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Everything posted by HammerTime

  1. Rick is obviously messing with everyone. He's said silly stuff like this multiple times.
  2. I know zero about GT. Who can give us a rundown?
  3. Congrats my friend!! Now the real fun starts.
  4. That team should never get out rebounded.
  5. Bennet is very good, but the offense just isn't the same without Gronk. Huge blow to their title chances.
  6. In what ways exactly? What is he going to get out of it? I don't know the answer, that's why I'm asking.
  7. Not surprising this didn't get that right. AL teams have the obvious advantage.
  8. I think it's silly he said that. I think it's even more silly if you do it. It's legal and that's the way it should be, but I will still think you are a jerk for doing it. Why would you want to live in a nation that you disrespect so much that you want to burn something that represents it?
  9. I doubt it, he will probably do well overseas. Great to hear!
  10. No real reason for any sport to have an All-Star game really. It used to be to showcase players you didn't ever see. Now we have 24/7 access across the country to all teams. It's just for fun, I don't find them entertaining so I don't watch. Some people like them.
  11. Team of player who can get the most chaw in their mouth. Only the ones that are grandfathered in though, new plays aren't allowed.
  12. We have a bunch of that that, it's good stuff.
  13. Really? I can't find one anywhere. I'm probably going to just give up. Congrats Nintendo. Your little game to draw interesting just lost you a customer.
  14. No chance. I carried like $130 worth of stuff that had two milks and some laundry detergent all in one trip the other night. Probably my biggest achievement of 2016.
  15. A snowsuit, not a child size one like RP. Full grown adult one. Seriously, I am asking for that.
  16. After you pull that baby in and out of the car a few hundred times you will be praying for a truck.
  17. Apparently you can spell the smoke as far as NKY. Fox News reporter said they could at the station.
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