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Everything posted by bellalumni40

  1. Would you say it was more of a pro style offense than Nebraska ran? That is more what I was getting at. I realize there was a lot of offense, but it seemed most plays were called for under center. Andre would then check to the shotgun a lot. Remind you of anyone that plays for the Colts?
  2. Practice squad? I'll give you that you weren't terribly far off, although I dont think there was any chance he wouldnt have been drafted this weekend. I'll also give you that he may have been better off not getting drafted than falling into this situation. However, you are really reaching now. At best practice squad? Think about that for a minute.
  3. :thumb: He was a passer who could run. Not a runner who could pass like the Frazier, Crouch, and Ward were.
  4. I don't think anyone really thought that Woodson would not get drafted. I think we all knew no matter how far he fell someone was going to look at the value of getting him in the late rounds when he was once a top 5 consideration. I mean, UK fans wouldnt jump to conclusions, exaggerate, or go off the hinges over something would they? Would they?:laugh:
  5. 3 of the 4 guys you named didn't come from a pro style college offense like UK ran either. It was inevitable that Frazier, Crouch, and Ward would never pan out in the NFL. We never really did know with Ward though as he obviously chose basketball over football.
  6. You also said that you didnt think Woodson would get drafted at all...
  7. I have seen that name around as well. His name is Maze. Anybody else?
  8. I barely made it through college because of BGP. :laugh:
  9. He is going to serve by recruiting for two years. Have you missed that? Didn't know Tillman went to Army...
  10. I already liked the Colts, but now its all set. Jacob is a great match for the Colts. He is a very good football, but he's an ever better person. I wish him all the luck in the world and hope to be watching him for years to come on Sundays.
  11. How many guys do Bengals fans wish they had drafted?
  12. Interesting. I thought we were all wanting to get the troops out. Who are we at war with?:sssh:
  13. Here is what I know of that UK is still in on. Josh Harrellson, Ater Majok, Maurice Sutton as the bigs. Paul McCoy, Verdell Jones, and I feel like there is another for sure at the guards. Anybody else can add to that list as I'm sure I have left some out.
  14. That doesn't really summarize, now does it?
  15. Very hard to believe Woodyard wasn't picked. I figured him to be as much of a lock to be picked as Tamme and Woodson.
  16. Lanxter could end up being VERY good. He has the size and skills to become a go to guy down the road. I would expect him to really step up his contribution this year.
  17. Not sure if Lee does track or not. What would his events be? He doesn't seem like that great of a leaper and not that fast either.
  18. You are forgetting about Lanxter and Ford who should be solid wideout options.
  19. Sure he is replaceable. Is he replaceable with what we have for next year? Heck no. Pulley just doesn't have the arm and has not played a down of football for about 2 years. Hartline is very green also and may not even win the spot next year, which would put him further behind. It's not like there are a ton of Andre Woodson's out there. I mean, there has been what 10 QB's in the nation drafted in this draft and he is one of them. That is still a pretty good QB.
  20. Seems like I remember that Lorenzen has guaranteed money for next year. Is that right?
  21. How can someone not even take a chance on Woodyard at this point?
  22. They are dogging Brennan out right now too.
  23. Wow. Unbelievable. This is getting out of hand...
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