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Everything posted by Latch

  1. I'm guessing two things here and I will admit that I didn't look anything up yet, but I will. My first guess is that Bray never has a year comparable to last year for Nathan. Guess 2, in all of his time w/ the Twins every trade he was responsible for didn't turn out great.
  2. Even if there were an 8 team playoff someone would cry about not getting in that, just like you mentioned. If you win all of your games and you're from a major conference you should get to play for the title. If you lose one you take the risk of getting BCS'd out of the title game.
  3. To sum this up, Michigan fans think the voters got it right when they voted Michigan number 2 after a loss, but now they've got it all wrong. Once again we're aware that Michigan fans think they got a raw deal. It will not change this year so can we move on?
  4. I know b/c the Chiefs right now have the head to head advantage on the Broncos, but their AFC record isn't that great. Who cares what happens if it ends right now? It doesn't. The Bengals go 10-6 they're in. If they go 9-7 they better beat the Broncos and hope for help.
  5. I don't like it that they put it in that form. The highest seed left after the wild card round plays the number 1 seed. It's not a true tournamnet bracket like they have it.
  6. I think you have it correct. It would be a 3 way tie between the Jets, the Chiefs, and the Bengals. The division tie break part put KC in front of Denver right now. It will all sort itself out in the end.
  7. Exactly, both teams lost a game and one was left out. Who cares why people changed their votes? It's possible that since they knew how important this final vote was they looked at the whole body of work and they thought Florida deserved it. It's clear that both sides feel they deserved a shot. It's clear that someone was going to feel slighted by the system, and it's very clear that UM fans feel they were cheated. Now can we all move on?
  8. I promise you that if OSU were to play Michigan again the spread in Vegas wouldn't be a pick.
  9. Didn't the ACC only get 4 teams in the tournament last year? It would be hard to argue that the SEC wasn't better last year than the ACC. I agree it's hard to tell this year, but I think all the power conferences have very good teams and some mediocre ones. I would go w/ the SEC right now b/c Florida is very good and there are some other potential final 4 teams.
  10. The only thing that bothers me is I ordered the sporst package when the college basketball season started, and a big reason I got it was b/c of the Thanksgiving night game and future games on NFLN. I even told them that was why I was getting it and they didn't mention it then.
  11. So will I get a refund on my sports package? It's one of the biggest reasons I got it. I guess I'll have to go to Legends to watch the game Thursday night.
  12. I understand that but lately just a few over .500 in the NL might get you in. The Mets number 3 starter wasn't that impressive, nor was the Padres. In the AL the Twins number 3 was decent at best, Yankees was Randy Johnson?...he's 42, The A's was Harden coming off an injury, and the Tigers was a rookie or an old man who might have been pumping something into his body. The Reds need to find a way to score runs just as much or more than they need to worry about adding starting pitching. If Bailey develops into a nice pitcher by the end of they year they have a possibility of not being a bad starting staff. I don't know how they score enough for it to matter.
  13. They did, but didn't their starting QB not finish the game b/c of injury. I'm aware that they still scored points, but if he finishes I assume that they win that game, much like you assuming that UK wins the B12 North. Then they would only have 1 loss and it would be to OSU w/ a Freshman QB in his first or second game of his career.
  14. They are probably pretty close. Yet they could be the Big 12 champion and Wisconsin can not play in a BCS bowl game.
  15. If USC wins out they would have won their conference, and beaten a team playing in the Big 12 chapionship, the SEC championship, and ND. Michigan beat ND. There's my compelling argument. If Arkansas and Nebraska win their respective games they wiil have beaten 3 teams playing in BCS bowl games. Now you can give Michigan's argument. It consists of they beat ND at ND.
  16. Pick which one of them you would call second and I'd take the Reds second. Milton is probably 4th or 5th next year. IMO he's not a terrible 4th or 5th starting pitcher for a team that will not have a payroll over $80M.
  17. The Cardinals won the World Series w/ Jeff Suppan and Weaver.
  18. If Michigan gets a rematch and win the game by one on a bad call who is the champion? I know the BCS has to go to the winner of the game, but what about the polls? Michigan has one good win and had their chance to beat OSU. Let someone else do it. Just because USC has played close games and lost by two on the road to a team not as good as Ohio State doesn't mean they don't deserve to be in the title game if they win out. If they beat the SEC champion, the Big 12 champion, ND, and win their conference they have a valid argument.
  19. They aren't going to score enough runs unless they aren't done dealing. I think the trade could have put them back 3 years.
  20. There is no doubt that Hill is a very good player and probably is the best player in the region this year, but 25/10/5 is absolutely great.
  21. Good question I doubt it was 25/10. Not to take anything away from him or Beechwood, but Holmes schedule looks pretty tough. If Hill goes for 25/10/5 he should win Mr. Basketball.
  22. When is the last time a player from this region averaged 25/10/5? Who was it? Has anyone from Holmes ever done it?
  23. Very good atmosphere for a game, and downton is a blast after games. If you're into that.
  24. There is no doubt in my mind that your 10 if healthy will contribute numbers. I'm not going to argue that. To put up numbers and to be the best players in the NBA are different. Chauncy Billups for instance will not put up the numbers that AI does this year. I think that a vast majority of personell people in the NBA would rather have him this year over AI. Steve Nash might have better numbers than AI, but I would argue that AI is a better all around player. I get what you are saying about this being a circular argument, but people said he is a top 5 player in the league this year if you could pick anyone in the NBA. At some point you could argue that numbers don't put him in front of Wade, LBJ, Dirk, Duncan, or KG. That is an easy 5 then there are guys like D. Howard (who by the way will put up huge numbers) that are going to be better this year who aren't even in the next group of players yet.
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