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Pat Dad

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Everything posted by Pat Dad

  1. Let me set the record straight, I have the utmost respect for Coach Feltner. I feel that he is turning around the boys basketball program, and he is the reason for it. He's a good fit for the program. My problem is that he should direct the team in his way, play who he feels should be on the court, and decide who he dismisses. And it's not that way. It's his team and the school's team. I think he should coach there until the cows come home. Unfortunatly, for KCC, the cows come home every 2 years,. At least for the boys basketball and football programs. It seems that when something starts to work, someone decides that it's a time for a change. And that someone is the problem. And that's who I, and alot more, feel should go. No rumors. I never said I didn't like anyone. He's a good man. No jealousy, no resentment, just like to see KCC to go in the right direction.
  2. What's the name of the Scorpions tune? Oh yea.... "Winds Of Change". There's a grapvine here in Knott. It's had some activity.
  3. I didn't watch the game. I was out of town. Didn't say it was game after the 3rd quarter.
  4. I know him very well, myself. And, most know my opinion about Knott's AD. And while I do applaude his work with students, the direction KCC is going, education and sports, it's not good. Education of the students should always be first. Sports may get you a scholarship, but you better have the grades to back it up, or you're going to lose that scholarship. That happened last year. You can't change coaches every two years and expect a team to turn around in a wink. Every coach has a different perception on what needs to be done and how he/she will get it done. Look at the girls team, for example. One coach was there for more than 4 years. He done pretty good, IMO. It takes time. If an 8th grader plays for the boys basketball or football teams, more than likely, by the time he graduates, he'd played for 3 different coaches. KCC needs to get a new AD if they want to be successful in the future. Plain and simple. The AD is not the coach. He shouldn't be punishing players and putting players in a starting position. That is the coach's job. Let the coach do his job. I remember a few years back when Knott County had a AABC baseball league. It done ok. Then they had a new president elected and it went downhill in two years. Now Knott has a Little League going and the right people are in charge of it. And it is successful. They had more teams this past season than the AABC did in it last two years. Why is it successful? Because the president makes decisions based on what will benfit the kids. The kids are first and foremost getting to play. And if they were to have 200 kids that wanted to play, all would. Who was the then president of the AABC league? You should know.
  5. To answer your question, some AC players played on the same team that some of the Knott Central players were on during the Fall. I know that Lee, Owsley, Powell, Perry Central, Hazard, Leslie, and Buckhorn (PCC, Hazard, Leslie, Buckorn had a combined team) played during the Summer. I'm not sure about the rest. And we aren't advertising. I enjoy watching and talking baseball. If it seems like advertising, I apologize. Someone asked the question about off season and I answered. :thumb:
  6. You'll have to ask the Athletic Director. He's the one that dismissed Dials. Plus, we can't talk about those things in this public forum. KCC is not better off without Dials. Unless, you are the opposing team. Down by 4 with four minutes to go and they almost get beaten by 20? You call that close? The Patriots need Dials. And here is my solution to the problem. First, let Feltner coach the team. He's good, and he knows what he is doing. Second, experience last night would have helped them. They may not have won, but at least they wouldn't be getting beat by 20 at the end. The team is too good this year to be getting beat like that. Third, the AD needs to take a seat away from the team. He's not the coach. Have him to do his real job and let Neil do his, which is the coach of the KCC Patriots.
  7. I do get some exercise in when there. When the sun sets I have to move around to see the action.
  8. 100% correct. Knott Central plays a lot during the Summer and most of the boys plays on a team in the Fall. May be the reason they are getting better and better. Hazard, Leslie, and Perry Central had a team put together over the Summer and the Fall, I believe. KCC played Lee, Owsley, Powell, North Laurel, and a bunch of others during the Summer. It takes a lot of games to get better. That's why we see teams like KCC, Hazard, Lee, and so on, play well into the regional tournament.
  9. It's a shame that Brian left. He left just as the season was about to start, or after the third game. He worked his butt off in the off season. He conditioned the whole Summer. I believe he even ran in a marathon. Brian was in tip top shape. And then he left because it was the right thing for him to do. It's just a sad situation for the ball team. They lost, probably, one of the best outside shooters they had. And now Dials. Re-tooling is in order.
  10. I was told this evening that Brian went to Tates Creek. Not sure if he's playing basketball, though.
  11. You've got that right. AD should have nothing to do with punishing Dials for anything. It's the coach's job.
  12. Cornett. That's it. Where did Brian go? I didn't know that he left.
  13. Matt's a good player. He needs to be on the court. Brian Stidham is deadly from the 3 point line. If Brian is left open, he'll nail it 99% of the time. Mark Smith, I believe that's his last name, is a great defender and a very good rebounder. KCC has some great players. They just need to get playing time.
  14. That's a great point. I didn't think about the timing apects. It'll be an advantage for teams that don't have anyone playing basketball. Plus, your arm has to get into the "baseball" motion and strength for baseball. Since, arm motions are different in basketball, it'll take time. In basketball there is more of a pushing motion and baseball, you throw. Both are very different and may take a week or so to get used to it. Unless you have a dedicated athlete who takes time out to throw and take BP over the Winter. Knott Central only has a couple of players that are playing basketball. So, it shouldn't really hurt the team at all. Other teams, like Perry Central and Lee, are just like KCC. Not many are playing basketball, if any at all. Leslie, Hazard, and maybe Owsley are the teams that usually have players that do both sports.
  15. I doubt very seriously that this tourney will ever be held at the Expo Center. They would have to just about sell out every game to make a profit. It would be a great place for it to be held, but I just don't see it happening anytime soon.
  16. You can't get anyone, at least the parents, to do anything. Talked to a parent last week and said that there are problems, but what can you do? I told them what needs to be done and how to do it. Still, they just didn't seem to care. It's been going on for so long that most deal with it until their kid/s are gone or quit. I've seen quite a few athletes to either sit on the bench or quit that deserve to play. I hope that parents will wake up and get together and do something. Until they do, it's just going to be the same ol' thing year after year.
  17. The Freshman and JV can win. They don't have problems the varsity does. Which is pressure put on by some people.
  18. It could. Most baseball teams are conditioning for baseball. And those teams that have players that play basketball, may or may not have problems adjusting. It really depends on the player. A real athlete may just go from one sport to another without any problems. Maybe some rust in a couple of games.
  19. This very subject came up in this discussion board before last season, I believe. Anyway, I happy to hear that Belfry has done some upgrades to their field. Knott Central has been upgrading as well. They added a new fence down on the right field side. Hopefully, they'll be adding a couple of bullpens before the season starts or during the season. The only thing that hurts the field is parking. Someday that should get resolved.
  20. Knott Central started out strong this season and have tapered off. I know what problems they are having, but can't disclose them for fear of backlash from the "powers that be". Neil is a great coach and should have full control of HIS team. But, sadly I am making the prediction that he'll be out at the end of the school year or start of the next. It's just typical Knott politics. :irked:
  21. PCC and Hazard aren't all the 14th. There are other teams. So Jackson City and JBS have had bad teams in the past. Both teams worked hard to get better and they both have. Sure Perry Central has been the tops in the 14th for a few years. But, just like UK in the SEC, sometimes other programs catch up to you and knock you down. I really believe that there will be another team from the 14th going to Rupp other than PCC or Hazard.
  22. Jackson City is sitting back and enjoying this. Look over JC and you may get burnt.
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