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Everything posted by Hangman

  1. I supervise the servicing of all existing loans in our bank's portfolio. Specifically, my team ensures that customers maintain insurance for life of their loan(s) and pay property taxes, insurance, PMI, etc. from escrow accounts.
  2. This is also the episode where Ricky explains to Fred that you have to use a lot of starch with your stockings and puts the iron imprint on all of his white tee shirts. :lol2: I don't care what decade you're in.. Lucy holds up as good or better than any show I've ever seen. I have them all on DVD and pop them in from time to time when I need a pick me up. The episode where she locks herself in the meat freezer is also classic.
  3. "What does a yellow light mean?" is hard to top. I love Taxi and watch every chance I get. But you have to go with the original queen of comedy here. "Speeeeeeed it up a little!"
  4. Yes. My baby face hasn't changed. It's just expanded, along with the rest of me.
  5. However it's ultimately defined, the world I grew up in is much closer to that of someone born in 1980 than someone born in 2005.
  6. To be fair, it was off the rails until millennials saved it. :lol2:
  7. When I graduated high school, I had so many opportunities available to me. I had full scholarship offers to Union College and Pikeville College. But my dad had died in a car accident and I was just angry about a lot of things. I let those opportunities pass me by with the understanding that I'd go back. I regret that decision to this day, as I've been taking classes here and there for the better part of the last decade. It's tough, but I may have that degree before I'm 40.
  8. Talking on the phone or texting? Because millennials don't talk on the phone. :lol2: Texting while driving, though, I have zero tolerance for. There's no text so important that you should put your life and mine in danger to read/send.
  9. LSU from 94. I can still remember watching with my dad and his excitement when they came back. It sealed the deal for me.
  10. I could fill 40. It's the other 128 that would kill me.
  11. No doubt. I will also say that I've seen the opposite, where older folks were discounted because of their age and a perception that maybe the pace would be too much for them. I advocate for them as well. I don't want to see anyone judged on age either way.
  12. I hear ya. It's just bizarre. And like I said very early on in the thread, it's all just a pet peeve of mine because I'm in the career I'm in constantly fighting this age stigma. It's a major hindrance to be taken seriously when someone makes their mind up about you based on your age.
  13. Man, trust me... That crosses generations. :lol2:
  14. What does one do when retired at 53? I'm bored when I have a day off of work. I think I'll work til I die both out of necessity, and a general lack of knowing what to do with my time.
  15. I often hear the criticism that millennials are overly sensitive and care too much. And then I also hear the feedback that the problem with this generation is our indifference. I just don't understand how it can go both ways. For any "millennial" who has illusions about the world handing them something, they're smacked down quickly. I once interviewed someone for an entry level position who came in with a briefcase and said "I want to be in management because my dad is in management. I won't settle for anything else." Zero experience. I laughed out loud. But that's the exception, not the norm.
  16. Standup comics do it so you don't film their routine, post it on YouTube, and ruin their jokes for people who may otherwise be willing to pay for the show.
  17. My brain is having a hard time processing this idea. I'll have to think about it.
  18. You name it, we ruined it. Doesn't even matter what decade it happened.
  19. The Masters is a little different, as they try to minimize the distraction of the golfers. It's not unprecedented to ban a cell phone anywhere. But at a rock concert, yes it's new. Millennials are the only people with cell phones though, right?
  20. I saw Chappelle at the Palace last year and security was not messing around on that point. Smart watches were also banned.
  21. I go to a ton of concerts, and I used to do exactly as you explained. Then I realized: Nobody cares about my pictures. And I rarely looked at them again. These days, I hardly ever take any pictures at all. What you cite is far from limited to millennials, though. Off topic, but Jack White has banned cell phones from his shows from his upcoming tour. Several standup comedians have done this for the last couple of years, requiring you to put them in the pouches when entering and have designated areas where you can use the phone if needed. I think it's a trend that will continue to grow over the upcoming months and years.
  22. My hair has stayed the same my entire life because I don't want to risk anyone noticing me. I combed it one day and got a compliment. I can't be having that. :lol2:
  23. I live in Pikeville. I don't even know what Great Clips is.
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