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Everything posted by BadaBing

  1. Murray State would have been stupid not to sign this kid. I was also surprised they didn't show interest sooner. He is a football player, plain and simple. Will do whatever it takes to be on the field and WIN.
  2. What do you expect? Every fan base has knuckleheads. And your last two sentences are a direct reflection of the mentality of winning programs. I'm sure people say the same thing about belfry or bowling green. That's probably why they are dominant. Trust me, I have been waiting for Mayfield to be dethroned but nobody has been up to the challenge.
  3. Don't call yourself unbiased. You make it apparent in every post you can't stand to see mayfield win. I would expect nothing less from a Crittendon guy.
  4. Great view from the endzone. Mayfield QB had the time he needed. WRs made some great catches tonight. Ran the ball well enough to keep the defense honest. And their defense was solid most of the night. MC didn't show up until second quarter. They started running the ball well, but seemed to get away from that later in the game. QB made some nice TD throws under pressure. They just couldn't get enough defensive stops to stay in it. And the 4th down call to go for it? I guess he was conceding the loss? They were down 12 with 8 minutes left. I wonder about him. Mayfield has guts. They can take a knock in the teeth and come right back at you. Hopefully Bright won't miss much time. Kid is naaaasty. He had a pretty TD run in first quarter before going out.
  5. Toothpick.....Thats what those screen passes are for!
  6. I think it will come down to QB play. Mayfield defense needs to keep McCracken QB uncomfortable. On the flip side, McCracken defense will crowd the line to stop Bright, and it will come down to MF QB making enough throws. He can be streaky. I honestly don't know how anyone can even begin to predict a score. McCracken took the last two...this year its Mayfield's turn.
  7. You also have to consider that they probably aren't worried about playing Mayfield. no bearing on the post season and they might just like things the way they are. I think they are winning Class A titles so if it ain't broke....
  8. They do play 8 mandatory Region games. In TN they group A and AA together for regular season district games, supposed to cut down on travel. 2 games isn't a lot to work with, but if they honestly wanted a piece of Mayfield, I think it would have happened by now.
  9. I believe Mayfield had Union City scheduled a year or two ago and they dropped MF. Maybe someone has heard different and can elaborate.
  10. Lets remember, Marshall used to have a damn fine football program. They ran the smashmouth veer and competed with and beat Mayfield some years. Im talking 90's era. It has gone downhill since then and like someone said above, they are more focused on soccer and basketball, they don't have a football culture. Graves is in the same boat, somewhat.
  11. Tilghman stole one last year. I think the Stangs get this one. i like McCracken QB. Nice arm.
  12. I watched Graves Co. scrimmage Henderson and Madisonville last Friday (3-way scrimmage). They were, by far, the best looking team there (not sure if that's saying much). Nice passing game, backs finishing runs, and a few defenders that laid some nice licks. They have def look better the last few years. I don't know enough about 5A to really give them a confident ranking. I wouldn't consider them top 10, but top 20 for sure.
  13. I think most of the credit goes to coaching and community support. Lets be honest, the talent isn't overflowing at MF. The varsity roster numbers aren't that great. But these coaches continually find ways to maximize player potential. They do a great job of helping players find a role (what they are good at) and tapping into that. Community loves MF football. If I had to guess, at least 70% of the little league and middle school coaching staff are former players imparting their knowledge and experience on these kids.
  14. I don't see this game being much different than Mayfield's last two (OC and DeSales). They were both knock down, drag out fights. A team doesn't get to the title game by being average, I don't care what side of the bracket they are on, so sleeping on NCC would be a big mistake. Defensively, MF has shown they can thwart air attack (OC) and ground attack (DeSales). Offensively, they just faced speed D (OC) and strength D (DS), and seemed to handle the latter a little bit better, but did well against both. I think the key for both teams will be QB play. Whichever one makes more plays gets their team over the hump. I also think NCC played a tougher schedule (not by much). Regardless, throw both records out the window. Both teams are 0-0. One game season....MF by 1.
  15. Mikey Bright was obviously great (his size/athleticism combo was CRAZY). And I think Bae Parrott got the most out of his ability. He was the best RB for Mayfield his SOPHOMORE year going forward. Had some good competition around him, but his desire and motor were non-stop. And he was a shutdown CB.
  16. Could have said that about both teams. I feel like mayfield was close to 10 penalties. Constantly shot themselves in the foot. Our defense and running game was what got us over the hump.
  17. I like the way NCC sets up their schedule and it prepares them well. And of course it helps this time of year because a lot of people go "oh, 8-5 they must not be that good". Yeah right. They are a top contender every year. And as far as Danville's schedule goes, it might not be as strong as many teams left in the playoffs, and it does come into play when fans are prognosticating, but it doesn't matter to the players on either team. Danville did what they were supposed to do, beat everyone but one very good team, and they are still dancing. Come friday night everyone is 0-0.
  18. It's hard to pick a winner in this matchup. DS is very sound defensively and runs the ball well, a great recipe for success, especially this time of year. I think they have the advantage in the trenches, and the QB's ability to run is an added dimension. I see where they run the hybrid T and also get into spread some. Mostly runs out of the wing T and some boot passes. Spread formations are mostly throwing, but I think this is where the QB does most of damage on the ground with those bigger running lanes. Their passing game is adequate. Backs run really hard, usually break at least one tackle on every carry. Mayfield's key will be stopping the run, which I think plays to their strength. If they can force DS to throw they have a great chance of winning, provided they can score. MF's offensive playcalling can be a bit conservative at times, but they do a good job of keeping the defense honest. I think MF QB will be the deciding factor in this game (much like last week). If he can make the defense pay for creeping up, MF wins. This matchup reminds me of MF vs McCracken. They outmanned MF in the trenches BIG TIME and from what I remember MC ran the ball quite well. Good news for MF, they were outmanned in that game and still put themselves in a position to win at the end. I think last weeks game with OC was played tight (playing to not make mistakes) and it took both teams awhile to get going. I see the same thing this friday. I will be shocked if either team scores more than three touchdowns. Lastly, for the past 5 years I have continually thought "there is no way they (MF) can do it again. They lost too much. They're schedule is tougher. They're in a different class. It't too hard to have this kind of sustained success"...and every year they make me eat my words. Surely they aren't going to stop now. Mayfield by 1.
  19. If we didn't think you guys were good there wouldn't have been much discussion this week, but we know you have a solid team capable of beating us. Micah Jones was a heck of a player. He played pretty well in those alumni games too. Made those D-lineman look silly!
  20. Sorry thats the last time we didn't make a regional championship. danville beat us at home in 2001 and 2003. hancock county beat us at home in 1999. those are the last few I remember. And I don't have a good memory so someone else might enlighten us further.
  21. I misunderstood previous post. I thought he was saying Edge was an assistant on FC squads. I looked back and saw where he has been at OC since '04. They have had some good teams, but recent playoff success has been absent. Went to title game in 2010, but haven't been past the second round in the last 3 years.
  22. I don't think your "speed" is any faster than McCracken, Tilghman, or Caldwell. And MF went 2-1 against those guys.
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