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Everything posted by Noble

  1. Somerset defense is not very good, Williamsburg could have scored 3 or 4 more TDs if Frazier had pulled a few passes down. 2 of those touchdowns were on Kickoff returns.....botched special teams by Williamsburg. Basically it was a shoot out with Williamburg beating themselves because of miscues... no turnovers at all by either team....2 good offenses but Somerset the better team tonight. I guess both teams had that middle school defense tonight.
  2. Williamsburg will break out the Middle School defense and come away with the Victory.
  3. game will end very quick as the Mercy rule kicks in.
  4. I should hope Corbin would beat them 8 of 10 times. Corbin is a 2A school (a pretty godo sized one at that) and Williamsburg is a pretty small 1A school. Now, how good would the Burg program be if they had the numbers that Corbin did? Honestly you're comparing 2 unequal schools here and the same should go for when Corbin has to play those Big 4A schools. Honestly Corbin has played some tough teams this year from Big Schools and may have lost but have done pretty well against them. However you must admit that Corbins district is pretty weak though, not near as tough as the 1A district Somerset, Lynn Camp, Wburg, Harlan. Not saying those teams are better than Corbin just comparing Districts at that level.
  5. I think perhaps the fact that the coaching around the area has improved a lot. Alot of teams have changed their playstyle and perhaps Corbin has yet to adjust to some of that. I also think that parents today baby their kids too much. Nothing drives me crazier than a kid doing something dumb on the field (or court for that matter) and their parents telling them its alright, even though the coaching staff has told them numerous times not to do that very thing. I think Corbin will be fine was they get into district play this year and I expect the program to pick up some next year with the new districts. Too bad somerset didn't want to stick around for that.
  6. Williamsburg did indeed beat them last year.
  7. Mcreary didn't look all that great with their starter in to be honest. #23 seemed to be there playmarker but he took a hard hit in the 1st and didn;t do a whole lot of after that. The jackets are laying some hits down this season, although I thought their defense tonight was not very good after the 1st half, could have been all the subs. We'll have to wait and see how they play against a better team. They had some mental errors that could cost them in a big game.
  8. I think most everyone can agree that Williamsburg out played KNox that night but did not get the win. What seats where you in again? and going 12-0 and then losing in overtime to a good Pikeville team is hardly a one hit wonder.
  9. the jackets should have won last week vs KC, but the dice was not in the air so to speak. Going into this game I thought Jellico would give them a much harder game, but to be honest with you , Jellico gave up after the 2nd TD. I thought this years Jellico team woud be better than last year but I guess I was wrong. TN has some really good football programs and we'll see a true test of the burg when they go against Oneida. I know McCreary is better than last year but Root is good at fullback. He should have been running last year instead of center. I honestly think if root had been the go to runner last year the burg would have made the playoffs. They lost a lot of close games and root could have been the difference last year. The Kid has some GAME speed. The thing I like about the burg this year is that they will lay some hits on kids, it is football after all.
  10. Williamsburg is an Indy district and does very well on the cats testing. I think its a pretty consistent trend that independents do better percentage wise on test scores. Why? It ussually because of the teacher to student ratio. More teachers per students go a long way. That one on one interaction really helps. The bigger schools don't get that, sure they have more money for sports but they tend to lag in educating all the students like they need to be. Yes they can offer more AP classes and things of that nature but % wise more students tend to succed better at the smaller setting in academics at least. If you want to solve the money problem in Kentucky, you need to change the coutny system in government. Kentucky has way too many counties. There are a lot of counties who have a jailer yet no jail. Instead of consolidating schools, why not consolidate counties and get rid of some of these dead beat politicians who are are only elected because there Grandpa and Daddy were elected. All many of them do is collect a pay check. Why cheapen the kids education by combining schools when IMHO the real problem is the way the government of this great state is being managed.
  11. I heard Jellico got a new coach and at the moment there is high hopes he can right there ship. I wouldn't count them out but I think the jackets will dominate this from start to finish.
  12. do Private schools have the same restrictions as Public schools when it comes to booster money?
  13. I guess it is the same kind of fair for a 1A school of about 250 boys playing against a 4A school with about 1200 boys in Basketball or Baseball.
  14. I guess that middle school defense got em again.
  15. pretty much any Team from the mountains.
  16. Root will be hard to bring down, alot depends on how well he can hold onto the ball. Charlie Bryant started off good last year for the burg but he had some trouble with fumbles and it slowed him down some.
  17. seeing how some of these strange coach selections work out. It's going to be a strange year.
  18. should have been called earlier in the game, umpr should never be put in a position where they can REALLY affect the outcome of a game. Crow hopping should be dealt with at the middle school level at the latest, but most MS coaches never have this called on their pitchers because most schools use home grown umps who generaly know less than the coaches. The girls need to learn the proper way early because it took me half a season to break one of my pitchers from crow hopping and to get her pitching back to form.
  19. What is best for the largest amount of KIDS! When you combine small schools into larger ones you take away from communities and kids. Consolidating is about saving money not helping kids. Sad but true.
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