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Everything posted by BGGreen

  1. The Raiders have sent a lot of outstanding football players to CCH (and Dixie) over the years!!
  2. Very good timing!! Word was both sides were going to try and overflow the place and many would be left out--Probably would have happened had the weather not been so darn cold!!
  3. :thumb: :thumb: Hammertime!! The hype for that game, a district first rounder, was worthy of a regional final with a trip to Rupp on the line; which of course we all knew it was!!!!
  4. While both games were very exciting and nervewracking; I'd have to say the PC/BBHS game was the best; only due to what was on the line!! Both BB and Scott were assured a berth in the regionals, and were playing for pride and seeding; and no matter who won they were going to be rated behind Clark Co. and Mason. Could either have beaten both teams, sure if the cards fell right; but they both would have been considered upsets!! In the '05 game, a district opener due to non-seeding of the district, all the marbles were on the line--Loser went home, and unfortunately it was my Mustangs!! In addition, the winner of that game was an absolute lock to win the region, as evidenced by PC's virtual cruise through the field in Maysville!! #1 Fan--I also remember that very cold and long line to get into that game; but the sheer magnitude of that game, and the "winner go home" nature made it the top district game in my memory!!
  5. I think he'll do fine, and with CC's returning talent and the graduation losses at Brossart, Scott and Silver Grove, the Camels should be the favorite to win the district!! It will be interesting to see who he names as his assistants, and what personnel moves he makes within the roster? I think he's got quite a few returning seniors? Maybe someone closer to the program can enlighten us as to the expected roster, or who's been at the open gyms?? He'll have to deal with some late arrivals due to football & soccer, but he's been to that movie with the multiple sport kids at Brossart & Highlands!!
  6. Then you'd have to include the '05 Brossart team that lost a very close 38th district opener to that team, in what may have been the best first round district matchup in 10th region history?? The regional title was a mere formality for the winner of that game!!
  7. The Northern Kentucky class of 2007 had an unusual number of outstanding athletes in multiple sports, and while NKY didn't end up producing any D-1 "basketball" talents last year; they did end up with a lot of kids going on to play college level sports. several at the D-1 level and several in basketball at the D-II, D-III and NAIA levels!!
  8. Mark Wehry (the current football/basketball/ baseball announcer) started the CovCath internet radio broadcasts with an assist from Brossart's "Mustang" who had previously started broadcasting Mustang basketball games on the internet!! I believe Mark actually broadcast his first game or two solo??
  9. Shouldn't this thread now be about congratulating Scott Code, who WAS chosen as the Camel's head man; rather than speculating on those RUMORED to have turned it down???? Whenever a job opens up there's always multiple applicants, and those not chosen always have turned it down for one reason or another?? By the way--How "loyal" is someone who's openly out exploring other opportunities?? I'd view "loyal" as someone who was approached about a job, but said "thanks, but no thanks"; not someone out applying for what they must view as a "better job"??
  10. I think the key phrase you convienently missed in Mustangs' post was "The Royals are playing in a ton of tournaments and showcases this year"?? Mason has one of those "every so often" teams and wants to showcase them and Darius in particular. I'm sure BBHS will be back to playing the cream of the crop in the 10th as they have since they moved to the region!! Bit of a cheap shot at a program who's been playing pretty much all comers for years?? I'd be happy to compare their schedule to any other "A" school??
  11. Hey Balkerm/Soda/Camel 1--Any word on who Scott will name to his staff?? Will he be retaining any current assistants??
  12. Scott will work through this issue, as he's familiar with multi-sport athletes from his Brossart days. Seven of the eight BB basketball seniors will be playing collegiate sports, and only one at this time in hoops!! If Campbell makes another run in football, they could report even later however; but he'll work it out and prepare accordingly. What will be interesting will be how the Camels take to his defensive preachings, after playing a somewhat different style the last few years?? Watching Coach Enzweillers' JV team last year would seem to indicate they'll be fine!!
  13. With this matter finally resolved, I thought it might be fun to revisit some of the predictions and interesting comments from this thread and its predecesor, leaving out the less than constructive comments. Here's a few of the posts and a couple of my observations highlighted in what else but purple: "Biggs would be very interested and would likely take the job, in my opinion." "How about Brad Carr???" "Carr would be a great choice but either of the Codes might make more sense as coaching at Brossart makes them a little more knowledgeable about the goings on at the county high school." Good thinking! "Absolutely no way Code leaves. Not gonna happen..." "Maybe not Mike, but what about Scott?" Even better thinking! "I heard Aric Russell might consider coming home to his alma mater." "I would be shocked if the hire didn't come from Newport." "I did hear that a former Brossart coach has applied and has had 2 conversations with the Super. He is pretty tight with several of the CC folks." A little off base? "Come on everybody, we've talked about current Brossart Coaches and a former Brossart coach but we have left out a "Crosstown Legend Coach" and a family favorite. The one man who has stood the test of time through the entire rivalry with his intensity and in your face attitude, his name...Robert "Bobby" Rowe!!! He has coached under Willie and Mike so he has had the best of both worlds." Really Far Off!! "Usually the small schools hire no name people and turned them into coaches that later go onto bigger schools." And we don't have to?? "Do you think that Willies first year coaching at Brossart Campbell County would have wanted him. He went to BBHS got a nice resume and now he is a qualified coach who would be great for CCHS or any school." A Little Arrogant?? "TAKE IT TO THE BANK--- MIKE CODE IS THE NEXT COACH AT CCHS" "Hold on Mustang. I said a former Brossart coach with connections to CC and the super Anthony Strong. Did not mention a name. Although Willie would be an awesome choice......doesn't mean and isn't who I was talking about." "Bob Seiter???" "I've heard a possibility of interest from another ex-catholic school coach/AD a little further north on I-471...." Really Off!! "now we need a bball coach that understands the road to the "Fieldhouse." "My guess on this is its Seiter's job if he has ties to Strong." "Football field fued leaves anyone from Brossart out." Even Further Off!! "Listerman?" Off the Planet!! "Some pretty good names in the hat for this job. Heard from a very reliable source: Schlarmann, Carr, Dawn, Russell, Seiter, Scott Code." "Impressive list of applicants if they've all indeed applied!! As much as I hate to say this, because Brossart would be losing a heckova coach; I think Scott Code would be great for this job. His time may have come to be a head guy, he's been associated with nothing but winning programs, and knows his basketball!! He'd bring some defensive intensity to the Camels, and is a very hard worker!!" Bright Guy!! "Since Schlarman did not apply, I think that Scott Code would be my choice if I were the Camels! He is young, energetic, knowledgeable, and also has a proven track record of winning at the schools where he has worked. Since he already teaches in the system, it should be a slam dunk....." :thumb: :thumb: "If another current head coach takes this job, the ripple effect will undoubtably move into the school year before settling down?? I'm guessing this might move the search more in the direction of a candidate that's not currently a head coach or under contract elsewhere??" Insight?? Interesting to see that while speculation got a little crazy at times, generally the rational BGP community was pretty close to "right on" with their speculation on this situation. Apparently BGP has their finger on the pulse of NKY Sports!! :thumb: :thumb:
  14. I'm sure he will Ballerm, along with his ring!!!! He should get a chance to get off on the right foot too, as CC should be the favorite in the 37th based on their returning group; and the graduation losses of BB, Scott and SG!!
  15. Those darn private schools and their repeated transfers--Can't they ever just play with their home-growns?? Out wait a minute--Holmes isn't private, then it must be OK??
  16. Wow--I just flunked history, again!! I knew it was some significant WWII day, but maybe that's even more appropriate??
  17. Let me be one of the first of the Brossart contingent to congratulate Scott on his new job, and to the Campbell committee for making a great choice!! I really hate to see him leave, and want to publically thank him for all he's done for the Mustang program the last few years!! Few realize the hours these guys put into their work, and trust me its not for the money; because they don't make mininimum wage when its all said & done!! He was a big part of the development of this years' senior All "A" State Champions, especially the big men, and will be sorely missed!! Best of luck in your new assignment, and we'll be rooting for you except the evening of December 7th--Hey, isn't that D-Day??
  18. Ballerm--Who officially interviewed when it was all said & done?
  19. Yes--But again I'd call it a rumor until "someone in the know" chimes in?? If this and the other "rumors" are true, you'll find it went pretty much exactly like Mustang predicted on the other thread. Scott would be a great hire for Campbell, and I kind of considered him a natural as he's already teaching in the school system, had a winning background, knows the program albiet from the outside, etc. We'll wait and see, and I'll be interested in the take of the Camel faithful on here if he's the one chosen.
  20. Let's try this again, and maybe even manage to stay on topic this time!! Heard the interviews are done and that a decision may have already been made?? Anyone have any ideas who the new coach will be?? Too early to spread what I consider to be just a rumor at this point, so I'll keep quiet until someone more informed like oldteacher. etc. speaks out; but if its true it may surprize the many on here expecting a "name" head coach from another school??
  21. Can you say points!!!! Should be fun to watch both teams this year, and good luck to both QB's!!
  22. BredMan had stated earlier that they had extended the application deadline from last Thursday to this Thursday, with interviews next week; but I'd think like you, they might try to wrap this up sooner than later?? School is starting in a couple weeks, and Coach Reitz and Harrison didn't do the Camels any favors by waiting so long to wrap up their deal, which was rumored back at the regional tourney!! If another current head coach takes this job, the ripple effect will undoubtably move into the school year before settling down?? I'm guessing this might move the search more in the direction of a candidate that's not currently a head coach or under contract elsewhere??
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