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Everything posted by 02Ram54

  1. 02Ram54

    What if?

    It's a great way to break down comparative scores as a method to determine outcomes of hypothetical matchups.
  2. 02Ram54

    What if?

    No, you mentioned Morris being a matchup problem for Louisville. Gray and Morris both play center, and Gray didn't appear to be a matchup problem for the Cards, so I was wondering if you think Morris is better.
  3. 02Ram54

    What if?

    Vandy beat FLORIDA. Gtown beat Vandy. Pitt beat Gtown. Louisville beat Pitt. Reason beat Comparative scores.
  4. 02Ram54

    What if?

    Are you saying Morris is better than Gray?
  5. UK might have a chance to finish 2nd, but right now they're 4th in the East because Georgia owns the tiebreaker. Not to mention the fact that three of their last four games are against teams that beat them earlier in the season, two on the road.
  6. 02Ram54

    What if?

    If you want to compare it to the game in December, put it in Freedom Hall.
  7. I think that Final Four is some consolation... Would UK fans trade? I think those that after Tubby's head would.
  8. This was more of a buzzer beater than Gaines' shot a few years ago, but the hairs on the back of my head stand up listening to the call for that one, too.
  9. Oh, those I got- just not this one.
  10. They're totally cropped differently. I really wanted one of T-Will's dunk against Pitt, but there's no good angle on it to make an avatar from it.
  11. I like looking at Fitzgerald trying to will the ball away from the basket. I like it a lot, in fact.
  12. Louisville is in. :dancingpa Love the region, too.
  13. "After Coach Petrino left, I talked to Coach Brohm," Chris Summers said. "I still like Louisville a lot. I had a good visit there and I still consider myself a commitment to them." Having said that, Summers is keeping his options open. In fact, he'll be making a visit elsewhere this weekend. "I'm going down to Miami tomorrow," he said. "I'm flying out in the morning. They started recruiting me a couple weeks ago. I like Miami a lot. My daddy's from Miami so I know about them. Coach Shannon actually came to my school recently and I've been talking to Coach Hurtt. They haven't offered me yet but hopefully I'll have an offer by the end of the weekend." What will happen if the Canes over the talented receiver, who finished his season with 42 catches for 750 yards and eight touchdowns? "It's hard to say if I'd commit," he said. "It's hard to compare them because they're so different. I won't really be able to answer that until I take my visit. If they offer me, I'll sit down with my parents to see what they think." The University of South Florida and Bowling Green are other schools involved. "I don't have anything set up for the second (of February) yet," he said. "I was supposed to go to USF last weekend but they had a death on the team and cancelled their visits. Coach Douglas came to my school on Tuesday. And I might visit Bowling Green too." He sounds real commited to me...
  14. Your list includes a player that never committed to Louisville and a player that committed on signing day. No wonder they were treated differently.:lol: CJ Peake committed late, switching his verball from Wisconsin to Louisville; Louisville would have been pretty hypocritical to not let him reconsider. Martin briefly considered a trip to California after verballing, but then withdrew from that and ended up being instrumental in getting CJ Peake. So I can see why the coaches aren't ready to pull the rug. But this is all beside the point, CR. Summers OPENED his scholarship up for consideration when his actions made it clear that he was no longer fully committed to the Cardinal program. He gambled with it because he thought he had a shot with Miami, his dream school. He lost the gamble- regrettable, but it doesn't make Kragthorpe a villan.
  15. The coach and the player have different stories. The kid has been quoted as saying he hasdn't talked to the coaching staff in weeks, the coach claims they were communicating all the time. The fact is, this kid wasn't committed to U of L- he was looking at Miami, and would have verballed if they had offered. Louisville had a very small number of slots, and a coach that had a month to close the deal on their recruits, starting from scratch. They didn't have time to mess around with kids they didn't think they were going to land. I crack up everytime I see Simms brough up in this regard, by the by. From the VERY begining of the Simms deal, RP and I said very solidly that he was going to stay a Cardinal. You guys think we had no REASON to say that? Simms was at worst a 90% chance. Whereas this kid was looking to jump ship. Offer or not, the kid was NOT committed. Even if he SAID he was, his actions said otherwise, and U of L went in a different direction.
  16. No, it was the SA. Anyone see Tony Snow calling this manufactured scandal 'ridiculous?' Just wondering if anyone saw that.
  17. Peake wasn't signed when those came out, and I can't look at the list to tell you what else might have affected it.
  18. Maybe, but it's not a sure fire thing. There will have to be some diamond in the rough players for there to truly be 'great' players in that class for UK.
  19. Acting on one's urges is a choice, of course. Are celibate priests heterosexuals if they desire women, but suppress their urges? I think the answer is clearly 'yes' within the definition of heterosexuality: One who is ATTRACTED to members of the opposite sex.
  20. It was all on Peyton when they lost, why shouldn't it be all on him when they win? I think Peyton deserves a lot of credit for EVERY offensive play, run or pass. He runs the offense more than any other QB in the league.
  21. But both of your examples aren't in this era. You could argue that in THIS day and age, both of those players would have been bigger recruits. Per the initial post of this thread, scouting services also follow who's getting interest from college coaches. If a kid is good, sends film to coaches and they see enough of what they like to scout and follow the player, that player WILL get noticed by these websites.
  22. I've noticed that Tubby bashers are still feeling their oats after that win, too. Maybe the 18% all turned their TVs off after UK got down big against the Hogs.
  23. Man CRUSH, actually, or Mr. CRUSH.
  24. I thought the game was played well from about the 10 minute mark in the first half on, and if Louisville didn't dig themselves so far down to start the game very well could have won. Still, no one wins them all in this league, and I think Louisville will still be well positioned by the end of the year. Louisville should still have a very good chance at a road win against UConn, 2. But this was our best shot at a road win that would mean something RPI wise, we'd have to steal one against Marquette or Pitt now. The Georgetown game is now very important, in my eyes.
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