed, trapped and cut on every play. What if out of that double wing you are running rocket or jet sweep. Once again that DT isn't doing crap. More than one way to skin a cat there. I have witnessed many a war daddy just not chase now screens. I have also witnessed a ton of them eat up middle, slow and jailbreak screens. Look at the Oregon vs Auburn game from a few years ago and even when optioning them if that DT is fast enough to attack a mesh point it can be a tough day. When you go spread and I am assuming people mean 2x2 or some other no TE set you only have 3 gaps to each side. A, B, and C and it compresses the defense into a smaller area. Now if you do what Trinity did to Ryle they went empty with two TEs and then set the 3 WR to the same side. A 4x1 formation with 8 gaps. that is a pain to deal with. Buck Sweep isn't a sweep but honestly a C game play like power in which you want to run it up inside and bounce it if you have to.
  9. In Rice's own book he gives credit to Bill Yeoman coming up with the triple or at the least they coming up with the ideas around the same time. I go into a longer explanation in the thread that is linked. Ask Trinity what they thought of that option offense. There are a number of really common but incorrect aspects of the game people that people get wrong. the whole "You've got to spread them out so you can run" or "You can't run against 9 men in the box" are two big ones. When an offense spreads out it in facts compresses the defense and creates less running lanes. There are less gaps for the defense to defend. Now a double tight end double wing team on the other hand has created 10 gaps for a defense to defend. So the defense has to defend 10 gaps plus 4 immediate receiving threats and they just don't have the numbers to do it. I'm not going to let a defense tell me I can't run my play just because they have 9 in some type of box. I'm not running at 9 of them I am running at about half of them and maybe less. Also those that I am running at better prove they can take on blocks and tackle. A defense feels completely different when a ball is being shoved down their throat in comparison to getting screened and chucked to death. I played in an offense that did run triple option. My HS HC was one of the more well know triple option guys in the state during the 70s-early 90s. We ran outside veer (which is one of the greatest football plays every created). One of the big reasons teams run less of it now is because of the amount of reps it takes to get good at the triple option from under center. It is a tough offense to coach and people just don't know how to coach it. It works just fine. A number of teams have done extremely well in Oh running flexbone. John Curtis has 20+ state titles running split back veer. So do those boys up in Concord, CA. If you are a true option team then you can score and score fast because one screw up and its to the house. You also don't want to blitz a true option team too much. Now move the option to the gun and the read is further away. You can vary the action that goes with the read and use different blocking schemes. Zone, Power, Veer, Counter Trey, Midline. Inverted veer, read the backside DE, the nose, or the DT. Most gun teams are not running triple but just a give keep read. The downside is you can be a little sloppy in the gun just like many shotgun QB have sloppy footwork. Tony Franklin will tell you to screw balance. To live in a extreme because it allows you to get real good at a small amount of things. there is a lot of truth to that. You just have to have an answer in some form to how a defense adjusts or attacks you. You don't need a ton of answers but an answer.
  10. Starters on special teams past a few kids that just have a knack for it and trust me there are players that won't start but are great special teamers. As far as not having 22 kids that can or should start it comes down to development. If that's all that kid works on then he should be able to handle himself.
  11. Big misconception is going to wide sets with 3-4 WR you spread the defense out. When in fact what you do is compress the defense making fewer running lanes. Tebow in college ran out of what was pretty much a version of a one back or I formation offense with Tebow being the TB. He doesn't not have the mechanics currently to play QB in the NFL no matter what the system is. He is not a Chip Kelly style QB. Kelly has been visiting with the Pats for 3 or more seasons. It isn't something that just started. Luck would be an amazing QB in Kelly's system.
  12. It still works just fine in college. You haven't seen it slow down but even more teams use it and the variety of different reads has continued to change. Hash marks are another difference. In the NFL you almost play in the middle of the field the entire time. College you get a little more space but not as much as HS.
  13. Newton does do some read stuff and some of it is designed. RG III does both also. There is a bunch of confusion about when a play is a read and not by the general public. The talking heads on TV don't either
  14. No because he can't throw well enough for the offense. If Vick goes down the other QBs will just run more packaged plays then reads.
  15. Mouse was not with the Oilers of the 80s. In fact he has never coached with the Oilers. The Oilers did run speed option down at the goal line in the early 90s but Moon never was a threat to run. The read option is not just a read the end man on the line on the backside. In fact some NFL teams have started running inverted veer already. The read option part of the game has evolved to where they will read any of the different defenders in any number of ways. You'll continue to see it. A qb can handle running the ball 7 times or so a game and still be safe.
  16. What limits coaching is coaches. You have to have the staff to be able to do it. Not all schools have that.
  17. From what I've seen of HHS over the years I wouldn't say they have a large playbook. Depending on how they set up their wrist coach. For example HHS is known to run counter trey (or counter trap). Depending on how things are done on that band that play could be on their anywhere from 2-4 times easy. More if the band includes formation, flipped plays and the same play more than once. That doesn't included the same blocking scheme up front but different ball carriers (HHS use to run counter trey with the QB some years). I would be very surprised if HHS playbook was as large as many think it is. Franklin County, and Caldwell County are TFS, or System schools so they run (or at least have the way to run) at a fast tempo. I pretty sure Mayfield is a TFS school too. I would be very interested to find out which schools are NZone clients in the state.
  18. Some one does need to fix their promotional poster though. Great looking poster but someone didn't proofread it. If I knew how to post pics I would. It reads "The Beast of the East are Back" Past that Belfry pretty much every year is legit. It looks like this year might be the year they get over the hump.
  19. You've had fast paced Air Raid offenses in the state for over a decade. That's what happens when Tony Franklin is from your state. I'm sure there are a few NZone clients in the state too. Gus Malzahn truly wrote the book on it and it covers pretty much all the upside and down sides to it. Depth is only an issue as you go up in class. The conditioning of that depth and quality are the big things there. I'm not talking completely athletic quality here. Teams that run up tempo styles are honestly very simple. They are only going to have 3-5 run plays/run blocking schemes. They might even only run certain plays to in one direction. It is the same passing game. Very small package so kids don't have to think but can play fast. More HS are going to packaged plays and key screens which cuts down on the amount of total offense you carry/run. The officials could be an issue but the big one is the chain gang on away games. They can slow down an offense.
  20. Why not be like Texas and Mass and just adopt modified NCAA rules? College does have the out of the pocket and throw it away rule (which does drive me nuts but I could live with it). It would cut down on some of rule craziness we see. So many people (fans and coaches) do not realize there are 3 different rule sets at least. FED, NCAA and NFL and it causes some issues.
  21. I would be interested in hearing that info too. I don't think anyone will share it though. I know they are famous for their "sticks" play which is a comeback route that comes back to about a yard of the first down marker.
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