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Everything posted by futurecoach

  1. Maybe there is something wrong, but as far as I know there is not. I do know with them trailing by 14 in the 4th. They like Williams much better for pass protection, so that is why I assumed he was in. However, maybe there was an injury I was unaware of.
  2. I don’t think so. I just think they kept with Mixon because he had the hot hand and was running angry. Which was probably because of Brown starting over him lol. I liked how it went, plus having a fresh Mixon in the 4th is nice.
  3. I could be wrong but I don’t think he teaches at Beechwood anymore. I thought I heard he was down at Holmes now teaching.
  4. I didn’t get to watch this game. Are you saying the Bills had the ball with 2:12 left and Chiefs had two timeouts? If I understood that right, then in that case even running it 3 straight times would have still left about 1:50 on the clock. The two minute warning, and their two timeouts would have stopped the clock. So the only thing different would have been the Chiefs would have had no timeouts left with the 1:50 left.
  5. Possibly. However, Taylor as a play caller never had even a little bit of success until he got Burrow. So I’m not going to say that just after two good games. Even though these last two weeks have been really good for Taylor as a play caller. At this point I lean more towards that defenses just have not adapted yet to how Taylor is calling a game with Browning. With Burrow teams were always giving the Bengals the two safety high look. With Browning it looks like teams are trying different things to see what Browning can and can not do, which has allowed them to take some shots down field since not as many two safety high looks so far with Browning. I’m interested to see how things look now that teams will have a few weeks of film on how the bengals use Browning. With that said, I do think this will also help Burrow. Burrow is now getting to see that this team can have some success offensively going under center and mixing some different things in. So it may help expand his game, now getting to just sit back and watch currently.
  6. This is the only lineup I like if they have both bigs in the game. Anytime guys like Edwards or Wagner are in, I hope they don’t have both big guys in together. Edwards and Wagner need the floor spaced more and none of those set plays. They need the floor spaced to attack the rim. I honestly would like to see Theiro to also get some time with Bradshaw. It seems like anytime Bradshaw is in, Mitchell is in too and Theiro is out. Theiro has been one of their key players this year.
  7. Highlands? I agree Highlands is the wild card in 5A. They lose basically their whole team but will have very talented younger players coming up. So will depend how quickly they transition to varsity play. Going into next year in regards to 5A from NKY. Cooper has to be the favorite from NKY to make a championship run, since they return most of their whole team.
  8. Long way to go from winning the division, yes. Long way to go from the playoffs? Not at all. They are only one game back and have games coming up against other possible wild card teams in the Colts, Steelers, and Browns to end the year. Not to mention with Lawrence injury, the Texans could pass up the Jags. Which would mean the Bengals have tie breakers over Bills, Jags, and Colts if they beat them. So it’s definitely not as long of a shot as it was before last night.
  9. To comment on the update thread. The timeout at the end of the 4th by Taylor was 100% the right call. No reason to just sit there and let the time run down like Aikman suggested. Taking that timeout allows them to try for the field goal if they get something positive on first down. Which they did with the 14 yard run. That was just smart football by Taylor. They ended up not scoring at the end of the 4th and went to overtime, but it was 100% the right decision.
  10. Great win. I figured it would be a good game, because they still have talent to compete and win. I admit though I had accepted that I was fine if they lost out though lol. However, I am thrilled they won.
  11. Offense has been great, defense has been horrible. Hopefully the defense can do the one thing they have done well this year and that is get a turnover to set up a game winning score.
  12. Ugh what a bad sequence of plays. First the dropped interception that ends up as a touchdown. Then the failed trick play that led to a turnover, and now the touchdown on 4th down.
  13. This is awesome! He is a great player and I am glad schools are seeing that. Congrats to him!
  14. The title of the thread and this seem to be different. If it’s just defeating three number one seeds in the playoffs. Then Cooper did that to get to the finals, before losing to the 4th one seed they faced in Bowling Green. Now as for your post of defeating three undefeated teams, that is a good question and a great accomplishment.
  15. This I agree with. I think it is stupid that they empty the stadium. Especially now that it’s at UK and has all that space. If you want to make people have to clear out of a certain section to give that teams fans seats behind their bench fine. However, no reason to enjoy the stadium. Much better chance attendance would be higher, because more people may stay and watch. Rather than have to pay another $17 bucks to come watch the next game.
  16. I think you would be completely wrong on that. If there was a poll and players got to vote, I don’t think it would be even close. UK and UL stadium would rank way above the amount of votes WKU would get. Does it have the same special factor to it as Rupp? No. Is UK and UL stadiums still places they would rather play if they had a choice between them and WKU. Yes. I think over 90% of the players would choose UK or UL over WKU. As I mentioned above the only ones that seem to have an issue with it is adults who don’t like seeing a lot of empty seats in a big stadium.
  17. I would say if you took a poll of every football player and even coaches in the state of Ky and have them rank which stadiums they would rather play in. UK and UL both would be above WKU. Yes it may not have the same historic allure of Rupp, but UK and UL are still stadiums they see games at on tv and players would want to say yes I played on that field. The only ones that seem to have a problem with it, is adults cause they don’t like seeing a stadium with so many empty seats. Not to mention unless something has changed and WKU has added a 4th locker room. They aren’t even as well equipped to handle the games.
  18. Huh? TCU won a playoff game last year by beating Michigan in the semi-finals. So they showed they belonged before getting drilled in the championship.
  19. I can’t wait for the 12 team college football playoffs next year. Teams for the first time in college football history can finally enter the season knowing exactly what they have to do to have a shot to compete for a title. Which is next year, if you win your conference championship (power 5) you know you guarantee yourself a shot to compete for a title. While I agree that the committee probably did choose the current 4 best teams for the playoffs this year, which is their job. (Georgia probably better than Washington) I still feel bad for Florida State because they did exactly what they were supposed to do, and that is win every game on their schedule. Yeah maybe they would have gotten drilled in the playoffs, but IMO they earned the right to have a chance to compete for a title by doing exactly what they were supposed to do and winning every game. People who have been against expanding the playoffs, always argue that it would take away from the regular season, because the regular season is currently like a playoff. If that was the case, then Florida State would be in. College footballs way of determining a champion has always been messed up IMO, but next year it gets much better. Win your conference and you’re in, if you don’t then you are fair game for a committee’s opinion possibly leaving you out if you lose a game or don’t win your conference. Next year teams finally can go into a season knowing exactly what they have to do to have a shot to compete for a title. (Florida State probably will get drilled by Georgia now in the bowl game. Still doesn’t change the fact that, they earned the chance to at least compete for a title. That chance was taking away from them this year, because of a messed up system. 12 team playoff should have happened a long time ago.)
  20. I would say Bowling Green, Cooper, Owensboro, and maybe South Warren would be the favorites. I know BG, Cooper, and Owensboro return the majority of their teams. I think SW might to but not positive on that. Highlands next year is the wild card to me. Highlands losing all kinds of players from their great team this year. They obviously have a lot of very good young talented players coming up though, and will be probably the favorite in 2025 if I had to guess. So just depends how quickly that younger talent adapts to playing varsity this year, after being great at the JV and Freshman level. If they make that jump quickly, then they will be right in the mix.
  21. What did he say? I didn’t get to listen to any post game stuff.
  22. I did not get to watch this game as I had some other more important things at that time do. With that said definitely not good losing this game. Did Bradshaw playing in this game have some effect on the offense? The offense has been great this year, and was averaging 94 points a game. So was shocked to see only 73 points in this one. Also I know Wagner didn’t play, and he is probably their best guy at attacking the rim, so I wonder if that hurt the offense too. With that said in the long run I do think it is important that Bradshaw is starting to play now, even though it may hurt the team in the short term. This team needs a rim protector down low for defenses purposes and I think he will help with that once he gets back to 100%. Hopefully Cal still allows the Cats to play free and fast like they were though when he was out.
  23. In regards to Lexington and Bowling Green it is definitely fair to bring up the location part of it. To go along with players, coaches and even fans would probably enjoy being at that stadium cheering on their team more than being at WKU. Which I do think playing at Louisville would also be something that players would love. IMO WKU is and should always be the 3rd option.
  24. Pikeville, CovCath, Cooper all would have been more than just 2.5 hours. Yes WKU does have good facilities. However, as mentioned I can almost guarantee the majority of players across the state would dream of playing state championship games at a stadium like UK more so than WKU. So I think that should matter more than what is more pleasing to the eye in regards to better sights to see in regards to open seats.
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