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Everything posted by Boucher

  1. St. John was a factor in this game, no doubt, but don't be mistaken, Bortnem was the difference. When SL was down big late in the 4th, he was the one who stepped up, and sparked SL's comeback. On both ends of the floor.
  2. Clay County fans - Please email your complaints to Canady. If you need his email address, ask your coaches.
  3. When you head south from London, you pretty have to go to through Jellico, TN. I'm not sure of what you're trying to say.
  4. My youngest son (19) headed to Panama City last night around 9 (to beat the snow on Jellico Mountain), and his big brother (20) is leaving for Destin on Sunday. Nervous times as a parent. Question: Is it wrong to expect your kids to NOT do the things that you did on Spring Break? I sure hope not!
  5. I agree. I thought all of the officiating at the 49th district tournament was good.
  6. Spurlock wouldn't let his team (or himself for that matter) to shake hands after playing North Laurel as well. He's had at least two issues when going through shaking the opposing teams' hands, coincidence? I wonder if he had similar issues when coaching at Hazard?
  7. I wish him well, and I'm very happy he's gone. Decent against the run, but nt much of a pass rusher at all.
  8. Jackson kept trying to run, and it cost them. Thet had several breaks and runouts that ended in turnovers and bad shots due to decisions by their guards. When Clay slowed it down, Jackson had to go to man defense, and Clay just went right by them. As Chachi said, Jackson mgot it close at the end with a couple of late threes. I agree, NL did an excellent job hosting the tournament.
  9. Tons of athletes Tommy Lee - he and his band spent 3 days at the same resort as I did. It was a zoo. Troy Gentry - really nice guy Ernie Johnson - TNT NBA analyst - another nice guy
  10. Would you call your country a ...? Easy to tell who's in one and who's not. Once I spot the word "frat" I know it is from someone who is not in one.
  11. Just curious, where do you go to school, or where did you go?
  12. Come on down, I'd love to see you. I'll be in my usual location.
  13. Les - Where are you on this one? It's not like you to sit on the sidelines and watch on something like this.
  14. Why does that not suprise me? I can't see how anyone could read the emails, and not see a very clear problem. I've wondered for years why we always seemed to have the same officials when we played Clay County, I guess it is pretty clear now. I agree with Jessee James...Heads should/will roll.
  15. I agree, even more so now with everyone seeing what's been going on behind the scenes for some time now.
  16. Beer is sold at W.K.U. baseball games, and the baseball stadium is on campus. Shockingly, student attendence has soared since they started selling it.
  17. I agree on both items, but after watching them a cople of times, I don't believe that Knox Central is a top team in the 13th. They can not handle the press at all. Charlie Kirk and company is the sole reason that the final score did not have a 20 point spread, and this is with KC being up by 7 at the half. Officiating in the 13th is downright embarrassing. That is not just the talk around here, but state wide. From what I've heard, something big is getting ready to break regarding it.
  18. After reading 5+ pages of this, what's quite obvious to me is that basketball coaches use profanity when coaching their players, and marching band directors evidently do not. This is a non-issue.
  19. I'd bet the ranch that the AD gets fired too. I also think the University President may be a bit nervous as well.
  20. I put all 5 in my family into the ticket lottery, and none of us got pulled. My only hope now is someone that I do business for/with steps up to the plate. TD- How are you able to go?
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