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Everything posted by Latch

  1. It's nothing like that. UK would only play them in the preseason and it wouldn't count against their record. If you want to compare it to say UC losing to Wofford, I would say it's a little more like that except that UC has 30 chances at wins and Pitt only had about 10 left.
  2. I heard he may not play tonight. If he does is there any chance that Nash tries to guard him?
  3. With this trade Denver is expecting to have some very late draft picks over the next couple of years.
  4. The big difference is that the tiebreaker will likely come down to the record against the AFC. So the Oakland loss is a much worse loss in that aspect.
  5. You can expect them to play hard and they're pretty big at all positions besides PG. It seems as if they need to learn how to close out games, but they aren't very deep so that may be why they don't. They have two guys that can really shoot it if left open, their names have already been mentioned.
  6. I don't either but I'd be more willing to make a wager that he would. I think the key is if he stays healthy b/c they will score some runs for him.
  7. I don't understand why he demands the trade and they are trying to find the right spot for him. They should do what they need to do as an organazation. Here's my take on the Celtics thing. If they have the right young pieces and a first round pick for next year why would they not do it? If you believe they could get what Simmons says they could ie..Telfair, Green, Ratliff, and a 1st rounder it would only help the Celtics this year and possibly the next two but then their future is over. Plus IMO there is no way the Celtics win the world title in the next two years w/ Iverson. So you boost the Celtics record for two years and they might even play in the Eastern Conference finals, but then what? I would do it in a heart beat and try to compete for the East in three years. Or am I totally not understanding the rivalry?
  8. Just out of curiosity where do you see him going and who do they get in return?
  9. His NBA appeal has to be at an all time high right now. I think he could get a bunch of minutes right now for the Nuggets. Why would he stay? Could he play any better this year or will he be exposed in the SEC?
  10. Even though I agree that it would be hard for them to trade him to the Celts all of the things I've read seem to suggest they have the best chance b/c of contracts and young talent. The Clippers also might have enough young players to get the deal done, but if the by far best option is the Celts how do they pass it up?
  11. Neither is Mario Williams. Reggie Bush is pretty good, he might have even better numbers if he got a majority of the carries. There is no doubt that having a home field, a productive (to say the least) QB, and a very surprising 7th round WR contribute to an improvement by the Saints. But so too does having Bush. No matter what you say he is being used in a very wise way. The Monday night game against Atl early in the year every time they faked giving him the ball the entire defense it seemed focused on him and left other options wide open. He has also helped McCallister b/c he doesn't have to carry the ball 25-30 times a game. Plus he helped sell a lot of seats. That may or may not have helped the W-L, but he's IMO a far better option than Wali Lundy.
  12. Everything I read on fantasy sights said Davis's knee wasn't healthy and that he wasn't going to be very dependable this year.
  13. Why? I think their offense would be greatly improved and it would take a ton of pressure off of the O'line and Carr.
  14. Are you saying jamie wasn't good? The paper recently put jamie number 1 all time and that included Cincinnati players. She was pretty good and I think it would be very hard if not impossible to argue that there has been a better player in the 9th region. I've admittedly never seen Murphy play, but reality is Jamie almost scored 5,000 points and was the high school player of the year in the country.
  15. UCLA w/ what they had coming back and who they've played would be up there also. It should be between those two IMO.
  16. I think if a player in Cincinnati wanted steroids or HGH he could find it.
  17. I know what you're saying, but just b/c a team is thought of highly or not so highly in the preseason doesn't make it an upset in my book. Basically the polls are for the fans and they're fun, but doesn't IMO indicate if a team is better than the other. If these teams play 10 times on a neutral court I think it's either 5-5 or 6-4 one way or the other. Maybe we look at different books.
  18. Agreed, and if there were no preseason rankings Butler would be in the top 5 right now.
  19. ND was favored by 3 so that means it would be close to a pick on a neutral court, so it's not an upset. Would anyone else like to see the Vegas odds makers put out a top 25 poll based on every team in at a neutral site?
  20. Will Carroll, Baseball Prospectus........from the GM meetings So far, Wayne Krivsky's not making friends. "He's signing guys no one wants and pushing the bar up." I can't print the rest of the quote from an NL official. This is from Lance's sight.
  21. You would take Hallman over Jamie Walz? I can't even believe a thread that asked if a player was better than Jamie got this many posts. Jamie was unreal. I'm only 28 so I won't comment on people I haven't seen, but she was the Gatorade player of the year her Senior year and she almost scored 5,000 points. Hallman was good, but come on. That's like someone saying Austin Hill is better than D. Beal. It's just not correct.
  22. I heard she is off the team, but haven't heard any reasons why.
  23. Good question....People are expecting a lot from Hill. He is a very good player, but Beal won the Regional MVP in college as he lead his team to the final 4. And he played for the College w/ the most all time wins. How do you improve on that?
  24. I know some football players were out, but maybe it's not a two or three team race.
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