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Everything posted by BGGreen

  1. You're right, and as usual MY facts are straight!! I meant no reference to you, but simply used your quote, as you were bringing up Mike's name as a candidate. The offenders know who they are, and I just found it amusing that those who have jumped all over the Codes the last year or two; now find them to be excellent candidates to take over their program??
  2. Absolutely agree that one injury is too many!!!! Thank goodness there will only be 25-30 games and a band competition on that field, because we know 5 additional would have resulted in catastrophe!!
  3. This seems pretty quick to close the applications, even though I realize timing is essential this time of year? It would seem they've got an option or two already in mind? I'm another that expects a quick answer, possibly by the weekend?
  4. Anyone know if last year's JV coach (the old Brossart player who's name is excaping me--Ensweiler maybe) has applied? He looked like he had those kids playing with much more disipline and headed in the right direction. Whoever comes in needs to do a better job developing the talent IMO, than has been happening the last few years. It just seemed to me like the kids didn't progress as they moved along from Frosh to JV to Varisty like some of the better programs in the area??
  5. I think Campbell has a good chance at being one of those "out of nowhere" teams. Several seniors, lots of varsity experience, depth, a go-to guy, but a little size challenged if I'm not mistaken. If they make the right coaching hire, I could see them making a run, expecially with District rivals Scott and Brossart devistated by graduation. I'm afraid however, everyone's playing for second place this year if Mason stays healthy??
  6. Mike teaches at Highlands, and it would be doubtful he'll give that up; along with having a pretty good situation at BBHS!! He's had a good deal of success at Brossart, but did lose a ton to graduation. Scott is however in the CC school system, and if he has head coaching aspirations; would be a great choice for Campbell. Certainly would make for an interesting Crosstown Shootout this year!! Kinda interesting that some of you who've been all over the Code's the last few years, now think they'd be great additions to YOUR coaching ranks?? :confused:
  7. What about the JV coach--Bradshaw I think his name is? Isn't he a candidate? He knows the school, the players, etc.
  8. Since I keep seeing references to this in several other threads, I thought it might be good to consolidate the discussion? Apparently Mike Reitz is headed back to Harrison County to be the head coach; so who is the likely candidate to replace him?? This job should attract some interest given the school's size, fine facilities, good pay structure (I believe), etc. Also, how long was Reitz there, it seems like 4 years or so; and who will replace him as the boy's head golf coach??
  9. I only saw one full game and parts of two more this year, but he hardly seemed high level D-1 to me. Loads of raw talent, but not much "want to" and some serious attitude on occasion. One quick stat--6 points (2 in the 2,3 & 4th quarters) vs. Brossart in the All "A" State semis, playing alongside a 6' 11" kid and guarded by a Thomas More recruit and a golfer--UK, I hope not!!!!
  10. Hearing that many of the CC faithful on here may have a great weekend, and can take a HUGE sigh of relief; as they may have been successful in their efforts to keep the evil Mustangs off the Bob Miller Stadium turf?? Hopefully this will save the field the forecasted abuse that 4-5 additional games may have inflicted; and will spare the many predicted catastrophic injuries that would have happened as a result!!!! :D Good luck to both teams this season, and if your looking to see a Brossart game, I'd think about possibly visiting Ft. Thomas, Newport or Crestview Hills!!
  11. Any ideas who's in the running PVC?? Some good talent in place, and in the pipeline. As someone already said, Scott, SG & Brossart will be very inexperienced; and a district title should be pretty achievable in the first year!! Hearing a few names, and good ones at that; but all speculation at this point??
  12. Congrats to him, and good luck in the tourney!! I hope it opens some doors for him!!
  13. Actually eight seniors, but they were the five starters and top three subs. I'm guessing he's talking about Jacob Reiger, but he's only an incoming soph and has limited varsity experience, but a ton of upside. I'd expect Greg Stortz to be Brossart's top big man, but its too early to add any of the Mustangs to any "10th region top players list".
  14. I think there is far more recruiting by parents than by HS coaches?? What I mean by that is its pretty common practice for parents to "move into a district", "send a kid to an out-of-district school", or find another way to steer their son or daughter to a top program in their sport of choice. I'm not naive enough to believe that the "R" word never goes on, but think there's far more "steering" of kids by parents than pure recruiting by coaches??
  15. Thanks--I know it takes quite a while to get a program going!! Participation is obviously key!!
  16. Coach Barre started the BW tradition that Coach Yeagle took to the next level before moving on to Cincy if I'm not mistaken?? They've been a force in class A for quite a while!!
  17. How long has PC had a football team??
  18. I don't think in the next year or two, but I wouldn't be surprized in the future if the programs keep moving in opposite directions?? Still a pretty big spread between the two teams recently, but TMC is rebuilding in the right direction!!
  19. I believe last year BBHS had about 180-185 boys (45 senior boys), so that would be pretty significant growth @ about 33%, but again I love the optimism!! I realize growth is predicted for southern Campbell County, but again those will be 2 year average numbers, and next year is already set. Agree on the TMC comments, especially with the diocesan pledge helping with tuition!!
  20. Assuming that the next realignment comes for the 2009 season, since the KHSAA site lists the current alignment for 2007 & 2008; it's quite doubtful Brossart would grow that much in the next year and a half?? I think they'd have to grow to the 465-475 student range (previous 2 year average) to get to 2-A, from the current 395-400 range and I don't see that rapid of growth, but love your optimism!! I'm sure Thomas More is "on the radar" for Brossart and several other area schools, as a playing field option. Other than geography for the fans, TMC's new field would appear to be a great venue for HS football!! Might be a situation where you see a couple different "Home" options for the first few years?? I know TMC is agressively marketing themselves locally, in Cincy as well; especially to the area Catholic high schools. I think the practice field may already be taken care of.
  21. My understanding is the bands can be big $$$$ drainers; so I'd think the parents would take every oppoetunity to earn some bucks??
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