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Everything posted by rltrace

  1. That's 2 games OSU should have lost, any team this lucky has got to have a shot at the title.
  2. Seeding gives the perceived better teams the advantage of playing the perceived weaker teams in the first and second round. These perceptions would be deciced in a board room and the larger schools, traditional powers and politically connected schools would be helped at the expense of the smaller, non connected newcomers. So, basically we would be making our own BCS and stacking the odds against the Cinderella teams. The haves don't need any more advavntages they already have better facilities, booster clubs, more kids to chose from, larger coaching staffs, AAU teams, larger areas to draw from, etc.
  3. 70 Foul Shots in a game!!! SEVENTY!!!!! 70!!!! Caracter fouls out in 7 minutes. It was certainly appropriate that this game came down to a player from each team missing 2 consectutive free throws in the last 30 seconds.
  4. Now that's what I'm talking about!!! Great effort by the Cats!!! Kansas can be had!! Here's hoping the Cats and the Cards put a double whammy on the Big 12!!
  5. Stanford is the 6th place team in the PAC 10 and they will prove it Thursday.
  6. Saturday could be special, I'll be there if it's XU/OSU and UL/TA&M.
  7. On second thought, why continue the farce? Simply take handchecking and palming out of the rule book so that every team could work on them and make them artforms and we would also eliminate the curiously timed calls.
  8. Officials for years were instructed to call the handchecking early, to minimize their problems as the game progresses but they simply didn't call it at all last night. They should just take it out of the rule book if it is not going to be called on a regular basis. That way officials will not be able to select the situations they decide to use the rules in.
  9. Hand checking is defined as illegal contact by a defensive player which impedes the forward or lateral movements of the offensive player. The following are handchecking guidelines for all referees. It is a foul if: * A defender leaves his hand on an opponent * A defender continually places hands on an opponent * A defender places 2 hands on an opponent * A defender continually jabs an opponent * An illegal arm bar is used by the defender ( A arm bar may be used by a defender in the post but not when face to face.) Sorry, I went to my first game in a while last night and thought they had surely changed the rules but they are still the same.
  10. A technical foul should be have been called on the fans and the head coach should be called to the PA to address his teams fans. Repeat infractions should call for additional technicals, kicking the worst fans out of the gym and if necessary forfeiture.
  11. Agreed, the Rocks look like they are one ballhandling, pentrating point guard short.
  12. Well, Ballard won again tonight, they pressed the entire game and forced the Rocks into many TO's and the Trinity D kept the Bruins in check and had the lead at the half. It was a very tight game until Ballard made 3 straight 3's midway through the 3rd period while the Rocks, who missed 17 free throws in their 1st game with Ballard, were missing somewhere between 8-10 free throws in the 3rd period alone. Ballard was able to maintain their 7-9 advantage the rest of the game stretching in out at the end to win by 15. Both could win the 7th but neither looked dominant.
  13. I'll give Cov Cath credit for originality and great school spirit but as far as loudness, no. One school's cheering section was so loud and intimidating in their opening round victory that their entire student cheering section was mysteriously forced (by the state police) to move to the upper deck in Rupp Arena for their second round game against the defending state champions. It was Trinity. Sorry for going off the thread but I am still touchy and I think CovCath and Ashland fans would be too if it had happened to their students.
  14. This was a great victory over a true NC contender, go Cards!! FACT: None of the Top 6 teams in the final rankings before the NCAA made the Final 4 last year.
  15. Almost all of the top BCS schools have figured it out. Win your league, go undefeated in OOC play and you will probably play for the title. Look at Florida. Nobody with NC title aspirations is going to schedule Uof L OOC.
  16. Bonafide Division 1 schedule that features six teams that won bowl games in 2006.
  17. I concede. It does mean that it is the opinion of some service that one player at a certain position is absolutely, undeniably better than all others at that position. Bear in mind though that there are 1000's of other people with different opinions of the same players out there.
  18. Player Rankings are good for conversations but they don't mean anything.
  19. Hunter will be the next big thing but he might be second next.
  20. The announcement has been made Simms will play for the Ville.
  21. The only stat that means anything is the "W". Sure he needs some work on his shot but he is a soph and the designated go to guy and they are on a roll.
  22. So that's 2 out of 9 that have had a run in with the law while at UofL. I'd that's about average for 17-22 year olds in or out of school. It's probably a little higher at Duke.
  23. Do TN and WVU turn down every student who has a felony conviction or just athletes?
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