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Everything posted by HitStick

  1. Sorry bad choice of words. I never implyed that the sophmores dont care or practice hard, thats the exact opposite. I see sophmores busting it as hard as anybody, and some of the best talent is in that class. When i mean that, i meant the fact that they were freshmen last year and didnt contribute to the varsity record, so this year is their first year with meaningful contribution. I meant the comment to show that its not just a senior and junior problem but a whole team problem. Probably came out bad in all my ranting. I feel that the blame can be spread around to everyone equally, so i have faith in the coaches and hope for the best. Like i have said the elements of success are there and everyone needs to pull their own weight. I hope this tactic motivates them, and i think it might. These kids need to have a chip on their shoulders and take the world is against us mentality. Circle the wagons and i hope that is the response Pardue is looking for, for this TEAM to pull together and play some good ole Boyle Co Football. Go REBS
  2. What he did was create a rift in the team between upper and lower classes. He humiliated and alienated his seniors. And now the team is pulling apart in times of crisis instead of rallying around each other. A leader might tear down his players but then build them up again, and not create tension amongst the team. And competition is good, it just has to be fair, not biased towards a certain class.
  3. Im so glad i got the whole scoop from an unbiased person. Now, i have no dog in this fight except for parents that fall in all classes on the team. But, if the seniors cant cut it, then yes they need replaced but to personally attack the integrity of those players like above is nonsense. Also, i have heard numerous times that the coaching staff is blatenly biased towards the lower class and baby them, all the while making the seniors and juniors the whipping boys. The sophmores have no more or no less desire to win than the upper classmen. If you play for Boyle then you are prepared on gameday to lay it all on the line for each other, not for your class, not for your parents, not for your stats, but for your brothers in the huddle and on the sidelines. That may be whats missing because if all parents of lower classmen act like above towards their kids and the team then how can the kids develop a tight bond that no one can break. Football is the ultimate game of accountability and it shows. No matter if you are a senior, junior, sophmore or freshmen you are 1-5 and NOBODY is getting the job done, not even the coaches. But, practice makes perfect and there are plenty more practices to go. I hope Boyle can right the ship. I know these coaches have it in them and i know these players do too. The elements of success are there, Go Rebs.
  4. ....WOW.... Sometimes people leave me speechless.....
  5. Funniest statement ive ever heard. lol lol lol
  6. With that mentality Boyle would only have 3 state championships instead of 5. 99 and 03 would have been rebuilding years, because there was more "talent" in the lower classes. You may be right that there was more talent but those seniors knew how to lead and were tough nosed kids. 04 was one of our most talented all around teams and they dropped the ball in the state finals, and 98 was supposed to win state and was ranked top 5, but finished the season 7-5. If there is no talent why did this junior class and senior class dominate in JV, explain that to me. Because i believe that while the kids might not be the best they have to be put in the right state of mind to win.
  7. I agree sadly. This team has loads of talent and the coaches i believe are to blame for the most of it. Yes, they havent stepped up and made plays, but they have to be put into the right position to make plays. This team has as much talent in the upper classes as any state champ team. The 99 team had 3 seniors that played and full of sophmores, but they had Coach Smith. This is not the same staff that Smith had. Coach Smith kept the coaches egos in check and now this staff is the most arrogant bunch out there. The play calling was once again horrible with the same plays being ran over and over again, the offensive coordinator will be the one to take the blame for this season. I sat in the Henry Clay game stands and listened to Lexington area coaches laugh at our play calls and mock our team. With no vertical passing game against Southwestern, they sat on the short routes. I.E. if you run all curls and get almost picked the first time dont run it the next play. The funniest thing is when they scored the JV head coach was calling the plays. If the coaches son (at QB) cant make the throws then dont put him in there. This is not going to get any better, i feel sorry for the upper classmen because when i played at my alma mater my junior and senior years were the best. These kids feel abandoned, alienated, and humiliated by their own coaching staff day in and day out, just so the coaches can throw in sophmores who make mistake after mistake. To give up in a winnable district rivalry, with 1st place at stake, is the most atrocious act ever. The worst thing is that the seniors have one state title and one runners up, with the juniors having one runner up as well, and the sophmores have done nothing for the program, except help to an 1-5 record. These kids work so hard to live up to the tradition and pride and these kids care so much about the game of football that they break into tears on the sideline. Their is NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT HAPPENED. Im sorry and i hate bashing any team, but these thoughts have been boiling inside of me and i just have to get them out.
  8. Dont be modest, Mercer Co. has 9 running backs that would start for St. X because they dont have a running back:rolleyes: Seriously i saw there JV team and they didnt impress me, i didnt see these 5 others that dont play on friday night that should, Mercer has 3 backs this year that can be considered starters.
  9. 1. Mercer Co. 2. Mercer Co. JV 3. Mercer Co. Fr 4. Danville 5. Mercer Co. Powder puff :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: just kidding 1. Mercer Co. 2. Danville 3. Boyle Co. 4. Lincoln Co. 5. the rest
  10. :fight: Jaeggers at Mercer bbbbbwwwwwaaaaahhhh:ylsuper: :ylsuper: :fight:.... this is his first year at Mercer consildated.... :rolleyes: Seriously though, i think that Rowan's new coach Baldridge is doing a great job.
  11. I see that Mercer fans are quickly getting a bad reputation......
  12. Somebody has to be quitting to loose to Lewis by 26. Im sorry there is no rebuilding in high school, just retooling. Rebuilding might only occur if there is a new coaching staff. How would the Estill seniors feel, if they look at this board and see there senior year is a "rebuilding" year. I feel sorry for the Estill players because they deserve a chance to win.
  13. yes you can blame the coach. It is his job to get the team ready for Friday nights. I know you love your coach but give me a break. the teams performance is ultimately at the fault of the coach
  14. I saw both play, and i think that Draughn may have had the upper hand on Ammons. When Draughn was QBing for Pulaski they had some very good teams. They had 4 losses in 2 years and all for losses were to Boyle County. Secondly, i think Hines is a good coach but no where near legendary.
  15. Isnt Somerset 0-4? The team performance would be your only argument i would think.
  16. Whoops... i meant to say that its a shame that people think its happening...I said almost the exact opposite what i meant...
  17. i agree, i was thinking the same thing.
  18. New regime, new coaching techniques i guess. Its a shame though, because it is happening. Not all can achieve the greatness that is Chuck Smith
  19. What about Bowling Green's HB....Stuart Hines i think? Has he done anything this year?
  20. Danville Vs. Boyle Co. Scott Co. Vs. Henry Clay might turn into quite a good one if all the games are like this years
  21. I would agree with that statement whole-heartedly. Boyle has always had a leader in QB from Chris LeMonds to Brandon Smith, that spans over a decade
  22. True, Perry is the most immobile QB to play for Boyle in a long time. The like 5 turnovers in the red zone by Boyle at Highlands that year beat Boyle, and weird things happen before, during, and after games. Burgandy seems to have had the best point of view for that game and i doubt he would gain anything from lieing on a message board 3 years after the game. If he wanted to make excuses for losing im sure he would have joined the day after the game and posted his "lies".
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