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Everything posted by BGGreen

  1. I don't recall Holmes finishing first in the final NKY poll?? So did you think Cooper or Uebel should have won it??
  2. I think this idea is absurd and would severely handcuff a coach!! Curious however, if any other state makes their primary state university automaticly offer a scholorship to their state's Mr. Basketball??
  3. And based on THIS year's performances, not past heroics?? As always with these teams, some arguments can be made, especially with the honorable mentions. For example, should players who played very little due to injuries, etc. be mentioned above those who performed night-in, night-out??
  4. A better question might be what would Corey have done with Austin's surrounding cast? Obviously both are very talented players, and I congratulate them both, and the others honored by this selection!!
  5. Wow--Must be some kind of secret code??
  6. JD, For Sale--Oceanfront property in Arizona!!
  7. These schools didn't run Coach K, etc. out of town BEFORE pursuing Billy either??
  8. I agree on both points, but shouldn't a first rate AD have thought of that before running off Tubby?? I think Barnhart's making UK a laughing stock!!
  9. Shouldn't a quality AD have a firm contingency plan in place, BEFORE you send your head coach packing??
  10. Now that it appears that Mitch & Kentucky were played like a fiddle by Billy D.; the question would seem to be exactly how embarrassing is this for UK?? There was a time when Kentucky could have their pick of virtually any coach in the country. Now they run off a perfectly good coach and a fine man to boot, and end up sitting and waiting a couple weeks for a guy who turns them down; leaving them looking to pick up the pieces and trying to formulate a "plan B"?? Looks pretty amatuerish and publicly humiliating from a distance!! Are they no longer considered an "elite program" by the coaching fraternity?? Thoughts??
  11. Interesting that the vast majority of these kids are within an hour or two of Wheeling??
  12. Your right, but I'm only half wrong on this one. Mason (#105 @ 783 kids) is indeed near the bottom of 3-A and will stay in 3-A in the new alignment, but S. Laurel (#40 @ 1172 kids) is near the top and will compete at the 5-A level going forward. I can't think of many that would consider either a "small school" however??
  13. First Corey is a legit 6'0"-6'1" and plays a lot bigger due to his leaping abiltiy; and can certainly more than hold his own against the NKU guards you mentioned, especially McFarland & Bibbins!! He was very successful last spring/summer on the AAU circuit against top quality opponents, so don't hold his school's schedule against him. How do you know those other schools WEREN'T after him?? Now for your statement that he scored all his points against "very bad competition in a very bad region"?? Did you watch ANY HS basketball this year?? While SG is a very small school and didn't play Scott County and Ballard 15 times each; they did play a competitive schedule and played in the 37th district with Scott and Bishop Brossart in probably the best district in the 10th region!! Besides the 7th & 11th regions, I'd say the 10th was right there for third toughest along with a couple others. If the 10th region is "very bad" as you suggest; then what are the other 13-14 regions behind them??
  14. Wow--You guys are really stretching it if you try to consider Mason or S. Laurel small schools--Both are the high end of 3-A if I'm not mistaken!!
  15. I wasn't exactly shocked to see GRC beat Mason this year, but I think Mason will be heads above the rest next year in the 10th, and a true contender for the state title if they can stay healthy!! I'll say it will be: 1. Mason County Big gap to next group Clark, Scott, Campbell, maybe Montgomery Next group which could produce a surprise or two probably Montgomery, Harrison, Pendleton, Harrison, Brossart, Paris The rest.
  16. I'm sure if any coach on here were to go to work at Brossart tomorrow Bird Man; he'd instantly become clueless in your opinion?? You really gotta' get over it, the guy was just stating his opinion; and one shared by a lot of folks in the 10th region and NKY!! Remember he hasn't had wave after wave of talent come his way, but seems to do pretty well for what he's given to work with--Time will tell!!
  17. Interesting that virtually everyone mentioned on here coaches at a very large school, with a wealth of talent year after year?? Does talent really make the coach??
  18. Who threw for the two teams? Ryan and Blesser start?
  19. Guessing you're talking about Greg Stortz--6'5" center, but nobody outside of the senior class saw much varsity time this year for the Mustangs.
  20. Great, emotional article written by a guy who seems homesick for "the way it was when I was a kid"; and happens to write for a paper who caters to one of the largest teams in their region!!
  21. Congrats to the Cards on a great comback and an unbelieveable season!! Should finish nationally ranked I would think!!
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