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Everything posted by devil58

  1. Funny, I never thought Troy Lee was THAT attractive!!! :jump:
  2. What happens in the Russell game means little other than the local rivalry and it's an early measuring stick for both teams...I'm sure neither team will be ready to cash in the whole season based on that game...It's always a fun game for the players and fans but both would probably rather win their districts and have home field advantage in the playoffs... BTW, as much as I love being home at Henry R Evans Stadium, Putnam is my personal favorite place to watch a game simply because of how close you are to the field and the enclosed feel it has...It makes you feel like you are part of the game...I love that atmosphere and there is really no "homefield advantage" because it's so close & our crowd is as large & some years larger than Ashland's... I am looking forward to another great game but it's just 1 of 10...Good luck to both teams this season... :fire: 58
  3. It's way too early...Wait till full pad practices start and the scrimmages start...Then you can really start to get an idea of what to expect...At this point it is nothing but speculation, and honestly, that gets boring to read... Passing scrimmages are great for conditioning and team building but other than that, they don't tell you much about what to expect once the real season begins...I've seen teams "win" passing srimmages and get throttled by the same team once the real season begins...I'm not talking down passing leagues...I think they are great and enjoyable to watch...Just don't base your predictions for the season on what you see in them...My guess is Coach McGlone would not be ready to give up on the coming season if Russell failed to "win" a passing scrimmage... I'd say you will start to see the fans come out of the woodwork by late July to early August...
  4. There is NO slide rule in softball...You are NEVER required to slide...Players ARE required to avoid contact...
  5. If Walker is ruled ineligible (as he should be) for next year, then there is only one other player from NCH on the roster with OJ...
  6. I know it's a little off the subject but the 16th region, by itself, could field a strong Senior All-Star team next year...I won't begin to name all the players but here's my starting lineup : Emily Queen & Laura Terry from Rose Hill Jessica Fortman & Chinwe Okoro from Russell Whitney Seals from Raceland There are several other good players who come to mind to compliment those players in this year's junior class...I just started with the 5 I feel will start the season next year as the Top 5 players in the region... WOW!!! I believe that even I could win a few games with a nucleus like that!!! :scared: :scared: :scared:
  7. Ask yourself this question...Could LexCath been in & won the championship without Snowden...My guess is yes... Could Rose Hill have made it to the finals without Laura Terry...My guess is no... To me, that makes her the Most Valuable in addition to the Most Outstanding player in the tournament...I saw every game of the state tournament...NO ONE had a better tournament than Laura...I really enjoyed watching her play...:thumb: Obviously I would have liked to have been playing last week but the best team from our region was there & represented the 16th region better than anyone other than West Carter has ever done...Congratulations!!! I enjoyed sitting behind Pam Euton's mom & Mrs Garnes at several of the games...Can I see your tickets please!! I'm sure I stuck out in the middle of the Rose Hill faithful but those were actually my assigned seats for the entire tournament...Those 2 in particular & all the Rose Hill fans I spoke to were very cordial and did not treat me like "the enemy"...I really appreciate that!!! It's hard not to wish good people like that the best...To the Garnes', hang in there...I truly feel your pain :cry: :cry: ...Continue to carry David's torch just as I do Patrick's...We'll take their spirits with us the rest of our lives with the hope of hugging them again someday...In the meantime, they are our guardian angels...
  8. :rolleyes: I always get a big kick out of the GUTLESS WONDERS who hide behind a computer name and spout off like my backend when I have diarrhea:flame: ... Take your personal agendas somewhere else...No one on here cares about your sour grapes...
  9. How many points did your Lions score in the state tournament?? Ooops, I forgot, they weren't there...:cry: How many points did they score in the regional tournament?? Ooops, I forgot, they weren't there...:cry: Oh, that's right, they got beat in the district tournament by a team Russell beat by 30 at the regional tournament...:cry: :cry: :cry: BTW, most of you guys can't spell Governor's Cup...
  10. Vote to seed the district tournament & I bet they'll schedule everyone...:thumb:
  11. IF it was poorly officiated, Elliott certainly benefited by it more than Russell did...As someone already stated, they lived at the line...Give us all a break!!! Elliott WAS NOT hurt by officiating tonight...There is no way anyone from Elliott could say the refs cost them the game tonight... Elliott played their butts off in trying to get back into the game and had their chances...Russell played really well for 3 quarters & was fortunate enough to hang on for the victory without Vanhoose & Blair for the last couple of minutes...Give the Lions credit for not folding...Their crowd would not let them quit... Elliott has a nice young nucleus of players to build around for the next few years...Reminds me of the Russell group of a couple years ago when Vanhoose, Blair, & Clark were freshmen...Hopefully for Elliott fans they'll be able to keep it together...
  12. Because the coaches in the 16th prefer to stay with their own officials...It is by their request...The top officials in the 16th are as good as any other region in the state...
  13. Now Himmelfarb, you know how much Coach Perry has complained about what little depth she has this year...You know you all are much deeper so that many games that close together wouldn't affect the Lady Royals as much... :sssh:
  14. Somehow I get the feeling he is already here...Maybe not? Remember, AT 41 moves in mysterious ways!!!
  15. Once he broke contact with the floor it is like he is airborne...As long as he gets rid of the ball, or in this case calls timeout, before another part of his body touches the floor I believe it is not a travel...I will double check on that...
  16. If I'm not mistaken if Blair was rolling on top of the player while calling the timeout it is not a travel because technically, he is not touching the floor...Therefore, a travel cannot be called... Raceland played just like you would expect them to play...All out until the end...Another survive and advance by the Devils tonight...
  17. Let's not diminish a great effort by both teams & coaches by implying that the refs cost Lewis Co the game...They did not...Block/charge is the hardest call in the game...I have my opinion on those calls as well...Tough calls...Whether I agreed with them or not, IMO they were not the difference...I don't remember a charge call all night so from that standpoint, at least they were consistent... Both teams played extremely hard...Lewis couldn't hardly buy a basket in the first half...They also had some unforced turnovers and still hung around 6-10 points down most of the game...They played good defense throughout that helped them stay close and give them a chance to win... There are a lot of things that happen along the course of a 32 min game that can determine who wins...Obviously, Lewis could have done some things better throughout the game that would make the "appearance" of the block/charge calls determining the outcome a moot point...I'm also sure that Greenup feels they played well below their potential last night & had they played as expected by most, we wouldn't be mentioning those calls...But, because we are in a tight game, let's blame the refs because it takes all the responsibilty for what happened up to that point off of "us"... I've worn the stripes and called at the varsity level so I know how tough it is...As hard as you try, and I know those guys tried their hardest FOR THE KIDS last night, you will not get every call right...The last thing any of those guys wants is to feel like they were factor in the outcome of the game...As a coach at the high school level, I do not always agree with their calls and I consider many of them friends of mine...There is one thing that I won't allow my players to do & that is blame the refs if we lose...There have been many occassions where it would be easy to do so but I always point out the things along the course of the game that we could have done to not be in that situation...I/we take the ultimate responsibility... I have no doubt that Coach Hampton feels the same way looking back on last night's game...I'd bet that he probably told his kids that he could have done a better job during the game to help them win even though he never missed a shot, made a turnover, or committed a foul...That's what good coaches do...
  18. Fun game to watch at "The Furnace"...Hat's off to Lewis...Coach Hampton had his team ready & they never quit...You just knew that given the time to prepare, Hampton would have the game plan to give his team a chance to compete & possibly win...Lewis was certainly the underdog but when it was all over Greenup knew they were lucky to get their recent first round district loss "monkey off their back"... Congratulations to Coach Hicks for gaining his first 16th region tournament berth...Survive and advance is the name of the game this time of year...
  19. You are correct Goliath... :thumb: Well, here's a BIG upset on the first night...Looks like West recaptured a little of the magic they had in the first game of the AIT... All Hail the Great & Mighty Cubster!!!!
  20. But you had a problem with the elbow call on Kasey in the Greenup game.. :confused:
  21. Blue Blazer has been wrong more than he lets on...Check out post #4...I'm sure there are more examples out there...I just don't have time to find them all... http://www.bluegrasspreps.com/showthread.php?t=87294
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