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Everything posted by BGGreen

  1. How much did Jeff grow after high school? Wasn't he about 6'1"--6'2" coming out of NCC? How's his arm strength now? I'd been hearing a lot about him during his senior year--Best of luck to him with the Who-Deys!! I figure he's got a great chance to at least land on the practice squad this year, and then who knows??
  2. News flash Stud--Most HS baseball teams don't have a D-1 signee laden pitching staff, so it kinda' depends on who's pitching. Don't think the Cru saw the Mustangs' best (or 2nd or 3rd) vs. their 1st or 2nd. No need to be critical of a close loss, when they were heading off to play in the All "A" sweet sixteen the 2 days?? :confused:
  3. Good luck to the Ads getting a little payback against OCath--Brossart had the same scenerio in the All "A" hoops and was able to gain some revenge against Bardstown, who had eliminated us last year!!
  4. Just kidding about the relative thing, but I heard he did spend the better part of the first four innings more interested in their conversation than the game?? Again I agree from what I've heard they didn't decide the outcome, as they were horrible on both sides!! Tossing that many and arguing, etc. sounds to me like these guys were out of their league doing an important game?? Pretty disappointing for both teams to have that kind of officiating in a game of that magnitude!! Doubt I'd like to try umpiring either, but if you're going to get paid, and kids travel 2 1/2 hours to play an important game; they at least deserve quality umpiring, and an honest effort!!
  5. Brossart's field is actually owned by St. Mary's (certainly not public) I believe, although the BB personnel put a lot of time in the maintenence. It's really improved a lot the last year or two, especially the grass infield, and they lengthened the fences. I'm another that see's nothing wrong with Campbell County's field. Although I've not played on it, it seems like a high quality facility!!
  6. Umpiring must have been horrendous in this one, as Brossart's Coach Rowe has gone his entire HC career (313 games) without getting tossed, and he's a pretty emotional guy!! Reports I've heard from the BB end was while the umps (especially the field ump who apparently spent the first several innings carrying on a running conversation with the Danville 1st baseman--a relative?? ) didn't help, mistakes probably cost the game. Didn't sound like either team brought their "A" game--no pun intended!! Good luck to the Ads in the rest of the tourney!!
  7. And more importantly the FINANCIAL ones!! Both are very expensive schools!!
  8. I really liked the couple of games I saw him play at the All "A" this year. Edmundson was a much bigger factor in the Brossart game than Hopson. He reminded me a lot of Corey Pelle, as he plays with reckless abandon!!
  9. My opinion!! Having seen both Miller and Hopson several times, they are in different leagues. I'm sure someone will challenge him next year for this honor, but I'd say the quality of college coaches that are calling in Maysville speaks volumes. Hopson is a very athletic kid, but doesn't have Miller's basketball skills or most importantly--His heart!!
  10. Unless the injury bug were to pop up, the list for this award begins and ends wtih Darius Miller!!
  11. Congrats to the Mustangs!! Always great to get back-to-back rivalry wins as the icing on the cake of their 10th region All "A" victory!! Keep rolling!! :thumb:
  12. Agree CovCath's Mike Listerman is a fine coach, but he's another who is blessed year in, year out with some of the best talent in the area!! I said Covington (actually Taylor Mill) Scott's Brad Carr who had a remarkable year with far less talent than Holmes or CovCath!! Believe it or not there are teams in the Covington area other than CovCath & Holmes!!
  13. Eight seniors is indeed a luxury, especially at a small school; but Coach Code got the job done with these kids, turning several with little varsity experience into starters and solid contributors!! BTW--That was the original purpose of this thread; to get a little recognition for kids like Brossart's Kyle Kramer, Matt Lloyd and Bryan Niemeyer!!
  14. I think Cory Lonergan--Starting SS @ NKU (Dixie Heights/Baseball) also went there for a year or so before transfering to NKU--Good sports programs!!
  15. Mike Code--Brossart and Brad Carr-Covington Scott did a much better job with less talent (especially if you believe the Holmes faithful) in NKY!!
  16. Agree--I was trying to remember his name last night. He really improved from last year, and played much bigger than his size!!
  17. Nate in particular should have received some post season recognition! At least he got to play his senior year and had a great season!!
  18. CovCath had several this year, but Luke Maile sticks out with me, especially the way he battled much bigger guys underneath!!
  19. Matt Lloyd might have been "Role Player of the Year" more the Mustangs as well--NOBODY gave more effort!!
  20. Ryne Smith and Danny Miller come to mind for Scott this year!!
  21. Congratulations to Preston!! Absolutely one of the most athletic kids I saw in the state this year!!
  22. I keep reading all the arguments regarding the "Player of the Year" votes by the Post & Enquirer, and who made the All-Star teams, the Honorable Mentions, etc. While I agree that most kids on these teams were very deserving, and maybe a few others as well; some on these teams actually played very little and might have been more deserving on career stats than '06-'07 performances?? I couldn't help but think about some of the kids who had just as good or better seasons, as those elected but didn't have the "name" or "reputation" coming in, and were left off!! How about those who came from nowhere to be huge contributors for their teams?? Each team had some of these kids--Who were they on your team????
  23. Congrats to Abe, but where is KCU and what division are they?
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