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Everything posted by bellalumni40

  1. Exactly. Folks outside of the area have no idea what goes into working at Toyota. I have been looking into the process for myself lately, and I really dont think there is anyway that SC could have any bearing on anything. Toyota is too big and is a worldwide company. It's foolish for some to think Toyota can be influenced by little ol' Scott Co. School system.
  2. I don't really see the point of the whole appendix thing unless something comes from what Rose said about people not getting sick on the island. We all know Jack was not going to die or anything like that because he makes it off the island. I suppose it gave a reason to have a Jack flash forward, but in all actuality I'm disappointed in that part of the episode. There wasn't a ton going on besides Claire disappearing and Jack/Claire's? dad reappearing, but next week looks to be intriguing if the previews are any indication.
  3. How did you come up with that percentage?
  4. He took a sophomore this week. I am not aware of any freshman he has taken.
  5. I read nothing into this. I doubt (and hope) that an offer was not extended from BCG. That would just be stupid.
  6. Is this the last year of Jr.'s contract or is there one more left after this year?
  7. Did you see the article HB posted that said that the report is being refuted by the Suns? I know they want to win championships, but they would be nuts to fire D'Antoni. He makes the playoffs with his style and always puts butts in the seats in Phoenix. No way the Suns get rid of him.
  8. ...and Avery was not the problem. He should still be there.
  9. Thing is, I'm sure the guys on the team knew that. I dont think it effected anything. Trading Harris was not the right move. I didn't get that trade when they made it. Dirk is soft and folds under pressure. I'd stick with Howard.
  10. I'm just saying its hard to sit any of the 4 outfielders down right now. I will agree that the Yankees need Posada in the lineup, but much of it definitely has to do with the fact that he needs to be in there instead of Molina.
  11. I agree that there is no way that the Rays would every give up Upton for Melky straight up. I'm just saying it would have to be another younger guy with plenty of talent for the Yankees to trade Melky. They are pretty high on him. Even though Cano is struggling right now, the same can be said for him. The Yankees are getting out of the business of just buying everybody on the market. They will spend big money when it warrants it, but they are more interested in developing their own players now. They have been burned by the big money guys way too much. Giambi, Johnson, Mussina (now), etc.
  12. Guyn will be much better, Phares will be better as well as his perimeter game should be developing. Manning will play as a freshman and has the ability to be a D1 type player. Probably should have played more this year as an 8th grader. Ford would be a solid, heady PG. Ivey would be coming in as a freshman ready to contribute. SC has a very solid Freshman class this year with people that could be ready to contribute. Will Shue has apparently improved a lot as another post guy they could use, Ryan Walker would be a solid kid off the bench that may not get to play now. If anything, the roles would be more definined next year without the transfers, as several kids thought they should be something they werent on this years team. I say they are definitely a top 10 team in the state without the transfers of Euton and Jackson. They are probably 1 or 2 in the 11th, and that almost always deserves a top 10 seeding in the state.
  13. A Red Sox fan disagreeing with a Yankees fan. What are the odds?
  14. I feel like his game is essentially at a D1 level, its just a matter of how high. For him to become a middle to major D1 type player, his ballhandling and PG skills (court vision, awareness, passing, etc.) need to improve.
  15. And to think the sky was falling yesterday....
  16. Or here is a deal, if you want Melky in a deal including Jr., we will throw in Giambi if you throw in Volquez or Cueto, and Bruce. :lol: Who said Jr. would share time with Abreu in RF above? What sense does that make? Why EVER take Abreu out of the lineup, especially in the field?
  17. No way Griffey becomes a Yankee. We have too many very solid outfielders to take on Jr. BTW, most of the DH at bats are going to Damon and Matsui, as they are splitting time in left, but Damon is getting most of them. Cabrera is playing almost every day in center and gets a day off every now and then which will move Damon to center and Giambi to the DH. Can't see the Yankees finding room for Posada to hit at the DH when you have these 4 good outfielders that need at bats. Posada will find his way back behind the plate if he has to sit a little longer. Include Melky in the deal? That is hilarious. It would take a BJ Upton or something along those lines to trade Melky. We arent worried about what we are paying Giambi. It's the last year of his contract so who cares. Maybe the Yanks would make that trade straight up, but thats about it. You Reds fans crack me up. Get rid of Jr. every year. Now its get rid of Dunn. I seem to remember a lot of "he is untouchable" comments a little over a year ago. If there is one thing that is "untouchable", its him hitting the ball with two strikes.:laugh:
  18. I don't see how the condition of this economy as a whole could get anybody a second a term.
  19. That is what I have been finding out as well. He is already an elite finisher around the basket, now he is trying to expand things to the outside.
  20. Sounds like a kid Pitino would recruit/get.:lol:
  21. What is the story on this kid? I read a little of the info posted from the espn link above but that was all before this past season started.
  22. As well as John Stewart who committed to UK a few years ago before passing away.
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