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Pat Dad

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Everything posted by Pat Dad

  1. How true. My son was told once that he would be playing basketball for Kentucky someday. I think he knew better. You just don't know how many times I have heard a coach tell a potential player that very same phrase. And it makes me sick that these so called coaches would do that.
  2. You bring up a good point. I think that what most of us want is for the KHSAA to give more support to baseball as they do football and basketball. We do have Summer and Fall. But in the Fall boys have to have someone willing to coach them so that they can play. It's usually a parent that has no idea about the fundamentals to teach these boys. They think they do, but in reality, they don't. So there is where the program may suffer. We've all seen where a basketball coach and a football coach are with there players in the Summer. So why can't the baseball coach be with them during the Fall? It's pure silliness.
  3. Just did. RM, I really respect you and your opinion. It's stinks that this proposal passed. I didn't like the proposal nor the reasoning for it. But again I have to state that by most of the post in this thread they, (private schools), feel that they are above public schools. Calling the public schools pansies doesn't help. You have a couple of posters that think by calling public schools, along with students as young as 9, pansies makes themselves feel better. I don't have any respect for them. I guess the best thing to do is to just hope that the BOE or the regents will shoot this down. And all will be fine in the land of the pansies.
  4. I didn't think that this would pass. The AD's and whoever could care less about baseball. :mad: We have Fall Ball so it doesn't really matter.
  5. I would have to agree with LBC. After reading most of the posts within this thread and reading pansy after pansy remarks, I would get that assumption that the private schools think they are better.
  6. You got it right, they will be able to openly recruit instead of doing it behind the curtain. Don't get me wrong, I am against this seperation. It stinks. But it was bound to happen because of all the recruiting. JMO.
  7. Brandon is a junior. He has been playing for KCC since he was in the 7th grade. He has also played short, 2nd, and 3rd. Brandon has pitched, but he's a better SS and catcher.
  8. If he decides to play, Brandon Smith from Knott Central is a good catcher.
  9. I have a perfect solution to this private/public debate. Once athletes graduate from the 8th grade have all athletic directors and coaches from all HS teams get together on a set date. On this set date all the AD's and coaches would have a discussion on these athletes and where they should go. We all know that HS's have scouts that watch these boys and girls play different sports. So on this set date, and based on the HS's teams previous performance, pick these kids to play. The athletes would have to go there since the KHSAA voted in a "draft" rule. Problem solved. Sound ridiculous? Sure it does. These are kids we are talking about. And this is where sports has taken our education system. Education is second when comes to athletics. As long as the kid can score 30 points a game or score 4 touchdowns a game, education doesn't matter. JMO.
  10. I agree with all. Wood is better for the game and a lot safer.
  11. Michael Curtis-OF/P, Lexington, KY (Lafayette) Ty Ethington-OF/P, Bardstown, KY Joe Hyatt-UTL/P, Frankton, KY Robbie Reeves-RHP, Lexington, KY All at Lincoln Trail College in Illinois.
  12. Welcome aboard. Have fun and post often.
  13. While the "All A" is not santioned by the KHSAA, it is a state championship. And while it may not mean too much to some, ask the teams that have won it what they think.
  14. I will have to agree with you on this one. In Knott County they play Junior Pro and AAU. June Buchanon has a team for the 3-4 grades and a team for the 5-6 teams. The other public schools do not officially have teams from each school. Teams are composed of players that have "coaches" that go out and ask family, friends, and so forth if their kid will play for them. So you have about 6 teams in each age level that will have players that are mixed from the public schools. Heck, when my boys played one son was on one team and my other was on the other. It's hard to root that way. We let them pick who they wanted to play for. Same goes for AAU. JBS has one team and then you'll see a couple of teams mixed. JBS's goal is to teach the game. The others is to win, and play their family.
  15. LexCath will be tough again this upcoming season. Lafayatte will give them a run for thier money. Lafayette lost their top pitcher Chaz Roe and another good player being their starting catcher. Knott's Summer team played the Generals and they were very good.
  16. Wait a minute here! We have the best consession workers. All kidding aside... I believe that there are a few posters that are boasting they have the best. The only way to prove that is on the field. Leslie has a good team and so don't PCC. I believe that next season is going to be a toss up. KCC beat, I think, the best team in the region in the regional tournament, Lee County. But fell to the third best team in the region , PCC. You can boast the best players, but it's a team effort. And so the saying goes "On any given day....". You know the rest.
  17. I believe that 14th region isn't coached by the last two coaches in the region finals. The coaches are picked when they meet for the 14th region pairings. That's my understanding. Anyway, it doesn't matter now. The games are over and done with. Let's get back on topic.
  18. I agree. How they vote for players needs to be changed. Who coached the 14th Region All Stars?
  19. I agree with 5eagles about the "All-Star" games. It was a sham. And by no means am I putting down the players that were there from the 14th. But there were better players that could have went.
  20. If the player that is hitting .310 and is giving 110% each and every game and the player that is hitting .500 and isn't giving it 110%, I'll take the .310 player. the .310 hitter may be hitting the ball where it needs to go better than the .500 hitter. Then you would have to look at the hitters field play. One may be better than the other. Same goes for the pitchers. Also, the 8-2 pitcher may be facing teams that aren't that good while the 5-5 pitcher may be facing the better teams. The 5-5 pitcher may be hitting his spots better than the 8-2 pitcher, and so on. There are too many varibles to look for in players. Go ask a college or pro scout. They will tell you that they will look at the stats, but they want to see the player as well. I'll let you know something that isn't spoken about too much. A scout and coach that is looking at a player or recriuting, for that matter, will watch that player before and after a game. They'll look to see if the player is helping the rest of the team putting out and putting up equipment, if he does what the coach asks of him, misses sign, what the player does in the dugout during the game, and so on. I may not know what I am talking about, but I'll make sure that my sons aren't going to make donkey's of themselves when a scout or coach is in attendance at a game to see them. I'll make sure that they know to act like a player on the field and off.
  21. Hey, I can be wrong every now and then. I talked to someone during the season and they told me that Hendrix was a soph. Yes, you can accept letters when you are a junior. I know that. You see invites to look at the programs and such, not offers.
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