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Everything posted by devil58

  1. I don't believe there's a rule against playing up in class...Step up to the plate & see just how easy it is...
  2. We know your ribbing is in good fun Nets!! It does sound strange to have a sponsor but Russell feels very fortunate to have someone in the community who wanted to donate a large amount of money to defray the costs of the tournament...She understands that by helping defray the costs, it benefits ALL schools in the district by making everyone's split substantially larger than it would have been otherwise...I look for corporate sponsorship to be the norm within a few years... The Teresa Wright-Jarrell Century 21 Brooks Wells Enterprises 63rd District Tournament will be an exciting tournament to attend!! :thumb:
  3. Russell feels very fortunate to have someone in the community who wanted to donate a large amount of money to defray the costs of the tournament...She understands that by helping defray the costs, it benefits ALL schools in the district by making everyone's split substantially larger than it would have been otherwise...I look for corporate sponsorship to be the norm within a few years... The Teresa Wright-Jarrell Century 21 Brooks Wells Enterprises 63rd District Tournament will be an exciting tournament to attend!! :thumb:
  4. Monday 2-27-06 @ 7pm - Lewis Co vs Greenup Co Tuesday 2-28-06 @ 7pm - Russell vs Raceland Thursday 3-2-06 @ 7pm - Championship
  5. ATTENTION: All Basketball Fan Club merchandise 75% off!!!
  6. That's the great thing about Cubster's poll...He doesn't look at the teams through "school colored" glasses like most others do...
  7. The speed of a boys varsity game has gotten too fast for 2 man crews...The NBA & college went to 3 man for a reason...It's too fast and physical for 2...Why would high school be any different?? The only reason 3 man crews are not used all the time now is money...It's easy to sit in the stands & watch a game while sitting still with the whole court in your field of vision and wonder why you need 3 refs...You cannot judge the speed of the game until you are actually a part of it...You are asking, in many cases, 50-60 year old men to chase some of the most athletic kids in a school up and down the floor and get set up and be in position to make the right call everytime...It's not going to happen...3 man does increase the odds of calling the game better...If the refs in your area appear unsure in that system, it's probably because they are not able to practice it enough... By the way, as others have already stated, there are studies that have shown that less fouls are actually called in 3 man...Maybe that's because there is less guessing because you are better positioned to see a smaller area of coverage...Also, maybe players try less illegal tactics because they feel they are more likely to get caught...
  8. Not true...The only time you are limited by how many you can dress is in the post season...They could have 25 kids sitting over there if they wanted... If they played full court man the whole game then that is definitely inexcusable!! :irked:
  9. I would certainly keep it if I were them...Having been in both gyms recently, I believe "The Stew" holds more fans than Fairview's gym and they always host when it's their year...Attendance is not like it used to be and while it might be a little crowded, a packed gym makes for a great atmosphere...Play 1 game one night & the other the next...If you are lucky enough that both first round matchups are the same in boys and girls it can make for a great girl/boy doubleheader!! If I'm the AD, I'm keeping it at my place... By the way: Russell - 58 Ashland - 54
  10. Devils looked out of sync the whole game...I was looking forward to seeing them after their showing at Bryan Station last week...Give Bishop Brossart credit. They played tough defense the whole game & it caused Russell to never be able to find their rhythm...Need to get some help offensively when Vanhoose is not going off...Brossart did a good job of keeping him in check...Devils still have a long way to go before they get to the level of play they were at the end of last season...The offense ran like a machine at tournament time & everyone was involved in it so keying on 1 player did not stop the team...They need to remember that & try to get back to that point...Haven't had a lot of practice with the complete team...I think they'll be just fine by the end of February...
  11. Who let chickens loose in the gym?? Someone could get hurt!! :laugh: :laugh:
  12. Congratulations to Kasey Clark from Russell on being named 2nd team RB...This junior's stock certainly rose after his showing on the "big stage" at Papa John's...Well deserved!! :thumb:
  13. Give us an update on his condition Duck...I had heard earlier in the week he would be back soon but that he may be worse yesterday morning?? :confused: Obviously he was able to play so I assume the first story was more accurate...If he is able to start getting back into the swing of things & with the additions of Sizemore & Harvey, it certainly gives Russell more depth and a couple more solid players...
  14. Not an option on this thread...They aren't the defending state champs anymore!!
  15. I haven't seen the tape that was made by Jones, I'm sure it's ok, but I would think if there were a big enough outcry by fans, the KHSAA would make the jumbotron footage available for sale...Also, I think it is very irresponsible of the KHSAA if they did not make the info that they were not selling copies of the games known in advance so those who wanted to could make arrangements to have professional video shot at the game...I'm not talking about the guy who does our highlight video either because that is not a complete game video from a vantage point like you would see on a televised game...Sideline clips are nice to have mixed in but it is not the best vantage point to watch a game from...
  16. You know Ricky I often read your posts & think you make a lot of good points...In this case, your statements are totally without merit & inflammatory to say the least...You are talking about a kid who has grown up as a Russell kid from his very first day...Play2win has already mentioned the family move...He lives 2-3 miles from his previous residence, his mother is a teacher in the Russell schools and has been for over 20 years...No one around here, to my knowledge, has ever complained about a student who grew up within a geographic school district staying at that school after a family move outside of that district...In fact, staying at a school you have attended your entire life after a family move to a neighboring district shows the type of loyalty that is inherently absent from kids who change schools simply to play a sport in most cases...We know some of our recent "defections" certainly were not done for academic reasons...You are not comparing apples to apples... Give me a break!!! You are better than that...
  17. I've seen more than a few people post teams other than the champ in each class at #1...How can you do that?? The teams that won did what they had to do to win their respective titles so #1 in each class should be without debate... How can you possibly be rated higher than the champion?? Now, if you think the Newport/Russell or X/Trinity or whatever game that was played down the playoff road could have gone either way, then rate yourself as #2 but you lost the game so how can you be equal?? Certainly X has a little more argument than Newport because they beat Trinity head to head earlier in the year but Newport lost and on their home field... Here's an example that is very painful to Russell fans...In 2002 against Breathitt we lost by 1 to them in overtime on their field in the state semi's...The next week they went on and BLASTED Corbin 52-0 for the championship...That made that defeat hurt even more...We think we could/should have won against Breathitt & gone on to win the title...So, even though I feel we were as good as Breathitt, they beat us head to head so they are #1...I would certainly rate us ahead of Corbin that year at #2...There are no ties in football... #1 is not open for debate...#2 - #5 are!!!
  18. Seth was a Russell boy who transferred to Louisville during the summer...He was always a part of our plans here...We are glad he is returning home!! Maybe we won't be the small team for a change...He and Toby Hicks could be a couple of 6"5'' 300 pound "bookends" on our o'line next year...
  19. Here's a copy of a post I made on that subject in another thread...I think we'll be ok!!
  20. No doubt Mr Johnson was important to Fort Campbell but there are 10 other players on the field besides him...If one player missing or not able to play 100% on defense is the difference in a game, I'm not so sure the team is as good as they were touted...Granted, he is Mr Football and cannot be fully replaced but I would think a team could hold on to the lead they had if they were as good as everyone said... It's hard for us in the east to really think these teams in the west are as good as everyone says year in & year out...It seems like most years we hear the winner is coming out of the west yet the east, with it's "inferior" teams, seem to bring home the hardware...How is this?? :confused:
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