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94 Camel

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Everything posted by 94 Camel

  1. I don't think there is a better bait for Ohio river flatheads than small live bluegill.
  2. Why would Jared be there, shouldn't he have played in the Ft. Thomas league and not for the Dixie NKYFL team?
  3. You have missed my point completely. The schools who are good year in and year out in this state almost exclusively have some open enrollment advantage. Please dispute this statement. Also it isn't always the numbers of students from out of an area, but who the students are. How many prime time players has Highlands had in the last twelve years that have not grown up Ft. Thomas residents?
  4. Kenton county schools are open enrollment within county, which means you must live in the county to attend one of them. They do not accept tuition students. You will also notice that this open enrollment has left one of the programs far more sucessful than the other two.
  5. The only exception that you can come up with is a school that had a great six year run. That is not the HISTORY of our state. What are the open enrollment schools you are refering to? St X and Trinity have their numbers due to not having to take students from only one area. Once again I will ask, name the programs in the history of our state that have been ultimately sucessful that have had to take only students that live in their district.
  6. Ok, LCA. Reguardless, is it coincidence that the most sucessful programs in the history of our state have some kind of open enrollment?
  7. As a registered democrat who doesn't believe in either candidate, he has the right to vote in the primary for the candidate that he feels is most likely to lose in the fall.
  8. LCA and Lexington Catholic to name a couple. Also, is it just coincidence that the most sucessful schools in the history of our state are either private or have an open enrollment? Or is it that they just do things a little better than everyone else?
  9. We haven't progressed much in 26 years? Mmm...winning the cold war, far expansion of GDP and GNP, total revamp of military technology, unemployment that at times has fallen under its previously thought of natural rate, welfare reform, free trade...just to name a few.
  10. I would have to disagree. The largest desparity is caused by the desparity in athlete draw. Why else are relatively new schools able to become so competative so fast.
  11. Are you saying this descision is unethical by the public schools? Its not against the rules. So if it is not against the rules, it must not be unethical. At least, that is the feeling that I have recieved from many posters on here in the past. On another subject, what do you mean by choosing to set the bar higher?
  12. Ohio and Indiana both have schools that hold the same number of boys as the largest private schools in the state. This does not happen in Kentucky. There are many more private high schools in each major city located in these states. For instance, Cincinatti has nine catholic schools playing football in the same population area that Louisville has two. Also, their Dioces(sp) do not allow students to attend from across the river. Therefore, this is a very poor comparison.
  13. They did what the schools wanted. By the schools, I mean the majority of the schools.
  14. May God take the young man into his arms. My prayers are with his family.
  15. You do not have to be God. God made it very clear throughout the Bible that it is ritcheous for humans to put other humans to death for several offenses.
  16. IMO, that is a very poor comparison. There are many instances shown in the bible where the Lord encourages ritcheous indignation. Killling the unborn is never compared to justice by death in the bible. There is a big difference between death as a penalty, and murdering the unborn. That is to say, the God had shown the death penalty to be a ritcheous punishment in many parts of the bible.
  17. I think the real problem in our society is, although we would never admit it, that our society doesn't put a high enough demand on education. If we did, there would be a greater price paid for educators, which would in turn raise the qualifed amount of people retaining teaching degrees, which would in turn by raising competition, raise quality of education in this country. However, you can only demand so high of standards when you are paying 40,000 a year due to the fact that heavy competion will not occur for a position with that pay rate that requires a college degree. I mean, lets face it, it must take a real simpleton to have $180,000 worth of education, and work for $42,000 a year.
  18. I disagree. There is no difference between not being responsible for a pet that kills a child vs. an unproperly stored firearm. If you own it, you are responsible for it.
  19. "Long time listener first time caller." Is that turkey dead caller?
  20. If you believe in a free market and you want to increase the quality of education in our society, then the answer is simple. Increase the wage for teachers, and you will increase the competition in their sector. If you are going to have government regulated wages, don't expect price cielings to maximize production.
  21. No, you should not be happy, and you should not have increased taxes to bail out other people's economic stupidity.
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