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Everything posted by Noble

  1. I say the field helped keep Cole down. Look for that defenseive scheme though to be a blue print to shutting down the jumpers. This game is hard to say. I know the last game was closer than the scored showed but the Jackerts special teams really cost them in that game. Punts for negative yards is not good. If Williamsburgs special teams and DEFENSE shows up, than I go with the Jackets.
  2. This one time I went to a game and they had cops there and I didn't like it! It made me feel bad. I cried. This other time my team got some bad calls and it was all the home teams fault and I wanted to yell at the Zebras but those dang cops were there again. I cried. This other time on a message board, someone said I had bad spelling and grammar. I cried. In on honesty, all I see is a bunch of whining. I could point all several things from all schools in the area if I wanted too. We all know things happen and alot of it is because of our PERSPECTIVE. What looks like apples to us, could be lemons to someone else.
  3. it's all about money when it should be about the quality of education. All the fancy buildings, all the fancy new computers, all the new sport fields will never be as good as one on one time with a good teacher. Most schools are two big in this state and they should be made smaller not bigger. The evidence is there if someone cared to look at it.
  4. Didn't somerset complain about a game at Williamsburg being pushed back a day because of some really nasty weather?
  5. I think perhaps this poll would have been better if done by Classes as well.
  6. when was the last team another school had a good team in this district?
  7. When a team can only do one thing good like Lynn Camp (they do it very well by the way, Run the ball) you can scheme and stop it. Harlan is mainly run but they have some skill and can mix a good throw here and there. Somerset can pretty much do it all and do it very well and very fast!!! Harlan will score but not fast enough to catch up with Somerset. Harlan 21 Somerset 42.
  8. Truth is Truth, maybe some of the others kids could use it as Motivation to step up there game. Back in my day Coaches said stuff like this all the time. Of course my team was never very good......
  9. congrats to the Jackets. From what everyone in the papers had been saying thought the Skins would take this one.
  10. special teams and defense will cost the jackets a game or 2 and maybe playoffs unless something changes.
  11. talk about district play being competitive if it went back to one team making the playoffs.
  12. Jellico High School is around that....I think Williamsburg high is about 250 max on a good year, so JHS is still larger than they are, but you are correct about them being competitive, they have actually seemed to go backwards the past few years.
  13. who said it was an excuse for Williamsburg. Was just stating a fact that most of the time the line for Wburg is outsized and yet they still do pretty good. I realize Mcreary is not a power house but they are a bigger school, was just an example of what the burg has to face...and bring on Corbin and Middlesboro? Why not just stay in the same district with those schools?
  14. Williamsburg special teams have got to get better or they are going no where.
  15. With a school and team as small as W'burg playing large schools usually means you are playing bigger players. Williamsburg line is almost always a 20 to 30 pound underdog in weight to most schools they play now. There is only so much they can do with they have and playing these tougher opponents so to speak might make them better but at the same time it can hurt them (the cloudland game last year killed Wburg the rest of the year because they never recovered from those big ol TN boys). I mean Mcreary is what a 3A school (maybe 2), Jellico is twice the size of Wburg, Onedia is pretty good size also and won a championship in TN a few years ago, KC is 3a.... every school they play is bigger than them....want to talk about somerset playing a tough non-district next year? Will they play Corbin and Middlesboro to warm up for that new 3A disrtict they chose to play up in?
  16. That Cole Kid was very impressive, best WR I have seen in a while. After hearing scouting reports about other teams in the District I have to say that Somerset is easily the favorite to win the District and take either First or 2nd in Region...and I have to correct myself, the jackets committed one turnover on a half back pass from root.
  17. If Harlan is a running team I think Burg can beat em, but if they are fast and pass as good as somerset than nope.
  18. I can tell you for a fact if the Visitors side is poorly lit then the field is too. Williamsburg has a fine visitor section and the best field in the district.
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