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All Play No Work

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Everything posted by All Play No Work

  1. Only in Ohio can a game effected by wildfires in California determine the playoffs. Then again at least it isn't like KY and Indiana where virtually everyone gets in. I'd just play at this point. You have to beat Colerain now or later so why not take a full week to prepare.
  2. If Lloyd wants to get anywhere in the playoffs they better start turning it up this week. I think they will play better than last week and should win by a couple of scores.
  3. I think he meant 2000. Although I believe NCC was district champ in 94? after beating Beechwood but was eliminated in the playoffs by Beechwood. A few of the other games from 91 to 99 (I believe NCC won the only meeting prior to 1991 and that was in the mid 80s) were somewhat close but Beechwood for the most part was winning the regular season game easily and of course beating just about everyone in the state in the playoffs from 91 to 99.
  4. I bought the explanation that he (Marvin) needed to call timeout because the play was so far away from the sidelines and the play clock was moving. I bought that he looked at the chains and saw it was not a first down, and maybe it was further than they originally thought. I bought that you don't worry about leaving two minutes on the clock because you expect your defense to hold the Steelers. I would buy kicking a Field Goal to get within one score and knowing you get the ball to start the second half............if the Bengals were on the road in Pittsburgh.............and if the Bengals were leading the division. HOWEVER, MARVIN YOU ARE AT HOME (in front of the largest crowd ever) AND YOU ARE IN LAST PLACE IN THE DIVISION. WHEN THE TIME CAME TO PULL THE TRIGGER, HE FROZE............
  5. NewCath's defense did a decent job against a good Camel offense especially after the first drive. If the defensive tackles are not back, then Beechwood might wear down the defense a little. Plus those DTs also play some a series or two on the O-line at times. Beechwood will attempt to be balance because that's what they do. I wouldn't expect to see Bankemper with 25 carries but maybe enough carries to test the injury for soundness. NewCath will of course throw it all over. Still a little suspect in the running game, but then they really haven't stuck with it too often this year. It isn't easy to run with all the receivers in there, and they really haven't just lined up in a run formation and tried to pound the ball. I think it will be a good test for both teams and should be a close one. Think it will come down to how well Beechwood can run it versus how well NCC can throw it.
  6. Here's another oddity. Camels can't kick the ball past the 30 on kickoffs all night including kicking it OB. NCC starts with good field position all night. Second half kickoff goes about 15 yards maybe. Then after they score to go up 20-13 the kicker puts one 6 yards deep in the endzone!! Where was that all night???
  7. Actually though the Camels gave NCC a break by calling time out when the Camels faced with a third and 8 and the clock running. That stopped the clock and let the Breds have enough time for a FG at the end. Of course Camels were hoping to make a first down and continue the drive.
  8. Unfortunately Dayton suffered some key injuries tonight that could be tough to overcome.
  9. You know I was thinking Lloyd was getting better but I'm going to guess that the lack of tackling got to them tonight. Mainly because Holmes is a slippery team and if you don't tackle them it is lights out.
  10. Thought Bellevue would play better this week than in the past weeks. Thought they would win, didn't think they would win by this much, but congrats to the Tigers.
  11. Come to think about Dixie ain't exactly Team Consistency.
  12. Ryle must have decided to be bi-polar again. You know when they win they look tough as nails and when they lose boy they don't mess around. Guess the OT loss is still in their head.
  13. Great game and I think both teams needed one like this to get ready for the upcoming playoffs. Camels opened the game in "WOW" mode taking less than 3 minutes to score. Breds were missing both of their starting Senior Defensive Tackles (Keating, Wedding) in this game and it showed on the first drive as the Camels did whatever they wanted. Eventually NewCatg settled down and knotted the score at 7-7 on a 19 yard run by QB Kues. Camels then scored on a nice drive but the PAT was blocked. 13-7. Breds scored on a 56 yard TD pass Kues to Pangallo but the PAT was wide. 13-13. NCC was missing their starting soccer kicker to injury so the back-up soccer kicker was handling PATs. After the break the Camels again put together a solid drive. Studer is a hoss and Eshman throws a nice ball. Time after time they converted third downs and took a 20-13 lead. NewCath came back on a nice drive where they actually were able to run the ball for the first time all night. 20-20. Then it got freaky crazy. NewCath took over with 4:36 to go in the fourth and had a great pass out to midfield where the last Camel possible make the tackle. NCC couldn't move the ball from there though and punted. Camels get the ball with 2:57 to go and can't move it and used their time outs leaving NCC 1:32 to go on the clock. NCC drove but a huge Camel sack on second down put the Breds out of field goal range (remember no starting kicker). Breds get some back on third down and try a 32 yard field goal with 55 seconds left on fourth down. Linebacker Pabst attempted in and it hit the upright and fell away. So on to OT. Camels go first and get 2 yards in 3 plays. FG is good. 23-20. NewCath goes and gains 1 yard in 3 plays. FG is good, but Camels rough the holder and the kicker. NewCath takes the points off the board, and take the automatic first down at the 5. Before the first snap, Camels are offside. Ball moved to 2.5 yard line. QB Kues takes the snap, fakes a pass, and runs it in. 26-23
  14. Of course they have an idea. Point is that two years ago they did not even have a practice with the starting five until after just after New Years. Still ended up winning the All-A and being region runner-up. Heck that year they played a Varsity game on the same day as the State football final and had only 1 starter and maybe a total of 7 players. Basketball in the current set-up (which could change next year) for small schools that have good football programs means plugging along until after football ends, hopefully getting it together by the All-A, then making your run in the district and region.
  15. Is the KHSAA not the very same schools as the schools entering the All-A? The KHSAA is the high schools in KY. The schools entering the All-A are what 40% of the schools in the KHSAA. Not to mention more teams (Boys and Girls) in the All-A than what volleyball has(just Girls) playing for the state championship. How can they not have a problem with playing basketball on Sundays.....in fact they are all TRYING to be able to play on Sundays........but yet we can't play other sports on Sundays? For what reason? Too easy for fans to attend? Kids will actually be in school all week? Has anyone ever proposed moving the Track championships to Saturday/ Sunday? Why can't we have 4 football games on Saturday and 2 on Sunday? I just don't buy the religious thing preventing Sunday afternoon or Sunday evening athletic events. If it is a religious thing, then all the schools in the All-A should refuse to participate.
  16. 1. Dog Chapman's wife 2. Dolly Parton 3. Charlie Weiss
  17. Kind of have to wait until football is over to even see who is on the team. Then about another month after that once they've actually practiced together to see who is going to get playing time.
  18. I don't even know what the heck FFA is but if it is a school function how can kids be punished for it? I assume it is not like a school dance, but more like a science fair?
  19. I'm sure all teams have players that work, and all teams have players that come from families that have more than most others. And all teams have players that come from families that have less than others. Point is they all share the same thing. Every week they challenge themselves to do the best they can for themselves and their teams. And in the end the scoreboard will say one team has more points than the other, but what it won't say is every kid that is a member of a team is fortunate to have the experienced something that will last forever. Years after the scoreboard lights are turned off for the night, the memories will still light up their minds.
  20. You make good points and the fact is nobody knows because we have never had two weeks of non-district play at the end of the year. In theory, CC could be playing for a home game but it is kind of strange when you really don't know if winning will get you the tie-breaker. Guess its kind of like being an Ohio team and hanging on Harbin points. In theory, can't really tell if the Breds get up for the county team they haven't played in a while or old rival Beechwood more, so that is strange too. Either way looks like the weather could be a factor but even that is an unknown because does cold/wind help or hurt which team? Guess that's why they play them.
  21. Good thing there is turf now. In the "old" days this rain would have made the field unplayable for weeks.
  22. I know the basketball All-A is not KHSAA sponsored but I haven't noticed any backlash against playing on Sundays there. The schools know that they could be playing on Sunday and yet all still enter hoping that they do get that chance to play on Sunday. Why would volleyball (4 teams playing on Sunday) be any different than 4 basketball teams playing on Sunday? Saturday/Sunday would be better for fans and better for players (exposure to colleges, no missed classes, etc.) Why could this not happen similar to the All-A?
  23. I think a Corbin / NewCath match-up if it happens will be a classic. One of the best balanced offenses going against one of the best defenses. Something will have to give.
  24. I'll slightly disagree in that what will put Brossart on the way isn't being a viable alternative. That might help but that isn't the main source. The main source to getting better in football is to get the kids wearing soccer cleats to wear football cleats, to get the kids wearing a baseball cap to wear a helmet too, to get the kids running up and down the court shooting jumpers in October to be running from sideline to sideline making tackles in October. In other words, the talent is there already it just needs to add football to the mix. Sure it will hurt the other school sports, but football is it in NKY.
  25. That 's what I said. If they (Gallatin)can stop Bellevue's running game and make Bellevue throw the ball they (Gallatin) can win. I don't think they (Gallatin) will stop the run though. And anyway the 61.6 yards per game can be a bit misleading. The teams they gave up 68 and 36 points to do not throw the ball and still racked up the points.
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