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Everything posted by devil58

  1. I know the Belfry fans have to be excited...Getting to play a team you already beat always makes you sleep just a little easier at night...I know we were pulling for East Carter for the same reason last night...(well, that and not having to travel to Newport) It's always easier to prepare for a team that you've played already... Of course, it makes it easier for Sheldon Clark to prepare as well...However, the mental edge would have to be with the Pirates...Anyone traveling into the NEW home of the 2 time defending champs has to question their chances...Especially when they already lost to them once this year...But, I am quite confident that Sheldon Clark feels they had their chances the first time around and, unlike most teams, get a second chance in the same season to prove themselves... As each week passes it starts to look like a possible semi-final rematch could take place this year...We have a tough game next week against a very good Newport team...We will have to play very well to beat them...I am confident we can but there are certainly NO guarantees... It would be great if we both take care of business and are playing at Henry R Evans Stadium the day after Thanksgiving...Two great programs with a history of great games between them...Two great coaches with one or two wins under their belts ...We'd like another shot at you guys...To be the best you have to beat the best and certainly Belfry has been that for the last 2 years... I am certainly not looking past Newport as you all are certainly not looking past Sheldon Clark...I know both our great coaching staffs won't let that happen...But, it is hard to not think about a potential matchup that many have expected and wanted this year...WOW!!! What an atmosphere that would be!! Of course, Sheldon Clark & Newport will definitely try and are capable of spoiling that party...Good luck next week!! Belfry - 35 Sheldon Clark - 21 :fire: 58
  2. You guys totally missed the message...I have no clue who tomcatsalute is...I started out trying to appeal to the people who simply post to try & agitate...I would love to have nothing but good football talk on all threads...That was my point...I just couldn't resist responding to the inconsistencies in the responses...Been watching too much Matlock!! Sorry for the distraction!!
  3. Oh, I see...Let's take a look at a timeline of your picks: 11/06/05 10:32AM...You pick Mercer by 2 td's on this thread (had you already done your research??) 11/06/05 6:43pm...I guess you decided, "after looking into Mercer Co" that Russell was going to win after all because that's when you picked them in the King of the Carpet Contest 11/06/05 6:44pm to today at 10:54am ... More "looking into Mercer Co" Today at 10:55am ... You now pick Mercer by 3 td's...I hope our coaches have access to the same info you so they can get the boys ready because you've added another TD to the spread... I'm still waiting for the truth...I honestly don't care that you are NOW picking Mercer...That doesn't stir me up...I just like poking holes in your case!!
  4. Hope it's nothing serious & he is out there for the Tomcats tonight... Let's keep our area playing football for a few more weeks!!
  5. What is the truth to you?? Do you really think Mercer will win or are you just hopeful?? I think all of us could respect you more if you came out and admitted it rather than hiding behind a computer and trying to stir things up...
  6. Here's your quote from today & I copied & pasted your King of the Carpet pick...Just where do you stand??? To me it's obvious...You don't like Russell & hope they lose so you say stuff like you did above...However, your brain tells you that they are the better team so when it's time to "put your money where you mouth is" (so to speak) in the contest you let your brain? take over you and pick Russell...I'm sorry that you don't have more to do than go on threads to try & stir stuff up...Your double talk, as proven by your quotes, shows why you have ZERO credibility on BGP... You have the right to post on any thread you wish and that's the way it should be but please choose not to if all you want to do is create turmoil...It's that type of posting that has caused SEVERAL Ashland threads to be closed this year...We'd like to keep ours going if you don't mind...I have also spoken to many Ashland fans who wish guys like you would keep the threads on topic so GOOD discussion can go on...Thanks!!!
  7. I agree Cubby!! There's absolutely nothing wrong with being excited about your team & it's accomplishments so far this year...If a team is 10-1 and plays a district schedule they are pretty good in most cases...We know that and no one is trying to take anything away from Mercer...However, let's not get carried away...You've won 1 playoff game in the last several years...It takes some time to earn the same respect a team like Belfry or Ashland gets on the schedule...You shouldn't be surprised or offended by that...You'll have your chance to show the world tomorrow night... On the other hand, you try to downplay Russell's playoff successes...Regardless of the AAA championship in 1978 & all the district & region championships, if we just talk about 2 final 4's in the last 3 years and an AP rank of #4 at the end of this season, how can you question any Russell fan's confidence in our chances of making it to another region championship, final 4, or possible championship game?? I promise you that the Red Devil coaching staff has prepared this team for a battle...They respect all their opponents and obviously know you are one bad game away from packing it in this time of year...The focus is there...The majority of the players playing this game have been through this before...Russell EXPECTS to be here EVERY year...That's just where the program is right now...That's not arrogance either...It's taken a lot of hard work by dedicated coaches & players over the last several years to get the program to this level...Most teams would love to have an opportunity to play in ONE final 4 with a chance to play for the championship let alone 2 of the last 3 & hoping in be in 3 of the last 4 after this year...Think about it...There's only 1 team in every class that is happy at the end of the season...The odds are that most will never make it that far...I think Russell's recent success has earned them a right to expect respect on Friday nights...Some fans do go overboard with that but I assure you that most Russell fans are gracious and classy win or lose...Ask Belfry fans how we were as losers last year and ask Henry Co or anyone in our district how we are as hosts or when we win... With all that being said, we respect Mercer's accomplishments this year and welcome you to Henry R. Evans Stadium tomorrow night...We do EXPECT to win tomorrow but realize it is NOT a guarantee...I'm sure Mercer should give us all we can handle & is capable of winning the game...One thing I can promise you is, win or lose, the Russell staff & fans will work hard to treat you with class & respect...We EXPECT that here also...Good luck!! :fire: 58
  8. I can only hope my Devils hold up their end...Shoot, that itinerary is worth making the trip that way regardless of football...Sitting around with the ladies auxiliary crocheting, with a belly full of BBQ, while the men do their work would certainly be the highlight of that weekend...Simply put, that's good livin' !!! :thumb:
  9. You have to "slum it" sometimes...Part of the community service the auxillary does...
  10. When you get to this round and match two teams with 10-1 records no one should expect a blowout...I know I don't... However, I do believe that this year Russell does have the slight upperhand and I say the Devils pull this one off in a battle of ball control offenses... Russell - 28 Mercer - 14 :fire: 58
  11. It's been awhile but Russell WON the AAA State Championship in 1978 in, I believe, Coach McGlone's 3rd year at Russell...
  12. You did pick Rockcastle to win according to the poll results...Between you and Onetoya, there must be a lot of stealing of passwords on here!!
  13. I am not at all surprised by the show of sportsmanship...Sam Sparks (Athletic Director) and all the Russell administration are FIRST CLASS!! Leadership like this is a main reason why we have such a proud tradition and reputation at Russell... :thumb: I know that had to be tough on everyone to be so far away and have this happen so late at night...I'm glad to hear everyone got home safely...
  14. I saw it on the poll...He is listed under Rockcastle...???
  15. I noticed Onetoya picked Rockcastle... :eek: Is that a mistake or motivation??
  16. There's no denying who has the best playing surface...Putnam looks like a golf course...Hat's off to their field crew...
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